Friday, May 31, 2019
Willy Lomans Illusions and Delusions in Arthur Millers Death of a Sal
Willy Lomans Illusions and Delusions in Arthur Millers oddment of a Salesman Charley says something in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman that sums up Willys only life. He asks him, When the hell are you going to grow up (Miller 97)? Willy spends his entire life in an illusion, seeing himself as a great man who is universal and successful. Willy exhibits many childlike qualities and his two sons Biff and smart pattern their behavior after their father. Many of these qualities, such as idealism, stubbornness, and a false sense of egotism in the world take a leak a negative impact on Willys family, Willy is like an impetuous youngster with high ideals and high hopes. Children always have high hopes for their future. They all want to be astronauts or millionaires. Willy always believes he can achieve that kind of success. He never lets go of his wistful life. What (sic) could be more satisfying than to pick up a phone and call the buyer, and without even leaving his room(Miller 81)? He dreams of being the man who does all of his traffic from his house and dies as a rich and successful man. Furthermore, Willy also dreams of moving to Alaska where he could work with his hands and be a real man. Biff and Happy follow in thei... ... entire life, believes that he should be a great, well known, and well-liked salesman without ever really making a serious attempt at other occupation. Willy Loman is a child trapped in a mans body. He never lets go of his dreams. He does not come to grips with his failure as a salesman, father, and husband. Willy runs away from responsibility, and he asks others for handouts when in need, setting a bad example for his sons. Until the day he dies, Willy has delusions about the facts of his life. Willy never does grow up. Works Cited Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. New York Penguin Books, 1976.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
DBQ on Western Front Essay -- essays research papers
DBQ Settlement of the Western FrontierDuring the years between 1840 and 1890, the land west of the Mississippi River experienced a wild and sporadic growth. The natural environment contributed greatly to this growth spurt and helped shape the development of the trans-Mississippi west. The natural environment dictated and facilitated the development of the west by way of determining who settled where, how the people survived, why people wanted to settle, and whether they were successful or not. Many the Statesns packed few belongings and headed west during the shopping centre to the late nineteenth century. It was during this time period that the idea of manifest destiny became rooted in American customs and ideals. Manifest Destiny is the idea that back up and justified expansionist policies, it declared that expansion was both necessary and right. Americas expansionist attitudes were prominent during the debate over the territorial rights of the Oregon territory. America wanted t o claim the Oregon territory as its own, but Great Britain would not allow that. Eventually the two nations came to an agreement and a compromise was reached, as seen in document B. The first major party of settlers that traveled to the west settled in Oregon.To many families the prospect of owning land was the central driving fight that brought them to the land known today as the wild Wild West. Much propaganda wa...
martin luther :: essays research papers
One of the worlds best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies, Martin Luther King, Jr., synthesized ideas drawn from many different cultural traditions. born(p) in Atlanta on January 15, 1929, Kings roots were in the African-American Baptist church. He was the grandson of the Rev. A. D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlantas NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezers pastor and in like manner became a civil rights leader. Although, from an early age, King resented religious emotionalism and questioned literal interpretations of scripture, he nevertheless greatly admired black social gospel proponents such(prenominal) as his father who saw the church as a instrument for improving the lives of African Americans. More theater College professorship Benjamin Mays and other proponents of Christian social activism influenced Kings ratiocination after his junior year at Morehouse to become a minister and thereby serve society. His continued skepticism, however, shaped his subsequent theological studies at Crozer theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, and at Boston University, where he received a doctorate in systematic theology in 1955. Rejecting offers for academic positions, King decided bit completing his Ph. D. requirements to return to the South and accepted the pastorate of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in capital of Alabama, Alabama. On December 5, 1955, five days after Montgomery civil rights activist Rosa Parks refused to obey the citys rules mandating segregation on buses, black residents launched a bus boycott and elected King as president of the newly-formed Montgomery Improvement Association. As the boycott continued during 1956, King gained national prominence as a result of his exceptional oratorical skills and personal courage. His house was bombed and he was convicted along with other boycott leaders on charges of conspiring to interfere with th e bus companys operations. Despite these attempts to suppress the movement, Montgomery bus were desegregated in December, 1956, after the fall in States Supreme Court declared Alabamas segregation laws unconstitutional. In 1957, seeking to build upon the success of the Montgomery boycott movement, King and other southern black ministers founded the Confederate Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). As SCLCs president, King emphasized the goal of black voting rights when he spoke at the Lincoln Memorial during the 1957 solicitation Pilgrimage for Freedom. During 1958, he published his first book, Stride Toward Freedom The Montgomery Story. The following year, he toured India, increased his understanding of Gandhian non-violent strategies.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Moxy Fruvous :: Music Musical Essays
Moxy FruvousFrom their earliest gigs as buskers (street performers) in downtown Toronto, the Canadian pop band Moxy Fruvous has attracted assistance with an energetic blend of tight harmonies and witty social commentary (Bush). The bands first album, 1994s Bargainville, highlights both these qualities, casting a skewed see at topics ranging from video stores to the Gulf War. One of the discs highlights, Darlington Darling, examines blue-collar love and tells a tale of frustration, both economic and romantic.The first verse introduces the nervous strains speaker, who works on an assembly line in an auto plant, where he slaps on plugs and distributor caps for Mercuries (1-2). However, we quickly discover that the speaker is unable notwithstanding to afford the cars he helps to build, noting that I can drive. . . but this cars made for you (4). This point is underscored by the chorus. As the speaker says that hed like to buy a car or cars for his love, his wishes are countered by t he economic realities of his situationId like to buy her one (Where you gonna get the money, password?). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .An Id like to buy her moreThan this blue collar can afford (5-6, 11-12).In the second verse, the speakers situation is contrasted with the lawsuit of a co-worker who is doing a little better. debonair down the line sycophantically plies his boss with egg nog at the company Christmas party (13-14). In return, Chipper gets a raise, which he uses to pay for a vacation cottage/love nest on Lake Scugog (a rather unprepossessing man-made lake confining Toronto)(Lake Scugog). Although Chipper is volition to let his coworker use the cabin for a weekend, the speakers girlfriend is working for nearly the entire weekend (16). Once again, the economic realities of the working mob (weekend shifts) interfere with dreams of leisure and love.Also worth noting here is that, during the solo that follows the second chorus, the listener can here a voice ber ating Chipper, telling him to wedge back to work, you greaseball Apparently, even toadying for the boss only goes so far, and even the better-paid workers are subject to verbal abuse.After the solo and another repeat of the chorus, a final half-verse focuses on the speakers love. We learn that she lives half a mile from the cooling towers of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, a nuclear power plant near Toronto (Darlington).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Easy Access For Children on Pornography Sites Essay -- Argumentative P
Easy Access For Children on Pornography SitesYou just finished a days work, have arrived home, unlocked the door, step inside, and just as you be about to yell, anyone home, you hear hooting and hollering coming from the family room. As you enter the room you see your children and their friends glued to the computer screen, which is covered with explicit images not intended for the look of children. According to an article written by P.J.Huffstutter, Yahoo, MSN Criticized for Offering Easy Access to Pornography, (C1) these two large Internet companies, have made it possible for everyone of all ages to admission price these adult communities. They require no proof of age, making it far too easy for under-age children to freely view the pornographic pictures and videos of their choice temporary hookup adults may go on leaving a site easy if they are uncomfortable, trying to restrict children from accessing these sites is a different issue. To watch your kids every moment is unreal istic and would not enthral anyone. According to Net Nanny, Kids need to learn Internet safety practices and differentiate between right and wrong, because their parents wont always be there. There must be well-nigh sort of compromise. We, being responsible adults, need to take charge of what our children are doing when online, since little effort is required to gain entry to pornography sites. I apply Microsofts MSN search facility to look for porn, and the entirely warning I received was that I had entered a search term that was likely to return adult content. While that may be more warning than in the past, it still isnt enough to keep children away. Then I was directed to a related link authorise NightSurf, and within two minutes I was presented with images of nudity... ...pornography with such ease, parents are going to have to figure out a way to keep their children off these sites. The only other option is coming home and finding them looking at something they shouldnt. Because some children, given the opportunity, are going to seek out these sites, even if you necessitate them not to. After all, children will be children. Works CitedHuffstutter, P.J.. Yahoo, MSN Criticized for Offering Easy Access to Pornography. Los Angeles Times 23 Sept. 2001, sec. C 1-2. Bruckman, Amy.Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace. authorship Cyberspace. Richard Holeton. United States McGraw-Hill, 1998. 171-178. SafeSurf. Press Release. Netscape and SafeSurf Team Up to Protect Children Online. Westlake Village, CA. 17 June. 1998. Net Nanny 4 Product Description. http// 4 Oct. 2001.
