Thursday, October 31, 2019
Organisational Culture and Change Management Research Paper
Organisational Culture and Change Management - Research Paper Example The above changes are dealt in with a special focus on the impacts of the same on employees and intervention procedures enabled by the business managers. Organisational Culture and Change Management General Understanding Organisational culture is generally held to be a system of beliefs or values reflected by the employees, staffs, and managers related to a concern that in turn contributes in distinctively separating it from other concerns in the related or other industries. Seven parameters are studies that contribute to the development of such distinct organizational cultures in different organizations. Firstly the culture sets of an organization are dominated by the attribute of risk-taking or the parameter of creativity and innovation ingrained in the employees. Secondly, the behavioral attributes of the people pertaining to the study of an event in a precise or detailed fashion also amount to the development of organizational culture in the concern. Thirdly the cultural paramete rs of an organization are also developed depending on the management styles of whether to study the processes to achieve a desired set of outcomes or to be focused on observing the outcome only. Fourthly again the organizational culture also depends on the degree to which the management body of the concern endeavors to understand the effects of the outcome gained on the people or the human resources of the specific concern. Fifthly the development of the organizational culture also earns relation to the degree of patronage rendered in the cultivation of effective teams. Sixthly organizational culture is also ruled by the degree of aggressiveness or passiveness involved in the pursuit of organizational conducts. Finally in the seventh case organizational culture also earns relation to the fact in whether the concern focuses on stability or whether it focuses on gaining significant growth (Roodt, Odendaal and Robbins, 2009, p.424). The introduction and management of organizational cha nge in a specific cultural context are generally dealt into two essential types. The first type relates that change factor within organizations is a spontaneous or continuous process such that the managers need to focus on planning beforehand to help enable the effective implementation of the process thereby adopted. However, the first thought failed to hold good owing to the changing circumstances in the external organizational environment that in turn required the organization to rightly welcome an emerging technological transition or transformation. New changes in the technological environment of the concern stand as an emergent process in contrast to the pre-planned environment. Adaptation to emerging technological changes helps the organization to stand the test of times and render effective customer and market-driven services.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Beer Industry Case Study Essay Example for Free
Beer Industry Case Study Essay Beer industry is one of the oldest industries particular in EU as it is one of the biggest beer consumption markets. This industry has seen fluctuation of the demand and consumption of the beer over the last quarter of 20th century due to many factors. This analysis will look in to those factors by taking into account the case given and will analyze the general reasons, growth and effects of the industry keeping in mind the macro-environment and its main component such as political, legal, environmental, economical, technological, social- cultural, and international aspects. Furthermore industry analysis will be discussed in details by analyzing the critical factors such as the threats of new entrants, suppliers and buyers power on the industry, product substitutions, and alliance and merging of the companies. The details of micro-environment and industry analysis will be available in the appendices. In addition, current strategy, links between the micro-environment and industry analysis, will be discussed along with brief recommendations. The fore European brewing company will be analyzed in terms of strength and weakness. Current strategy The beer industry has been in the existence for as long as the barley have been harvested and used for the making of the beer. The drink is mixed with alcohol in order to give it tantalizing taste with addictive quality. The beer is used as an everyday drink by many around the world and it by creating a taste and demand in the market. It probably will not be controversial, if argued that it is in the top 5 most drinkable beverage in the world. The demand of the beer has increased significantly in the last half of the century and some cultural such as German has included it, as part of their culture and celebrates beer drinking festivals annually. The industry has been facing some threats in the market due to increased number of brewery companies, who over supplies cheap beer in the market, which could possibly kill the industry. Some other new and non-traditional threats such as increased health risks, potential abuse of the beer, new legal challenges, globalization and environmental has put a question mark on the future of the industry. These threats are real and the industry needs to address them effectively and efficiently in order to survive in the future. Some of the threats are addressed by adopting new strategies, such as being environmentally friendly production line, innovation, GM foods, and many more in order to be in the market and create consumer for the future. Summary of macro environment analysis Economic One of the biggest current threats almost on every business is the current financial crisis and the beer industry is not immune to it at all. The global crises have forced many workers out of their jobs, increased unemployment, which means less finance to purchase basics for a everyday life. Many had to cut unnecessary activities such as going to the local pub for a drink after work on regular basis or purchasing beer off the self from super markets. The uncertain financial times have dropped the consumer confidence and most of the people are afraid of spending any money on unnecessary activates. There is very strong evidence that consumers are saving money during these crunch times. Europe has been one of the hardest hit by the financial crisis, and some of the countries such as Island were almost to the brink of the bankruptcy. This uncertainty will have huge impact on the industry in short term and will affect the profitability. The usual willing buyers might cut down to consumption of the beer significantly or even chose to switch to a cheaper brand in the market, in order to fulfill their alcohol appetite. In terms of macro-environment, it simply means the buyers becomes price sensitive. The fuel price and beer have direct relationship, since the early stages of this crisis, the fuel prices had dropped significantly which means less overheads cost for the company in terms of logistics and supplies, however this drop in fuel prices