Easy Access For Children on Pornography Sites Essay -- Argumentative P
Easy Access For Children on Pornography SitesYou alone finished a days work, have arrived home, unlocked the door, step inside, and just as you are ab emerge to yell, anyone home, you hear hooting and hollering coming from the family room. As you enter the room you see your children and their friends glued to the computer screen, which is covered with explicit images not intended for the eyes of children. According to an article written by P.J.Huffstutter, Yahoo, MSN Criticized for Offering Easy Access to Pornography, (C1) these two large Internet companies, have made it practical for everyone of all ages to access these adult communities. They require no proof of age, making it far too easy for under-age children to freely view the pornographic pictures and videos of their choice epoch adults may find leaving a site easy if they are uncomfortable, trying to restrict children from accessing these sites is a different issue. To watch your kids every moment is surreal and would not please anyone. According to Net Nanny, Kids need to learn Internet safety practices and differentiate between right and wrong, because their parents wont always be there. There must(prenominal) be some sort of compromise. We, being responsible adults, need to take charge of what our children are doing when online, since little effort is required to gain entry to crock sites. I used Microsofts MSN search facility to look for porn, and the only warning I received was that I had entered a search term that was likely to comeback adult content. While that may be more warning than in the past, it still isnt enough to sustain children away. Then I was directed to a cerebrate link entitled NightSurf, and within two minutes I was presented with images of nudity... ...pornography with such ease, parents are going to have to figure out a way to keep their children off these sites. The only other option is coming home and finding them looking at something they shouldnt. Because some chil dren, given the opportunity, are going to seek out these sites, even if you ask them not to. After all, children will be children. Works CitedHuffstutter, P.J.. Yahoo, MSN Criticized for Offering Easy Access to Pornography. Los Angeles Times 23 Sept. 2001, sec. C 1-2. Bruckman, Amy.Finding Ones witness in Cyberspace. Composing Cyberspace. Richard Holeton. United States McGraw-Hill, 1998. 171-178. SafeSurf. Press Release. Netscape and SafeSurf Team Up to Protect Children Online. Westlake Village, CA. 17 June. 1998. Net Nanny 4 Product Description. http// 4 Oct. 2001.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Solve a Problem
Solve a Problem Paper Laura Cud university to Phoenix PHALLI notional Minds and Critical Thinking Jansen Buckler August 07, 2013 The concept of creativity in processing a strategic plan was not implemented in a professional scenario of consolidating two warehouses together a consolidation that creates a centralized operation to sustain transparency for guest satisfaction. The germinal process has two all-encompassing applications to open the thought process of being creative solving problems and resolving controversial Issues (Ruggeri, 2009).More to the point the terms problem and issue noticeably overlap both(prenominal) terms refer o an unpleasant condition that challenges the resourcefulness to provide a satisfactory remedy to an explosive problem. Although the term Issue divides personnel against all(prenominal) other, both sides have created barriers against the opposing party. By evaluating the four stages of creativity will gain an understanding to have a productive proj ect while maintain transparency to the customer. The tour stages to creative process that should have applied to a consolidation project begin with (a) anticipateing for challenges (Ruggeri, 2009).Frequently challenges are presented with issues that create an evidential dilemma. Problems that accept longer than expected customer appear time due to multiple warehouses to execute a response of materiel issue to the customer. To meet this challenges In an authoritative yet effective way management must (b) express the problem or issue to identify the problematic areas for consolidating the warehouses. Recognizing the problems deep down an issue will hand a plausible solution.Furthermore having to transport materiel issue documents amongst building causing double and sometime triple handling of materiel hard model issue documents. Only after the (c) investigating to problem or issue will management discover the pertain Information necessary to deal efficaciously with customer d issatisfaction of having to wait long periods of time to receive materiel, especially under urgent conditions. The investigating stage allows the process to be mapped out to see where upstart Ideas can be Implemented and old processed might be evicted bring about a new and improved management of hard model documents.These fresh concepts will be the source of (d) producing ideas that generates credible consideration to decide what action to take In order to mitigate the current customer wait times. Although there are two obstacles to overcome the unwitting tendency to limit Ideas regarding familiar habits and creating barriers to the unknown to change (Ruggeri, 2009). The Ana in our project tell short in this stage, as a team on this consolidation project we taunt ourselves tempting to hold tight to the current processes. It seemed that the new processes were alien and the creativity within this project fell short.Because we fought the inevitable the turn-around time of the projec ts cradle to grave life line went from a two month expected closure to a six month lingering of barriers to change. Understanding the techniques used to break down the barriers of change and have a successful consolidation closed the fourth stage of creative processes. The techniques used in this consolidation challenge were trim-fold, stake holders that included the employees, management, and customers. Both employees and management was observant to the change that was occurring.Both parties were involved in his or her internal reveries causing them to miss the bulk of what was causing the change to occur. The customers were frustrated by observing the constraints in receiving materiel and watching the installation fall apart due to miss-communication between employee and management. Management was looking for the imperfection in the current processes and provided training to the employees before the change was executed. All three parties saw imperfections of their own and learned how to handle those changes when they searched for their causes.Management had to be sensitive to the implications of this consolidation and recognize the controversy from the change. To properly investigate the currently problem, management must first identify the problems that subscribe to to be solved. Management had to search out the facts behind the change they would use eye witness testimony from the customer (Ruggeri, 2009). This testimony will give the customer a chance to aerate their frustrations. Expert opinions from other entities that have consolidated their processes to see were their problematic issues were and what worked smoothly.Conduct surveys with the employees who would follow up the change in the processes and how that will affect daily production. Finally management shall look into their own experiences to see where in the problem lays on their end. By taking in all these prospective will allow management to have a 360 degree view of the problem and possib le solutions to resolve the constraints in the consolidation project. Questions to be answered before the consolidation can be implemented * What will the new management hierarchy look like? How will the new processes fall into the old processes of issuing materiel? * Will we still use hard reproduction documents? * How will the customers be affected by this change? * How will the customer overcome their current frustrations? To better understand the problem behind this consolidation project, the stakeholders were on the verge of experiencing a change that had a variable of unknowns. Yes, the consolidation would reduce the turn-around time for the customers to receive their materiel, and the use of hard copy documents prolonged the issues rates.There were several advantages for applied science and computerized documents to expedite the materiel issues. Although the hierarchy would change moving employees into a centralized location, the employees would see a minimal impact because the management system was not red to change Just the location. The new processes would fall into the old process nicely due to the computerized issue documents and the track-ability of the eateries will show a positive chain of clasp with an exchange of hands.The Old nard copy documents cause constrains Witt the loss to paperwork and past issue to materiel. Currently there are no hard-copy documents they were resolved when the documents became electronic. The customers will experience a bottle neck effect during the consolidation but once the materiel is moved into the new building it will have a stronger turn-around time. The customer will overcome their frustration by keeping an open like of communication and give a advance notice of intent with urgent items that need to be expedited.At the conclusion of this project it was noticed that the Seems were customer constraints and the lost of materiel transparency during the move. And the Jewels were that communication between the s takeholders kept the material movement seamless, as headspring as the advances in technology. Ultimately this project was a success, although if we would have used the creative process within our implantation we would not have experience the different constraints. References Ruggeri, V. R. (2009). The art of thinking A guide to critical and creative thought (9th deed. ). New York, NY Pearson Longhand.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Head & Shoulder Marketing Essay
Benefits that consumers get when using Head & Shoulders anti Dandruff (H&S) shampoo include eliminating dandruff, leaving consumer with 100% bite free hair, nourished and healthy scalp and withal oiliness control over their hair. Apart from that, consumers using H&S shampoo can solve any scalp scratch upiness associated with dandruff. Besides that, the menthol content in the shampoo gives consumer a cooling effect and refreshing after washing their hair (The Benefits of H&S 2011).The H&S Anti dandruff shampoo bottle is a white rectangular shaped bottle with a royal blue upper part where the cover is, having a few different colored strips on it depending on the variant of the product. Using attractive white and royal blue as its base packaging and also freshness essence helps create a positive impression for consumers.The labeling of this product can be set up at the spinal column of the bottle. It includes some information for the consumer such as a direction on how to use the shampoo to achieve the best result and also a attention part where consumers ar reminded of their safety when using the shampoo. Furthermore, the labeling includes additional information and reminder to consumers that this product helps fight five signs of dandruff which are flakes, itchiness, dryness, oiliness and irritation.Lastly, a list of ingredients use for the shampoo can be found in the labeling and also information of H&Ss manufacture- Procter and pretend. H&S shampoo has a unique feature that is it is rich in Pyrithi ane Zinc (PTZ), the only active ingredient, which is highly effective at fighting and also preventing dandruff symptoms because of its anti-fungal properties. With PTZ, H&S created HydraZinc complex which is found in each(prenominal) H&S products. This formula allows consumers to control and also act on dandruff quickly (Our formula, 2011). Other than that, the ActiZinc formula which adds natural cool menthol to H&Ss menthol shampoo gives consumer a cool ing and refreshed effect after washing their hair as mentioned earlier (Refreshing 2011).Due to H&S shampoo is a convenience product, there are no extra function consumer get from this product but online members of Procter & Gamble are able to relish free samples of H&S Anti Dandruff shampoo and also free expert tips and advice of everyday life (Coupons, Samples and Savings, 2011). As for product classification, H&S Anti Dandruff shampoo is a consumer product and normally bought by consumersfor personal use.Consumers, especially those with dandruff symptoms, are willing to spend some time in looking for the approachability of this product because of its unique function in treating dandruff. In the anti dandruff shampoo merchandise, H&S has a few competitors such as Clear anti dandruff shampoo and Sunsilk anti dandruff shampoo, which are considered as acceptable substitute products for consumers. Normally disfigurement conscious and loyal customers would spend more time in want this product before they turn to early(a) brands or even do not buy at all compared to normal consumers. H&S anti dandruff shampoo comes with 11 varieties in the market based on consumer needs. The product is also divided into regular or menthol content. Each product has 3 SKUs (Stock-Keeping Unit) consisting 80ml, 200ml and 380ml.The existence of PTZ formula into the product has differentiated H&S Anti Dandruff from other anti dandruff shampoos. 1.2 Current PricingIn Malaysia, anti-dandruff shampoos market is or so saturated with a number of sellers of different brands therefore H&S shampoo is in a monopolistic competition market. This is the case because there are different brands offering products with the same function and almost convertible footing as H&S. Examples of the competitors are Sunsilk Anti Dandruff shampoo, Pantene Anti Dandruff 2 in 1 shampoo, Clear Anti Dandruff Scalp Oil Control shampoo and also Dove Anti Dandruff shampoo (Shampoo Catalogue 2011).A change in price of this product would definitely change consumers demand but preference is also a factor in this case. An increase in price will operate to a slight decrease in the quantity demanded although there are available substitute products with the same function but some consumers will even-tempered prefer H&S. An example on how the products price can affect its batch is shown when Procter & Gamble with the intention of increasing sales volume of H&S in India cuts down the products prices (Sharma Shailaja 2011).The current price of the product is slightly higher than all its competitors in the market, close to around Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 1.00. Consumers of H&S Anti Dandruff shampoo normally based their purchase decision on the quality and feature of this product. It is clear that this product costs higher than its competitors, the reason why consumers choose this product because of its effectiveness in treating dandruff issues and most victims of dandruff symptoms find this prod uct a solution to their problems.Besides that, thecompany has successfully linked H&S shampoos to anti dandruff through its advertisement. This creates a brand image among consumers that when it comes to dandruff they would refer it to H&S shampoo. This craped brand image also plays a part in influencing consumers purchasing decision.Businesss costs are not very important when pricing this product because Procter and Gamble (P&G), a international company has 12 different hair care brands under it and also other products ( whisker Care Brands 2011), because of P&Gs products diversification, the pricing of H&S is not based on the businesss costs. H&S is using price-quality inference schema therefore it has a higher price compared to other brands. 1.3 Current DistributionThis product is available for consumers in many locations around Malaysia. In Miri, there are a few locations and shops where this product can be found. At Bintang Plaza, convenience stores such as Guardian and Wats ons are selling the product and also hypermarkets such as Giant Hypermarket and Survey Hypermarket. Supermarkets selling H&S Anti Dandruff shampoo are the GK supermarket at Curtin University and also the Pick & Save Mart found at the shop lots in Senadin area, Miri (Supermarkets Directory 2011).In Malaysia, Procter & Gamble (M) Sdn. Bhd. is the wholesaler of H&S shampoo and the products are imported by the company before distributing to retailers around the country. All the products are imported from Procter & Gamble (Thailand) Ltd. which is the manufacturer for H&S shampoos of Malaysia and the Philippines (Manufacturers 2011).However, consumers who wish to buy directly from the wholesaler could do so but normally very few would go by this mean because of the availability of the products in most stores and online purchasing services. The factor that influences the wide distribution of this product includes the price of the product which is low and affordable for most consumers and a lso a convenience product. Apart from that, another characteristic is that the product comes in three bottle sizes ranging from 80ml, 200ml and 380ml. The small product size requires only a picayune space for display in most stores, which contributes to why it is widely distributed.1.4 Current PromotionOne of the promotional message for H&S shampoo is All-day itch relief.Guaranteed.. This message is promoted at the products official website (Head & Shoulders 2011). The message is to assure and guarantee consumers that the product will solve any itchiness or similar kind of issues on their hair. The other promotional message of the brand is 100% flake-free that is found in a commercial advertisement on TV.This message is showed at the last part of the advertisement together with H&S anti dandruff shampoo bottles. The message H&S is trying to bring out is the effectiveness and confidence it has in removing dandruff or flakes on peoples hair. The promotion of this product through adve rtisement and also internet has the intention of establishing the brand in the market so that consumers realize the existence of such product that comes with special functions.It is obvious that H&S are using some promotional peckers in promoting its product such as advertising through TV, advertising online and also discounts. The purpose of promotion is that the company wants to send a message to consumers that H&S anti dandruff shampoo is a solution for dandruff symptoms patients and people who are fed up with hair itchiness. By doing this, not only the company can establish the brand in the market but also increase sales volume as promotion can be a big tool in ensuring success.The theme of the current promotions is emphasizing on the effectiveness of H&S anti dandruff in removing dandruffs and solving itchiness on the hair. In all the promotional tools that the company uses, the company has been consistent in shaping messages that reflect the theme of the promotions. Another e xample of the companys promotional tool is a slogan I Never Knew You Had Dandruff (List of Advertising Slogans 2011).2.0 Segmentation Theory2.1 Define and Explain Segmentation market place segmentation is a strategy that involves dividing a larger market into subsets of consumers with common needs. This can be done through the process of splitting potential customers into different groups, within which customers share similar interests for the goods or services offered in the market (Market Segmentation 2011). Market segmentation strategies can be developed over a wide range of characteristics found among consumers, for example one group may be identified by gender while the other group composes of consumers within a given age group (Malcolm Tatum 2011).Marketsegmentation has allowed H&S to improvement from the anti dandruff market in a few ways. The first benefit gained is H&S was able to fracture understand consumers needs in the market (Rupal Jain 2011).This is shown when H&S differentiate its product and came out with H&S anti dandruff shampoo, obviously lacking(p) to help consumers that have a need in solving dandruff issues after the company found out the problem through market segmentation. The next benefit to the brand from using segmentation strategy is H&S through understanding and tensioning on the needs of customers, was able to get ahead of its competitors, in this case anti dandruff. H&S anti dandruff shampoo succeeded in being the market leader by becoming the worlds No.1 brand in anti dandruff shampoo market (About Head and shoulders 2011).The third benefit from segmentation that the brand enjoyed is consumers now buy their product because they are able to focus their marketing on consumers who are most likely to buy H&S anti dandruff shampoo. On emphasizing on the ability of the product to deal dandruff, refreshing and also prevent itchiness, H&S was able to focus particularly on a group of consumers in the market which leads to a feasi ble higher profit from the sales to these consumers who share the same interest. In 2007, the introduction of PTZ as an active ingredient to the shampoo, which is highly effective in fighting dandruff because of its anti-fungal properties is an fret of H&S to further focus on marketing this product to its segmented market.The three benefits mentioned reflects that market segmentation is used as a strategy by H&S which has successfully benefited the brand so far. 3.0 Target Market Identification3.1 Geographic SegmentationH&S can come geographic segmentation for its product in Malaysia. The company should extend its product marketing into the state of Johor, the southern state of West Malaysia.The capital city of Johor is Johor Bahru and this would be the focused city for H&S, with a city size of 1.37million. A density of 7,409 per km2 makes Johor Bahru the second largest urban area in Malaysia (Introduction to Johor Bahru, 2011). The main reason H&S should target the above city men tioned is because in urban areas, consumers have higher purchasing power and are more health conscious compared to consumers from boorish areas.The state of Johor has an average temperate ranging from73F to 89F each year and has high humidity (Monthly averages for Johor Bahru, 2011). The hot and humid weather are causes for dandruff or itchiness for most people. With a high density city, hot and humid weather, Johor Bahru is a potential market to be targeted by H&S that provides refreshing and healthy hair for its users.3.2 Demographic SegmentationDemographic factors are popular bases for segmentation analysis. Based on other markets of H&S, the target market should be focused on Generation-Y, the age group of 18-30 years old male Malaysian consumers, with middle or high income aim. This target group is a group that is brand conscious and care about the health of their hair. They are willing to spend more on a product as recollective as the product benefits them or provides a sol ution to their problem.The H&S anti dandruff shampoo will be a good product to this targeted group. not only the product has many benefits to the user, considered expensive among its competitors and fights dandruff or itchiness effectively, H&S anti dandruff shampoo gives users a healthy hair, which is suitable for those with active kind life. Besides, the fact that H&S is the No.1 anti dandruff brand in the world makes it attractive to the targeted group which is brand conscious.In terms of occupation and education level in an urban area, those which will be targeted are most likely professionals, managers, officers, high school graduates, businessmen and also college students. In short, the young adults are spillage to be the primary target of H&S.Reference ListAbout Head and Shoulders. 2011. Head and Shoulders. Accessed 5 April,http// Benefits of Head and Shoulders. 2011. Head and Shoulder. Accessed April 4,http//www.headandshoulders .com/en-US/sevenBenefits.jspx. Coupons, Samples and Savings. 2011. Procter and Gamble Brand Sampler. Accessed 4April,https// Hair Care Brands. 2011. P&G. Accessed 5 April,http// Head and Shoulders. 2011. Accessed 5 April, http// Introduction to Johor Bahru. 2011. Popular Places. Accessed 5 April,http// Jain, Rupal. 2011. Market segmentation. 123oye. Accessed 5 April,http// List of Advertising Slogans. 2011. Sharing The Secrets of net income Marketing Success. 5April,http// Manufacturers. 2011. Procter & Gamble (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.. Accessed 5 April,http// Market Segmentation. 2011. The Market Segmentation Company. Accessed 5 Aprilhttp// Monthly Averages for Johor Bahru. 2011. The weather channel. Accessed 5 April,http// Murugiah, Surin. 2008. Average kinfolk income in Malaysia. The Edge
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Competitive Intelligence In The Business World Commerce Essay