may drop the beer price but it will not be enough to create a demand and increase sales for the beer in the market due to the financial crisis. Financial crisis would mean the availability of credit will be almost none existence for the company to borrow and carry their daily operations across the borders. Not only the credit will be a major issue, but the unavailability of the funds means, less money to compete in the market and high chances of being takeover, merged, and acquisitions with other major companies. Irrespective of the size of the company, the threats will remain hanging around their heads for as long as the markets picks up. The different taxation law around the European countries remains another challenge for the industry as despite being as a collective states and regulating a common taxation law around the Europe. The gradually increasing labor cost remains as a constant threat for the industry, regardless of the any other factor, it will be a long term threat to be dealt with on a regular basis. Political/Legal The expansions of EU will certainly be positive point towards the industry as it will increase the business boundaries and will create an open market. It also mean, increased customers to be targeted for the beer industry and at the same time it will increase competition among the existing breweries and the invader breweries. The competition will bring down the price for the customer and decrease the profitability for the business. The over consumption of alcohol due to many reason has forced the politician and law makers to make much more stricter legislation and rules with the use of alcohol in particular with drink driving. Forcing a very limited pubs and bars opening hours will reduce the consumption of the beer by a large margin. It is defiantly a negative effect on the business and high chance of getting harder in the near future. The well known negative effects of alcohol on the public health means that it would cost more to the government’s health sector annual budgets. The government will try to decrees the consumption of alcohol as much as possible as alcohol related health cost are rising on the government. It is a negative effect on the industry as customers are discouraged to drink alcohol as it carries health risks. Other factors may also include to limitation on the issued licenses for the breweries to make beer, which means less breweries. Over all the political side of the macro-environment remains negative for the industry in short and long terms as anti-alcohol sentiments are echoed in the legal and political section of the EU. Technological The advancement of the technology has affected the way businesses are operated and products are produced. The use of robot in the brewery for the propose of production line, assembly line and in particular packaging of the product has been used significantly and reduced the reliability of the labour and their costs and overheads. The on time tracking of the barley to the brewery and finished product to the stores are made much easy as GPS are used to track the movement of the product and on time deliveries are made possible. On the other hand it may in occur as a one-off purchase cost to the company, but the long term use and benefits outweigh the costs. The advancement in technology will be able to make mini home brewery, so the customers could have their own personal brewery at home. It will be a negative effect on the industry, as customer will make their own beer at home, however the home brewery will not be able to compete with the taste produced by the master brewer for the major brands. Environmental The climate change will affect the industry as unpredicted weather patterns are expected, which will affect the crops produced for the brewery. In this case the imports of barley from other countries cannot be ruled out, but the importation will carry transportation costs with it and it will certainly be passed on the customers at end of the supply chain. The climate change has affected Europe in many ways, as some parts are getting too cold for the barley to be grown and some parts are totally opposite to it. Climate change has affected the supply of water for the farmers, as less water simply means less crop for the industry. The industry does not have any alternative to use for the beer making as barley remains the one and only key ingredients. Water is not only required for the crops to grow but also for the making of the beer in the brewery, a good quality water will be hard to find in the future. The Genetically Modified (GM) crops could possibly be an option, which requires less water to grow and gives a batter taste to the beer. However the GM is still in the experimental stages and there are question in terms of reliability and health benefits with the GM. Social-cultural The social and cultural effects on the beer industry will be mix as demographically arguing that European populations are getting old but at the same time they are replaced by ever binge drinking younger population, however the replacement are not sufficient enough. The female buying power have increased as more and more European female are working and socializing outside and have the money to spend. The new fruity flavored beer are specifically designed for the female and it has been very successful to capture the feminine side of the industry. It is positive sign for the future of the industry. The increased EU population has been effected by a very reasonable number of Islamic community, who does not consumer beer due to religious reasons. It will carry negative effect on the industry unless non-alcoholic beers are produced to target this section of the industry. The excessive consumption of beer has not been approved by the society as a whole due to the valid reasons such as increased obesity, alcohol related violence and health related issues and underage drinking. It will be a negative effect on the industry and will be carried away in the future. International The international side of the beer market seems to be very interesting in regards to the political shifts of power from West to Asian region. In the near future the growing Asian market will play heavily on the industry as more and more beers are brewed and consumed in Asian region. European companies will have to make strategic moves towards the Asian market and possibly will be required to make alliances in order to survive. The shift will not affect the European market and it possible means decrees in the beer cost as beer produced in Asian will come to the European market for the customers. Globalization has promoted the free trade, which has opened new market and dropped the tariffs but it may result as negative to the European breweries as the cheap Asian beer will pour in the market. The cross border business might have some barriers as the taxation and tariff law differs from one state to another. Summary of industry environment Threats of new entrants The threats of a new entrants remains reasonably low as it is subjected to the scale of operation for the new entrants. Business within the local or regional area will require very