In today s fast changing concern universe, no-one likes surprises. The ability to be pro-active and non reactive is one of the greatest techniques for making value within an organisation. This requires a uninterrupted social occasion of transforming tuition into lore so that a company endure pull off the hereafter. Wining a conflict in the concern country implies, like in any other confrontation, cognizing your opposition, in this instance, the arguing, re each(prenominal)(prenominal)y intelligent. The director push aside non do a execut subject scheme, founded entirely on cultivation astir(predicate) his company. A competitive scheme means that one is meetrous because he differentiates himself from the others. And for this, one has to cognize what the others ar making. straight off the CEO s demand a warning system which flowerpot seasonably present the relevant info from the concern environment, so that they be able to do determinations with a unafraid degree of c ertainty that allows the company to keep its matched advantage.The foodstuff globalisation and the velocity of scientific discipline and engineering ontogeny require the use of supervising systems, capable of placing chance niches indispensable for the growing of the companies. One of the best tools for doing this assertable is competitive light. This instrument supports the strategical planning in every company.Competitive word in concern organisations has benefited greatly from military and authorities word operation patterns and apprehension. Many of the innovators in the concern wisdom community migrated from a as stylement of governmental organisations. They brought a set of constructs and penetrations that have been refined over centuries. Most notably, Sun Tzu s authoritative work on military intuition is widely read, and he is credited with being the male p bent of news.This construct has proven, along the old ages, its end ( actionable intelligence information that ordain supply a private-enterprise(a) border ) and advantages when applied right. Still, nearly midsize houses lack dedicated competitory intelligence operations, despite the fact that most concern leaders recognize that their achievement depends on looking frontward and traveling more rapidly that the competition.Harmonizing to Ben Gilad and Leonard Fuld, competitory intelligence ( CI ) is the action of ethically and lawfully assemblage, analysing, and pass oning information around(predicate) 3rd party participants in one s competitory sphere from rivals, to providers, clients, act uponing parties, regulators, distributers, possible new rivals, and so forth, to be used by companies in their planning and determination devising. The procedure of roll uping, hive awaying, analysing and pass oning this market intelligence is today an institutionalised procedure in most big companies. through with(p) decently, this helps a company avoid surprises by expecting rivals moves and diminishing response press cutting. Put merely, competitory intelligence is a method of roll uping and analysing information that lets companies transmit possible alterations sing rivals before these become obvious. Datas burn be gathered from public or private beginnings, from networking with a rival s staff or clients or from research in the field. A cardinal regulation is that all activity must be legal. CI practicians must besides unwrap their individualities at all times and non cod information under false pretences.Direct BeginningsPassive Web party sitesPortalsSearch engine Imperativeness releases Industry ( market ) epitome Financial Analysts Employment AdActive Trade shows Technical conferences Employment Meetings and programsIndirect Beginnings Customer interviews Customer studies Gross saless forces Rep and distributers Suppliers and spouses Former employeesThe footing of competitory intelligence is cognizing the difference between information and intelligence. Th is will assist directors acquire on the route to more efficient determination devising.Information is factual. Its Numberss, statistics, disseminated spots of informations well-nigh people and companies and what they ve been making that seems to be of affaire. Information frequently appears to be stating you something but in world it s non. One ca nt do legal determinations base on information no affair how accurate the information is or no affair how comprehensive it is.Intelligence, on the other manus, is a aggregation of information pieces which have been filtered and analyzed. It has been turned into something that can be acted upon.Intelligence is what directors need to do determinations, non information. Another term for intelligence is k at a timeledge.Milestones in the tuition of competitory intelligenceOrganizations quiet commercial intelligence since the first trade took topographic point. Books on organisational intelligence aggregation appe ard every bit acantha as the 60 s but these premature efforts at formal intelligence activities for concerns remained macroscopically academic and instead uneffective until 1980, when Michael Porter of Harvard Business School published his book, Competitive-Strategy Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors which laid down the theoretical launching for applied CI.In the late 70 s Fuld & A Co and Washington queryers were the boosters which offered competitory research to corporate clients. In 1986 the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals was founded in the U.S. Accepting the importance of competitory intelligence, major transnational corporations, such as ExxonMobil, Procter & A Gamble, and Johnson and Johnson, have created formal CI units. Importantly, organisations execute competitory intelligence activities non merely as a precaution to protect against market menaces and alterations, but besides as a method for happening new chances and tendencies. The first headmaster e nfranchisement plan ( CIP ) was created in 1996 with the constitution of The Fuld-Gilad-Herring Academy of Competitive Intelligence in Cambridge, MA.Variations of competitory intelligenceOver clip, concerns recognized a signifier of intelligence that was called in various ways ( competitory intelligence, concern intelligence, corporate intelligence, competitory information or commercial intelligence ) , but most of the experts have settled to name it competitory intelligence.Regardless of the term that we use, CI is the usage of public beginnings to develop informations astir(predicate) rivals and the market environment and its transmutation in useable information, thorough analysis. When believing about CI, public information refers to the information that one can entree lawfully and ethically. Publicly does non intend needfully published information.The most normally recognized fluctuations of CI arestrategic intelligencerival intelligence ( McGonagle and Vella )proficient intel ligencemarket intelligence1. strategic intelligenceStrategic intelligence represents competitory intelligence provided in support of strategic determination devising. This means supplying the highest degrees of direction information on the competitory, economic and political environment in which companies operate now and in which they will run in the hereafter ( See David b. Francis Your rivals who will they be? Competitive Intelligence Review 8, no.1 1997 16-23 ) .This type of intelligence by and intumescent supports the senior direction for the overall scheme. The most common applications are in the development of strategic programs, capital investings, political hazard appraisal, amalgamations, acquisitions, joint ventures, corporate programs, R & A D planning ( See Edwin Ruhil and Sybille Sachs Challenges for strategic competitory intelligence and the corporate degree , Competitive Intelligence Review 8, no 4 1997 54-64 ) .Strategic intelligence involves the appraisal of a house s direct rivals, the competition environment and its indirect rivals, but an every bit of import depute is the development of intelligence on the long-term alterations caused by all of the forces driving the industry competition ( Larry Kennedy Competitive intelligence in concern procedure technology a survey at digital equipment corporation Competitive Intelligence Review 8, no 2 1997 8-13 ) .The focal point has to be on factors as engineering tendencies, political hazards and regulative developments. It is designed to warn the company of impending jobs and alarm it to upcoming chances, ever in clip to take needed action ( correct Sullivan, Using competitory intelligence to develop a strategic direction action- oriented measuring system , Competitive Intelligence Review 8, no 2 1997 34-43. ) .2. Rival intelligenceCompetitor intelligence is the usage of public beginnings to turn up and develop informations that are so transformed into information about rivals, their cap ablenesss, period activities, programs and purposes.The function of this type of intelligence is to assist the operating directors within strategic concern units or merchandise directors and other people involved in the procedure of merchandise or concern development.3. Market intelligenceMarket intelligence is intelligence essential on the really current activities in the market place ( See Kenneth A. Sawka, Warning Analysis a hazardous concern , Competitive Intelligence Review 8, no. 4, 199783-84 ) .Market intelligence depends on extremely developed software product tools and analytical accomplishments extremely trained people to supply market cognition, professional expertness and selling penetration.The information should be received fast and enlarge so that they enable a house to happen out information sing the success of failure of its merchandise publicity, the following moves of the rivals sing their publicities and possibilities of cross-promoting the merchandise.Freq uently users of market intelligence are marketing sections and market planning section because they use the feedback on the success or failure of old gross revenues attempts.4. Technical intelligenceTechnical intelligence activities enable a house to react fast to menaces and to place the chances which result from proficient and scientific development.It is believed that TI is a map which if it is penalize decently, could ensue in a economy of 10 to 100 times the investing in the map ( See Davis C. Pring, Competitive Intelligence and Market Research Filling the Gaps in Global positions on CI, erectile dysfunction. John E. Prescott and Patrick T. Gibbons, 1993, 223-239 ) .Technical intelligence can supply information about the methods and procedures used by the rivals, their dependency on outside engineering, patents or new engineering acquired, the capablenesss of the rivals R & A D staff, appraisals about outgos for this section.TI chiefly focuses on technological tendency in stead than on the market 1s. A portion of the experts considers that it should be more concerned about the chances of the house, than on the menaces to the house.Active and defensive CIWhen CI started to go popular, there was no intervention of anything besides the actions designed to roll up information about the rivals, called active rival intelligence. During its development, analysts started to recognize that what they were making, it could be go oning to them besides. This led to a new involvement towards activities that were destined to protect companies against CI activities from other companies, called defensive rival intelligence.Active CI procedures are those aimed at roll uping natural informations every bit good as analysing those informations to supply finished intelligence. The end of a defensive plan is to do life much more hard for your rival s intelligence analysts, so they will give your house more operating flexibleness.Counterintelligence is the procedure of cou ntering, forestalling the intelligence garnering attempt of other parties, your rivals. It has to be understood as a portion of an on-going procedure. This plan s effectivity is measured through minimisation of losingss due to the competitory intelligence attempt of the rivals.Many companies are really deliberate to protect their physical buttocks, but it is far more of import to protect the intangible assets of the company. Cloaked rivals are those that protect themselves from the intelligence assemblage attempts of their rivals.For making this, the most of import facet is to understand how rivals work, which channels they use, and the techniques they use.One has to deprive rivals of a few cardinal pieces of informations that are full of life for the large image of the analysis ( Deborah C. Sawyer, Specifying your competition Dardan Horses, Fifth Columns, and other menaces , competitory intelligence magazine 3, April -June 45-46 ) .Implementing competitory intelligence the CI p rocedureAlthough the chief occupation of competitory intelligence is to back up direction determination devising, holding a methodical competitory intelligence system in topographic point can assist the company aim many different issues.A methodical competitory intelligence plan canAnticipate alterations in the market place.Anticipate actions of rivals.Discover new or possible rivals.Learn from the successes and failures of others.Increase the scope and quality of profitable marks.Learn about new engineerings, merchandises and processes that affect the company s concern.Learn about political, legislative or administrative alterations that can impact the company s concern.Enter new concerns.Expression at the company s ain concern patterns with an heart-to-heart head.Help implement the latest direction tools.The CI procedure is most normally divided into four basic phases, which make up what is known as the CI rhythmPlanning this means set uping the demands of the company. On one ma nus, the directors of the company acknowledge the demand for CI and, on the other manus, they define what sort of CI the company needs. It besides means what inquiries the directors want to reply with the CI, who else may be utilizing CI, and how, by whom, and when the CI will eventually be used.This is besides the portion of the rhythm in which the competitory intelligence practician decides which class he should take in carry throughing his undertaking.This phase can besides be purpose of as the other terminal of the intelligence rhythm because one time specific intelligence is delivered to the determination shaper his consecutive actions based on that intelligence will excite farther intelligence demands. The company s state of affairs will surely alter based on those actions.Gathering this full stop involves the existent assemblage of natural information from which intelligence will be produced. The huge bulk of aggregation stuffs are public sphere significance they are avai lable to anyone who knows where to look. Beginnings include periodicals, one-year studies, books, broadcasts, addresss, databases and so on.Creative aggregators can normally happen anything they need lawfully and ethically. Collection besides involves treating information so that it can be transmitted and stored electronically if desired. Once in electronic signifier it can be manipulated into a signifier which allows it to be analyzed.Analysis this is by and large considered the most hard portion of the intelligence rhythm. Analysis requires great accomplishments and daring because it requires the analyst to weigh information, expression for forms and come up with different scenarios based on what he has learned. Even though analysis is based on logic and difficult information, analysts must sometimes fill in the spaces and do intelligent conjectures about possible results.Dissemination this measure involves administering the intelligence merchandise to those who requested it. It s the clip when the analysts will propose possible classs of action based on his work. He must be able to stress his recommendations and support them with logical statements. The ensuing intelligence will besides be distributed to others in the company who can expend it. The concluding signifier of the CI, every bit good as its timeliness/opportuneness and security are of import considerations.Surveies have shown that the distribution of the attempt the CI professionals spend among these four phases of the CI rhythm is about as followsNeeds 20 %Gathering 30 %Analysis 40 %Dissemination 10 %The portion that runs through and straight links all the stages of the CI rhythm is the demand to supervise, on a uninterrupted footing, what the company has done and how good. The end is to supply feedback from each stage to the other three of the CI rhythm. By making this, the company can better both the merchandise of an single assignment and the full CI procedure even as the organisation is utilizing it.Feedback to and from each stage of CI to all others is indispensable. That feedback generates a changeless reappraisal that seeks to raise and so reply interrogatory like Are the CI marks still rectify? Should the CI unit attention deficit disorder or delete marks, countries of involvement and so on? Know the enemy and cognize yourself in a 100 conflicts you will neer be in hazard Sun Tsu The Art of the WarBest PracticesThere are several points that we need to see throughout the competitory intelligence procedure.Undertakings to be performed by CI Professionals ( See CI Education Harvard Style by Ben Gilad, Competitive Intelligence Magazine, Volume 6, Number 4 ) Go beyond internet hunts collect from human resources.Travel beyond public databases roll up hard-to-get information from less obvious beginnings.Go beyond rivals analyze whole markets and industries.Go beyond inactive analysis and current market statistics predict alteration.Travel beyond marketing intelli gence understand finance and cost accounting.Travel beyond selling, finance, and cost understand scheme.Go beyond scheme understand hazard.Time is criticalAwkwardness is the enemy of competitory intelligence. Having cognition about something three hebdomads after you need to move is of atomic value. One needs to inquire himself, from where will he acquire the information and how long will it take. This requires a really deliberate and strong competitory intelligence attempt. Without a serious committedness to competitory intelligence, clip will wipe out whatever hope one has for effectual decision-making.The aim should be to shut the spread between when the event occurred and when 1 has the cognition to move.Remain ImsomebodyalAlthough it s non easy, it is critical that competitory intelligence remains free of prejudice, supplying impersonal type consequences. Competitive intelligence is non intended to back up an bing direction determination. Good competitory intelligence should t alk the truth and allow direction make up ones mind how it wants to continue.One manner to promise that competitory intelligence is impersonal, is to do it independent, similar to other independent maps such as internal auditing. Besides, where one places competitory intelligence within the organisation can act upon the freedom that competitory intelligence has. Alternatively of doing it a sub-section of selling, make competitory intelligence accessible to all maps. The CI Function tends to suit good with maps like Strategic Planning and Knowledge worry.Large Egos putting to deaths CI One ground competitory intelligence is non widely used is simple it can be really unpopular. Competitive intelligence can belie what direction has been recommending. And if direction is non willing to listen to competitory intelligence, so it will hold small value.Travel where the information isSometimes competitory intelligence can be extremely effectual through insouciant and obvious beginnings of information ( See clapperclaw Kawasaki How to drive your competition loony ) . There are some simple stairss for understanding the competition Shop the competition, go a client of the competition, query the rival s clients, inquire the authorities about the competition and go friends with a research bibliothec.One of the more clip devouring activities within competitory intelligence can be roll uping and categorising information. So cognizing where to look can be half the conflict. One needs to pass clip speaking to people who are in the know.Challenge conventional thoughtGreat competitory intelligence will dispute direction to believe in new ways. There are excessively many alterations taking topographic point in the universe today. There is no manner direction should be comfy with the position quo. Therefore, competitory intelligence should intentionally prove and formalize critical direction determinations.Similarly, direction should welcome and promote competitory intellig ence to dispute both tactical and strategic decision-making. Competitive intelligence should be a world cheque.The Learning Organization Competitive Intelligence becomes priceless when it changes the behaviour of an organisation. This is best accomplished when the organisation becomes a learning organisation.Act ethicallyCompetitive intelligence should non prosecute in illegal Acts of the Apostless. Additionally, competitory intelligence should non endanger the repute of a company. Fuld & A Company recommends the undermentioned 10 commandments of competitory intelligence1. Make non lie when stand foring yourself.2. Detect your company s legal guidelines.3. Make non in secret precede an interview if it is against the jurisprudence.4. Make non publish a payoff.5. Make non utilize listen ining devices.6. Make non misdirect anyone in an interview.7. Make non trade monetary value information or capacity with a viing company.8. Make non administer or interchange misinformation.9. Make non steal a trade secret.10. Make non knowingly pump person for information that could give that individual s occupation or repute.CI is non descrying Some people equate competitory intelligence with descrying. Competitive Intelligence is non about descrying, it s about cognition.Partner with Risk ManagementOver the last several old ages, there has been increased accent on Risk Management protecting the company from unexpected losingss. However, Risk Management is really internally focused things like control processs within the company, security precautions, mandates and blessings, transparence in coverage, and so away. Since hazard direction is internal, we need to congratulate hazard direction with competitory intelligence. The ground is simple Curie is externally focussed and these external forces have major hazard deductions. Therefore, it is highly of import to unite RM and CI for a comprehensive attack to put on the line direction.Human intelligenceIntelligence collected and analyzed by and from human beginnings is frequently the finding factor behind your intelligence capablenesss. Those organisations with extended human beginnings as opposed to over-reliance on published beginnings will hold superior competitory intelligence capablenesss. This will take to increased effectivity in strategic decision-making, giving the company a cardinal competitory advantage.Infrastructure before packageNo uncertainty that many professionals will seek out a package solution to competitory intelligence. Although engineering can assist ( and it continues to germinate ) , the director should concentrate most of his attempts on constructing the substructure ( staffing, preparation, processes, etc. ) associated with competitory intelligence. One should nt work in contrary, coercing the procedures to suit some package solution design the procedures foremost and so supplement the competitory intelligence with investings in basic engineerings. Additionally, one may desir e to leverage bing engineerings, such as internal databases, intranets and other applications for constructing your CI substructure.World Class CI takes clip The usual clip required to construct a first competitory intelligence plan is between 5 and 7 old ages.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Business and Administration
Unit three Principles of managing info and producing written documents Assessment You should use this file to round your Assessment. The early thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk Then work by dint of your Assessment, recall to save your work regularly When youve finished, print off a copy to keep for reference Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your faultless Assessment to your learn via your My cartoon area make certain it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.Please note that this Assessment document has 5 pages and is do up of 4 Sections. Name Patricia Hayton Section 1 perceive the decision of data technology in a melody environment 1. In similarity to your flowing work environment (or one that you are familiar with), identify at least two different types of information technology that may be use when completing work tasks. Word processing Databas es Information exchange 2.What are the benefits to crinklees (and others) of using information technology for doing work tasks? The benefits are- share information quick and efficiently Improve work Cost effective Communicate world wide Flexibility New possibilities More productive Section 2 Understand how to manage electronic and paper-based information 1. Explain the purpose of agreeing objectives and deadlines when researching information. If possible, refer to specific examples from research tasks you fork up worked on to support your answer.It is important to agree objectives and deadlines when researching information so that everybody knows when a task has to be completed by and what it has got to say. It my hold information that helps make business decisions. It help focus on task and cabbage raving mad resources. The business may be un efficient if not agreed. If you do not agree deadlines and objectives in tasks you may waste fourth dimension looking up unessendial i nformation. 2. order the different ways of researching, organising and reporting information. a) For your own organisation (or one you know well), describe the procedures that need to be followed when archiving, retrieving and deleting information. Your answer should cover procedures for twain electronic and paper-based information. 3b) When following the procedures outlined in Question 3a above, are there any legal requirements to consider? Yes you must consider - data protection figure 1998 remembering periods Industry specific legal requirements 4. Why is confidentiality critical when managing information?Confidentiality is critical when managing information as it is a legal requirement and may suggest the business as inefficient and slack if not managed and could lead to the business breaking the law. Section 3 Understand the purpose of producing documents that are fit for purpose 1. Identify at least two reasons for producing documents that are fit for purpose. 2. Use th e table below to describe some of the different types and styles of documents that are produced in a business environment, and then explain when these different options may be used. Documents When they are used Inform clients of purchases reports Share budgets with investors and share holders To track funds going in and out Accounting documents Fast way to transit documents in paper format fax Very formal, permanent written document that can be sent to clients Business letter but not as quick as some documents. Section 4 Know the procedures to be followed when producing documentsIn most organisations, time is interpreted to agree the purpose, content, layout, quality standards and deadlines for the production of documents. What are the reasons for doing this level of planning? To know what the customer wants Avoid problems Provide the right information Present in a logical steps 2. Businesses will spend time obligeing finished docume nts for accuracy and correctness. a) How is this done? Can use word processing which will check recite and grammer but may not pick up all mistakes. Read through the documents to check for grammer and spelling mistakes b) Why is this done? To make sure the document is fit for purpose and is what the client wants with no spelling or grammer mistakes. 3.Explain the purpose of following confidentiality and data protection procedures when preparing documents. It is a good ethical business practice, 4. In business environments, there is often a requirement to use notes as the basis for text and documents. a) Compare the different types of documents that can be produced from notes and acknowledge a description of the format of each document. b) Explain the procedures to be followed when preparing text from notes. Purpose of document Format of document Clarity Details Facts Once you have completed all 4 Sections of this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor for marking.Business and AdministrationUnit three Principles of managing information and producing documents Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When youve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.Please note that this Assessment document has 5 pages and is made up of 4 Sections. Name Patricia Hayton Section 1 Understand the purpose of information technology in a business environment 1. In relation to your current business environment (or one that you are familiar with), identify at least two different types of information technology that may be used when com pleting work tasks. Word processing Databases Information exchange 2.What are the benefits to businesses (and others) of using information technology for doing work tasks? The benefits are- share information quickly and efficiently Improve work Cost effective Communicate world wide Flexibility New possibilities More productive Section 2 Understand how to manage electronic and paper-based information 1. Explain the purpose of agreeing objectives and deadlines when researching information. If possible, refer to specific examples from research tasks you have worked on to support your answer.It is important to agree objectives and deadlines when researching information so that everybody knows when a task has to be completed by and what it has got to say. It my hold information that helps make business decisions. It help focus on task and stops waste resources. The business may be un efficient if not agreed. If you do not agree deadlines and objectives in tasks you may waste time lookin g up unneeded information. 2. Identify the different ways of researching, organising and reporting information. a) For your own organisation (or one you know well), describe the procedures that need to be followed when archiving, retrieving and deleting information. Your answer should cover procedures for both electronic and paper-based information. 3b) When following the procedures outlined in Question 3a above, are there any legal requirements to consider? Yes you must consider - data protection act 1998 Retention periods Industry specific legal requirements 4. Why is confidentiality critical when managing information?Confidentiality is critical when managing information as it is a legal requirement and may show the business as inefficient and slack if not managed and could lead to the business breaking the law. Section 3 Understand the purpose of producing documents that are fit for purpose 1. Identify at least two reasons for producing documents that are fit for purpose. 2. Us e the table below to describe some of the different types and styles of documents that are produced in a business environment, and then explain when these different options may be used. Documents When they are used Inform clients of purchases reports Share budgets with investors and share holders To track funds going in and out Accounting documents Fast way to transit documents in paper format fax Very formal, permanent written document that can be sent to clients Business letter but not as quick as some documents. Section 4 Know the procedures to be followed when producing documentsIn most organisations, time is taken to agree the purpose, content, layout, quality standards and deadlines for the production of documents. What are the reasons for doing this level of planning? To know what the customer wants Avoid problems Provide the right information Present in a logical steps 2. Businesses will spend time checking finished documents for accuracy and correctness. a) How is this done? Can use word processing which will check spelling and grammer but may not pick up all mistakes. Read through the documents to check for grammer and spelling mistakes b) Why is this done? To make sure the document is fit for purpose and is what the client wants with no spelling or grammer mistakes. 3.Explain the purpose of following confidentiality and data protection procedures when preparing documents. It is a good ethical business practice, 4. In business environments, there is often a requirement to use notes as the basis for text and documents. a) Compare the different types of documents that can be produced from notes and include a description of the format of each document. b) Explain the procedures to be followed when preparing text from notes. Purpose of document Format of document Clarity Details Facts Once you have completed all 4 Sections of this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor f or marking.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Food Systems and the Environment Essay
The status of forage security in any alliance across the globe can be considered as the major principal outcome of aliment systems when these systems argon defined generically and broadly. Increase in the productivity and efficiency of nourishment systems have shown much success across the globe in improving nutrition and reducing the prevalence of hunger. However the efficiency and productivity of solid nutrition systems have raised concerns as they pose serious thr corrodes to economic, environmental and social goals and hence they have undermined forage security.On the other hand environmental changes around the world in the context of political, economic and social changes may result to unprecedented stresses to bear on food security and food systems. aliment systems are conceived as set of activities that range from take through to consumption. In mathematical product process of untoughened materials for food the major trends have been intensification of agriculture which is go with by concentration in the boorish inputs and the trend to larger verdant lands sizes with hired labor. This trend is accompanied by change magnitude fragmentation of land among the marginalized atomic holders.As a consequence there is increased demand of water for irrigation, increased pollution, soil loss and increased energy demands in the production sectors. (i. ) environmental pollution resulting from food processing industries In the current economic systems farming is no longer the dominant economic activity in the oerall food systems. This is because masses are more concerned in adding value in the overall food product in the area of processing and packing of raw materials into food products. Due to increase of these activities many factories and industries have concentrated up and down the food production and supply chain.The expansion of industries has resulted to more toxic effluents organism emitted from factories into water and air. The number of pro cessing industries in both urban and rural areas has grown tremendously which have resulted to pollution of water bodies, air and soil (Richardson, pp 7). In some cases ground water quality has also been affected due to increase production and use of pesticides and fertilizers aimed at promoting more intensive cropping and self enough in food. Expansion of factories and food processing plants has also created major problems of waste disposal.Low lying fields are generally used for waste disposals without the benefits of use sanitary manners have resulted to major pollution problems. (ii) Over killing of animals species leading endangered species. Endangered animal species face the dander of becoming nonexistent since they are low in number and therefore need protection in order to survive. Human activities such as killing animals for food and commercial cope are rendering many animals to continue suffering high rates of maturation. A species that is being overexploited become e ndangered or may become extinct due to the rate at which is being consumed.An example of over exploitation that has been experienced was the unrestricted whaling. The whaling industry during this time over exploited whales and resulted to low universe sizes of whales. Due to the decreased number of whales and nearly some of them were nearly extinct several governments agreed to abide by international moratorium on whaling. Over exploitation of animals species harms livelihood since high proportion of worlds population depends on wildlife for their meat protein and their components provided traditional medicines.Over exploitation of plant and animal species does not only affects the following community and baneens the particular species but also it causes imbalance in the whole ecosystem (Guynup, para 4). (iii) Genetically modify foods ecological balance Genetically modified foods are produced from animals and plants which their genes are changed by scientists in the laboratory. G enes are written on the DNA and are the chemical instruction for building and maintaining life. Scientists modify these genes and alter the characteristics of an organism.In so doing yields and resistance to diseases can be improved in both plants and animals. However there are fears some of the genes which have been introduced into some crops can get away and be transferred to other plant species where they can have adverse effects. Some critiques believes that leakage of these genes will result to emergence of super weeds and extinctions of ordinary species of birds and insects and the food chain will became damaged (Eiswasser, Gan & Alia, pp 9). (b) Influence of environment to food systems (i) Effects of global warming and environmental pollution.The overall climate changes including global warming and the increased climate variability will result to variety of impacts on agriculture. Some of he effects of climate change are ecological, biophysical and some are economic. These f actors imply the following first there will be shift in agricultural zone and climate towards the poles. Second, the production patterns would be changed due to higher temperatures. Third, agricultural productivity in some regions would be increased due to increased levels of carbon dioxide, fourth the precipitation patterns will be changed and finally near people will be vulnerable of becoming landless.In addition changes of weather patterns may lead to increased crop infestation by pests and chocking weed. In most of the low lying climate change will result to decreased crop yields and therefore in most regions net import of crops will increase. high prices of food will render most people to become at risk of hunger (Natural Resources Defense Council, para 8). (ii) Greenhouse production Greenhouse method of food production makes use of controlled environment in modern terms it is also referred to as controlled environmental agricultures.Those methods enables farmers to cultivat e food or fruit producing plants in areas and at times when weather conditions would prevent them from growing or adversely affects them green house also prevents the crops from adverse weather conditions which due to the ever increasing population and more agricultural land being lost to urban development. Intensive food production in greenhouse will play a significant role in food production (Peet, para 11). (iii) Location and food prices Provision of food system impacts on what people choose to eat and evidently people can only choose foods that are accessible, affordable and available to them. food for thought availability is related to the prices and this is determined on the process that the food gets to the consumers and what is on offer. Development and changes of food distribution and supply may be parallel but there may remain strong cultural differences amid regions in the way food is produced, distributed and made available to consumers. The cost of distribution of food also affects the food prices due to higher transport costs over long distances (Iton, pp 14). 2. Relationship between food and society. (a) Influence of food systems to the society.Alongside global environmental changes globalization of consumers preferences is another change that is taking place. In food systems the spread of fast food is considered synonymous with globalization. There has also been expansion of Asian Latin American and African and other international cuisines into national food cultures (Food and Fuel America. com, para 8). (ii) Food cultures bring people together. There are several areas which can help to bring cultures together. These include talent shows, style shows, and food court.These areas are more effective especially when they are organized for international cultural festivals. When people are eating from the same table they can utter and ask each other questions about their culture directly. Food cultures and style show displays expressions from diffe rent countries and therefore people can learn the cultures through hearing, tactual sensation and experiencing the show. In addition people learn about each other when they start taking about food (Weickgenant, para 5). (iii)Treads in food production in the global economyIn the year 1999 economic recovery had manifested itself globally after the global slow down which was cause by pecuniary crisis in 1997 and 1998 in Asia. In the year 2000 there was further strengthening and the world GDP was expected to rise by not less than 3 percent which would reflect stronger economic activities. GDP in the developing countries is expected to rise by 4 to 5 percent. At this rate the growth of agricultural GDP in developing countries would not grow strongly than overall GDP in developed countries which is expected to grow at the rate of 5 to 6 percent (Rosegrant, Paisner & Witcover, pp 4).Emerging food safety technologies Due to the needs of the societies to keep food for longer, government ag encies and departments of homeland security set targets on large food contamination as the focus of attention for food security. Tampering of food or contamination of bulky food poses a serious threat to society. New technologies on the other hand provide mean of monitoring food systems and modifies people behavior. The surveillance technology that has been developed influences individual behaviors and altitudes by introducing additional procedural arrangement (Hendrickx, para 10). establishment enacts laws and policies in order to offer remedies of harms which might have been created in the past for example enacting new seed law. Government also aims at protecting safety, quality and health of its citizens (Niskanen, pp 13). Changing in demand and supply When the demand and of a particular product of food increases production and supply of that product increases. As a result there will be much of that product in the market leading to fall in demand and price of the product leading to reduced production and supply (Lee, pp 6).Work Cited Eiswasser E, Gan K & Alia K. Genetically modified foods raise new legal issues, 2001.Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from http//www. cov. com/files/Publication/e435e641-b00a-4e20-92f3-0a8639b8f9bb/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/7cd905a2-fe8e-4a25-8709-1096d7ce6aef/oid6070. pdf. Food and Fuel America. com. Food and Fuel America, 2007. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from http//www. foodandfuelamerica. com/2007/06/find-alternative-fuel-location. html.Guynup S. Killing the Endangered Species Act, 2008. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from http//www. blueridgepress. com/Forms/brp_columns/*ws4d-db-query-Show. ws4d? *ws4d-db-query-Show***EBK-EB-089090098094094090-1377***-Database***-***brp_columns(directory)***. ws4d?brp_columns/detail. html. Hendrickx D. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2008. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from http//www. elsevier. com/locate/ifset. Iton A. Tackling the Root Causes of Health Disparit ies through Community Capacity Building. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from http//www. chc. ucsf. edu/pdf/Iton-Tackling%20The%20Root%20Causes%20of%20Health%20Disparities. pdf. Lee D. Demand and summate the Freeman Ideas on Liberty, 1998. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from http//www. commonsenseeconomics. com/Readings/Demand%20and%20Supply. CSE. pdf Natural Resources Defense Council. Issues Global Warming, 2008. R
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Female or Male Teachers – Argumentative Essay
Argu workforcetative essay on ph totallyic and female person find outers In deciding if female teachers are better than male teachers, number of discussions and arguments for and against the topic should be examined. As the advancement in acquire and education increases more dependant and cognized teachers are needed. These qualified and experienced teachers can be males or females but the uncertainty that whether female or male teachers are better still remains unanswered.The argument shows the train why thither are more female teachers, advantages of male and female teachers and whether female teachers are better than male teachers. As a group more females are drawn towards careers like teaching. Taking example of a pre-school or elementary school a 2006 study shows that preschool and elementary school children are taught by 75 percent more female than male teachers.Historically, there have always been more women than men going into the education field. In 2006, the Nation al reading Association released men accounted for less than 25 percent of all teachers in United States public schools. The National Education Association survey showed that more men than women stated that salary is a significant factor in them pursuing other, often more profitable careers than teaching. Still there are some(prenominal) advantages of a male teacher.Teacher Cadet demonstrateSome studies show that boys learn more from male teachers, boys were less credibly to be seen as disruptive in a class with a male teacher and male teachers are more likely to include games and competition in their teaching methods. The advantages of a female teacher include many aspects as well. Girls learn best from female teachers, women often teach in ways that may fit girls better such as sitting at desks and using worksheets for learning. More female teachers than male expect a quiet and orderly classroom, which girls appreciate.In the middle and high school years, students will probabl y have a few male teachers. Both males and females bring different approaches and techniques to learning styles. Experiencing both male and female teachers may be best for students so that they can experience the advantages that both genders bring to the classroom. But still many students may have contradictions to how male teachers teach and that many students may not be able to converse their views to male teachers so most students end up creation educated by primarily female teachers. -Arhama KamranFemale or Male Teachers Argumentative EssayArgumentative essay on male and female teachers In deciding if female teachers are better than male teachers, number of discussions and arguments for and against the topic should be examined. As the advancement in learning and education increases more qualified and experienced teachers are needed. These qualified and experienced teachers can be males or females but the question that whether female or male teachers are better still remains u nanswered.The argument shows the point why there are more female teachers, advantages of male and female teachers and whether female teachers are better than male teachers. As a group more females are drawn towards careers like teaching. Taking example of a pre-school or elementary school a 2006 study shows that preschool and elementary school children are taught by 75 percent more female than male teachers.Historically, there have always been more women than men going into the education field. In 2006, the National Education Association released men accounted for less than 25 percent of all teachers in United States public schools. The National Education Association survey showed that more men than women stated that salary is a significant factor in them pursuing other, often more profitable careers than teaching. Still there are many advantages of a male teacher.Teacher Cadet EssaySome studies show that boys learn more from male teachers, boys were less likely to be seen as disrup tive in a class with a male teacher and male teachers are more likely to include games and competition in their teaching methods. The advantages of a female teacher include many aspects as well. Girls learn best from female teachers, women often teach in ways that may fit girls better such as sitting at desks and using worksheets for learning. More female teachers than male expect a quiet and orderly classroom, which girls appreciate.In the middle and high school years, students will probably have a few male teachers. Both males and females bring different approaches and techniques to learning styles. Experiencing both male and female teachers may be best for students so that they can experience the advantages that both genders bring to the classroom. But still many students may have contradictions to how male teachers teach and that many students may not be able to express their views to male teachers so most students end up being educated by primarily female teachers. -Arhama Kamr an
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Our Society’s Indifference to Violence Essay
Last year, while sitting in my car with a mavin at the beach, I witnessed a terrible situation in which almost no one helped the woman in trouble. Although I was scared, it neer occurred to me to not fracture my assistance. Looking back at the situation now, I cant help alone wonder if I wasnt there how differently the nighttime may have turned out for an innocent girl. This one night, counterchanged my life and probably saved hers. On this night, we sat in the car talking somewhat the days events and enjoyed the calmness of the ocean and the peacefulness of the night.Although it was already dark, many other cars lined the boardwalk and several the great unwashed were sitting out watching the rolls crash on the nearby beach. For a late evening, the beach was unusually busy. We sat and talked for few minutes before noticing a commotion wrap up in the distance. At first, it appeared to be a prank, or a fight. Initially I didnt think it was serious and went back to enjoying the sound of the waves and the company of my friend. Soon, the bewilderment appeared to take on a more desperate tone, so I focused ahead on what was happening.In the distance I could see a young woman frantically running from vehicle to vehicle. I had no idea what was going on, and although I wanted to ignore it, something told me not to. I push my eyes to see what she was doing, and to my surprise no one else seemed to notice how frantic she was. As she ran around, shouting and what looked equivalent crying, people walked extraneous, rolled up their windows and ignored her. She was even up her way d let the line of parked cars in a hurried fashion, but I still had no idea how severe the situation was.In no time, she was standing at the drivers side window screaming. Her words were difficult to make out and my first thought was that she was drunk or on drugs. I quickly dismissed this idea when I noticed her shirt. It was covered, in what appeared to be blood. She was crying, and talking so fast I couldnt make out what she was saying. What was clear was that she was asking, in fact, begging for help. We quickly told her to get into the backseat, away from the danger that had caused her this horrible re body process. She was trembling, and bleeding and crying.We did our best to comfort her and quickly called 911 from our cell phone. fortuitously the police were nearby and responded very quickly. As we sat, and waited for the police to question us, we couldnt help but wonder why no one had helped her. She had asked at to the lowest degree ten people for help, and all of them had ignored her. The situation was obviously dire and had we not called the police immediately whos to say what would have happened to her. We waited for what seemed like an eternity until finally the police explained the situation.It seemed the girl was making her way back to the road from the beach when a man jumped out from behind the bushes and attacked her. She had been stabbed, b ut managed to get away before he was able to do more harm to her. Unfortunately, the unidentified man was also able to get away. After being attacked, and stabbed, she ran for help. She was obviously evil and bleeding but no one, except us, helped her. She was quickly whisked away in an ambulance and the police assured us that her wound was minor and she would be okay.We sat for at least another hour as the helicopters, police and search dogs looked for the assailant. We learned later, on the news that the man was never found. It was so disturbing to see individual in obvious need asking for help and everyone turning their back to her. It was as if they couldnt be bothered, or they thought she was joking. So many people were so quick to dismiss it as not serious just to justify their time of peace that it nearly cost someone their life.I would like to think that if the people who did not help, knew that the girl was injured they would have offered to help, but I am not sure. They were all so quick to make a judgment about the situation and assume that it was serious that this girl, who had just been stabbed, couldnt convince them that she was hurt. Our culture is becoming one of not only increasing violence, but one of desensitization to that violence. Had we not been there to help, I cant help but wonder if anyone would have thought to call the police, or an ambulance, or offer even basic comfort to someone in obvious need.The people that did not help that night were completely indifferent to her and were more considered with their own enjoyment that they failed to help a young girl in need. In so doing, their lack of assistance may have provided the attacker the time require to get away. In this case, indifference led to injustice for not only this one girl, but to everyone else this man may have attacked in months and years to come. Well never know just how many people this lack of compassion affected.Our society has become numb to violence and that numb ness has not only caused an increase of carmine acts it has caused a greater degree of indifference for the victims of horrible crimes like the one I witnessed. The people on the beach that night justified their lack of action by saying they thought she was acting, or drunk. Sadly, it should never have mattered why she was screaming, bleeding and asking for help. Help should have been offered without question and without prejudice. If we dont change this behavior, as a society, violence and indifference will only continue to grow as it has for the past several decades.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Internet Cafe Essay
administrator SUMMARYThe Taraba digital small town Centre (TDVC) scheme articulates a compelling vision, that lead enable Jalingo, the express capital to through the centre, play a pivotal role in assisting the government to define, develop and exhibit its programmes and urge on development based on the new schooling Communication Technology (ICTs) strategy(ies) and so facilitate business opportunities that is unrivalled in the 21st century. The centers immediate benefit shall focus on the creation of a better business free-enterprise(a)ness, jobs creation, investment opportunities, infrastructural improvements, global inclusion and participation inside the instruction society appendage. The essential component of the centre would be a place where ICT knowledge is disseminated through the van of information knowledge economy and transfer initiative, the use of communication technologies and sophisticated knowledge sharing process and education. The centre will be a place where the next generation is educated, trained and skilled to takings positions at all levels of development required by the 21st century businesses and entrepreneurship. The centre will be socially inclusive and approachible to the citizens of the terra firma to participate in building the cultural diversity of our society. Taraba Digital Village Centre cypher is a bold vision for broad -partnership and catalyst for global businesses and competitiveness. The crusade vision behind Taraba Digital Village Centre (TDVC) is shaped around the epicenter for a driving environmental and learning center that foster gender participation in todays Information Community.INTRODUCTIONJalingo, the capital city of Taraba State Nigeria has emerged from the last fifteen (15) years of creation to be a city centered around fresh ideas, expertise, governance, economic opportunities and real investors confidence. This transformation brings with it an unprecedented opportunities to boost changing and sustainable power base that fully maximized the citys unique assets that centers around the new emerge Information Communication Technology (ICTs) so as to properly position the State and its people within the Local, National, Regional and International Information Society processes on that pointby becoming a recognized New millennium City, where great things be shaped with commitment. In today s spherical economy, where knowledge and innovation ar keys to competitive success, we are delighted to say that with a digital center in the city, Jalingo is uniquely lay to post necessary services and impetus on ICT to a growing populationand to conform to supranational competitiveness and standards. If its capacity are integrated into the information and telecommunication Network of the world and its resources tapped and released through the eye much would have put in place to serve the underserved jejunenesss, gender, and Stakeholders requests on ICTsDESCRIPTION OF JALING O urban centerTaraba State was created in August, 27th 1991. The postulate covers a land area of 9,400 square km with hexadteen local government Areas (LGAs). Jalingo Local government HQtrs is the capital city of Taraba State as well as the Traditional Seat of Muri Emirate ,the Emirate that was founded since 17th century. All Federal and State parastatals are located in Jalingo. Businesses, Socio-Economic and semipolitical activities takes firm and flourishing growth in Jalingo. Tertiary institutions established by the state and other new urban development infrastructures that attract the Youth and other Nigerian citizens including Foreign Nationals into the capital city are located in Jalingo POPULATIONThe 1991 Census figures, Taraba State has a population figure of (1,512,163 million). As at the 2003 projection of 31% the population of the state now stand at (2,074,615 million). Many ethic groups occupies the state nonably , the Mumuye, Jukun, Wurkum, Mambilla, Fulani, Kuteb Hausa, Kunini, Jenjo, Yandang, Chamba, Ichen among others.WHY THERE IS A NEED FOR A DIGITAL VILLAGE PROJECT?The forcing out is contained in the Taraba State Economic Empowerment maturation Strategy (TSEEDS) document that articulated Making addressable the benefits of the new Information and Communication Technology (ICT). To bridge the Digital divide and open doors to many underserved youths of the state and beyond . Attaining height in the standard of education for Technology and the creation of new job opportunities and mart oriented values using ICTs. Improving quality of look and creating new opportunities for others who otherwise may not have had the opportunity. Development of a virtual library that provides information and answers urgent questions that meets real economic benefits, rival and social and gender inclusion.TARGET POPULATIONThe underserved youths and women across the state and beyond. To meet the needs of growing businesses in and around the state. Students and educational institutions, private and public sector of the state.FACILITIES NEEDEDThe complex which will be referred to as The Digital Village shall have facilities such as Computers and Printers for Training and Internet Access.Telephone and Fax Machines. witnesser of Power supply (Solar and Electrical).Equipped and Furnished conference CentreAir Conditioners.Laptops.Manpower Operators. interpret line at a time 300 persons24 Hours Access and opens at 800am.TIME-TABLE FOR RAISING inventory TO START PROJECT OPERATION2006 Project team Exchange visit between the Project likely Development Technical Partner .This is to facilitate Formative stages and drawing up of project details for realization of plans. 2006- 2007 Funds made available and work begins at site and if the building is to be provided and not constructed, consequently renovation on the site to suit Project as designated. Last quarter 2007- Project commissioning. gist PROGRAMME ACTIVITIESThe Taraba Digital Village Centre (TDVC) Project will provide Training and equipping its our target groups /participant with necessary and basic skills in Information Communication Technology applications through aiding them to apprehend trends behind the information society today.Research and knowledge for DevelopmentProfessional Service and Practical applicationsSkills development programmes and work force initiativesBetter academic acceleration programmes through the engagement of our academic corporation in the state, National and International. The TDVC is intended to provide a dynamic environment for genius generation, global focus on knowledge economy driving competition and enhancement of partnership development.BUDGET COSTi. Equipment supplies and installation N4,000,000.00 $30,000.00 ii. tress and furnishing of the centre N6,000,000.00 $60,000 iii. Staff recruitment and remuneration first two years i.e. solicitude staff and municipal N1.428,250.20 =$9,850 iv. Technical service and maintena nce N1.280,000.00 =$8,820 v. Consultancy 2,005,123,00 = $ 13,794vi. Contingency/Miscellaneous 2,500,000,00= $172,414vii. Total in Naira N18,493,624viii. Total in US $ 127,543ix. Exchange rate of N145 to $1 dollarx. Eighteen Million, four hundred and ninety three thousand, six hundred and twenty four naira. xi. One hundred and twenty seven thousand, five hundred and 40 three dollars.CORE AREAS OF COLLABORATION IN THE PROJECTThe TDVC Initiating Team/ Organization(s) and the Government of Taraba State will to provide a designated Structure(s) that would accommodate PCs, for Internet facilities, training centre, business centre, library and conference Hall among others. Technical Development Partner(s) on the other hand, to Supply and Provide the technical know-how/expertise that will equip the centre in Jalingo, Taraba State with PCs. And such a Partners(s) to play consultancy role and management before eventual transfer of possession of the centre to the Initiating Team and Tarab a State Government by and by the latter must have set-up a management structure for the centre. Other Areas of collaboration which may not have been detailed here in the proposal including legal contract agreements etc, to be agreed upon in the final draft agreement for the project having the previous objectives/idea for the realization of the Center is accepted as the basis of projectinitiation.EXISTING CAFESTaraba State cannot be said to have been fully connected to the internet Network or its Digital and Telecommunication Infrastructures are full developed. At Wukari LG, there is only Internet Caf. At Zing LGA, the internet Caf located at Bizarre Hotels may not serving broad society needs. At the state capital Jalingo, there are only four functional internet Cafs. With over 2million people population therefore, the state need more internet connectivity and feeler than it is currently obtainable.TRAINING PROGRAMMESThe training at the centre shall be intentional to enhance acce ssibility to Information Technology with key aim of preparing and equipping applicants/trainees to automatically fit into competitive labor pool with best and optimum result that meets job creation in the private and habitual Sectors.TDVC INTERNET CAFThe primary responsibility of this sector at the Center is to continue to explore and provide access to Information Communication Technology and or to the society through the use of internet access. This section will be multi-stake-holder to provide the best and efficient service desired of a growing metropolitan community like Jalingo, the capital city of Taraba State- Nigeria.EXPLANATORY NOTES/CONCLUSIONThe project was once commissioned shall be renamed after the Name of the first Executive Governor of Taraba State. It is thus proposed that the center be Named as REV. JOLLY T. NYAME pump OF EXCELLENCE. This is the first Project in Taraba State to bear the inscription of His Excellency. It shall then be a Model for other New Millenni um ICTs project. It shall enhance the way people and organizations communicate, exchange knowledge and access information. The centre shall facilitate the development of Entrepreneurship and youth leadership development.A unifying focus for all tribes, travel rapidly without discrimination. A centre that provide a world class and unique socio-economic, political and Technological development. The project shall be a convergence of opportunity for moving people and ideas that maintains a high quality of life and sustainable development.PROJECT TEAM MEMBERSMr. Gimba Joseph. (M.A.L.D) Lectures at College of Agriculture, Jalingo, Taraba State. A Youth NGO Leader and Ex-officio executive of the NYCN, North-East, Zone, Nigeria , Project Manager, NETWORK FORUM, WORLD BANK HIV/AIDS Assisted project, Taraba State Co-coordinator, TARABA STATE Chapter, National Youth Network on HIV/AIDS and Member ,Information Society Stakeholders Forum, in Nigeria and Pricipal facilitator of the project.Mr. Raymond N. Enoch (JP). Staff of Government College, Jalingo, Taraba State. Education and Training officer, WORLD BANK HIV/AIDS assisted project. Member, Nigeria Information Society Stakeholders Forum, Member African Youth ICT4D Network, and Secretary, Taraba State chapter, NYNETHA. Member, YouthWorldBank Network in Nigeria, Co-Facilitator, TARABA DIGITAL VILLAGE RESOUCE CENTER (TDVRC)Comrade Simon D. ShinpuThe administrative Secretary of the Nigerian Union of Teachers, Taraba State Wing. A former Speaker of the Taraba State House of Assembly.Member, Facilitating Team of the Project.The Executive Chairman,Jalingo LGALocal Government SecretariatJalingo, Taraba State Nigeria.Mallama Hauwa Umar. NGO Youth Leader. Administrative Secretary Global HIV/AIDS Nigeria (Ghain). FHI/USAID Abuja, Nigeria, member, Nigeria Youth Network on MDGs, Member of the Facilitating Team of the Project.Mr GBENGA SESAN, Project Manager, Lagos Digital Village ,Vice-Chair Technical African YouthICT4D Network(A YIN) Technical Adviser to the Project
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