little set up capital, however on an a broad scale of import and export across to the EU will require much bigger capital, logistics and distribution channels. The new entrants will face the brand loyalty and product differentiation as the existing customers already have mature tastes for their brands available in the market. Certainly the threats remain high for the current players, however the survival in this tight industry might be very hard as existing brands have very strong marketing knowledge and established customers. Bargaining power of supplies In this industry the barley suppliers does not have much of bargaining power as the alternative use of the crops are very limited and the suppliers does not have much of a choice. The number of suppliers out weights the buyers and there are huge number of buyers but the major beer companies purchase barley in huge volumes and has the upper hand. The bargaining power may increase in case of a natural disaster, which could destroy the crop of an entire regain and decreases the quantity demanded for the beer market, but the chances of it happening is very less. The suppliers might have an alternative option of forward integration as to enter in the brewery industry, however the life within the industry may be short lived due to monopolistic nature of the industry by the brewers. The demand for a skilled master brewer remains very high and the skill supplier has the upper hand in this case. Bargaining power of buyers According to the analysis in the appendix 2, the buyer seems to be in a much stronger position then the suppliers. Due to the very nature of the critical product barley, which can not be stored and needs to be sold to the buyers as soon as its harvested. The buyers uses the volume perches power to negotiate with the suppliers and gets a better price. The number of suppliers are increasing within the European market and in some case the raw product could possibly be imported from Asian and South American destination with much cheaper price. Over all the buyers have the power to control the industry and manipulate in many ways. Substitutes The substitutes available in the market are one of the real threat to this industry as the negative effects of the alcohol are coming forward, which are backed by strong scientific evidence. The number of substitutes such as Water, milk, soft drinks, wine, tea, coffee, energy drinks, and traditional cultural drinks are and most of them almost posses no health threats of any kind. In fact the substitutes are well accepted socially, legally, economically and does not have any age restriction of any kind when consumed. Industry rivalry The issue of rivalry depends on the sector of market controlled by the companies. In general Europe has a very high number of companies operating within the EU. Europe has one of the highest consumption of beer then US and Asian market, so competitors has very good reasons to be in EU market. Some of the companies are merging in order to create an oligopoly or even a pure-monopolistic markets to drive out others from the industry. Generally the rivalry remains very high at all times, with the other companies in the industries. Interconnections between two analyses The beer industry is one of the oldest industry and growing over times. It has seen some fluctuations over the last half of the 20th century, but it has not deterred it any way. The macro-environment’s components faces constant changes as factors such as environmental, economical, political, and technological are interrelated to one and other. These factors are beyond the control of the industry and the industry does not have any other choice to adapt the micro-environmental changes in order to survive. The effects of the micro-environment carries on the industry and many ways such as environmental changes will increase or decrease the power of suppliers and buyers. The ever changing weather pattern does not guarantee crops for the next year and breweries remains uncertain at all time. The globalization remains another unavoidable factor affecting the macro-environment and the industry as whole. Recommendations what will it take in 2015 to be an industry leader and who may that be? Recommendation and 2015 directions * The future of the industry remains clear as long as the industry remains flexible to change. * The environmentally friendly approaches needs to be taken on for the production and packaging. * Globalization is a fact and EU beer industry needs to make changes, accept players coming from USA and Asian markets. The same could be expected to USA and Asian markets. * In order to gain maximum market shares, merger with other companies should be encouraged as it will decrease the operational cost, exchange of expertise in particular master brewer. It will make them a strong player in the industry. * More investment are required in area of new flavor. * GM barley needs to experimented as it could possibly provide benefits both ways. * Non-alcoholic beer should be produced to target the growing Islamic community in EU and in the Middle East. * Geographic expansion needs to be considered out of EU. * In order to reduce the harsher law against the use of excessive alcohol, industry needs to educate their customer and advice them of moderate drinking habits. * With the assistance of the transportation department, Community based programs should be designed to educate the new drivers, of the dangers of the drink driving. The strength and weakness of the fore brewing companies As appendix 3 provides detail list of the weakness and strength of the fore brewing industry as 1. Heiniken ( The Netherlands) Strengths One of the biggest brewery in Europe as with the sales of more than 8bn pound in 2006, it’s a global company expending in to Asian markets and US by 5% and 17 percents. Weakness The weakness of the Heiniken would be as it has given more attention to the EU and ignored the ever growing Asian market. It may be enjoying the current EU market but the future holds with the Asian and Sub-continents. The future will be bright if the company considers moves in to other markets and makes alliances with intended region. 2. Grolsch (The Netherland) Strengths It is one of the oldest brewery with experience of all time. It has moved out of its European bases in to the US market and has successfully make alliance. It is one of the most innovative brewery and has a specialized experimental brewery. More then 50% of the products are exported out of Europe. Weaknesses The only weakness of the Grolsh would that it uses only one brewery to produce all it productions. The distance between the only brewery and some of the markets are enormous, which occurs in to huge logistics and transportation cost. The future looks very good as it does not rely on one market and the some of the new experimental beer could become market leading brands. 3. InBev (Belgium/Brazil) Strengths The largest brewery in the world as it is merger of the two companies. It is the largest market power to manipulate the price. It has gained big sector in to the Asian markets and are very innovative and environmentally conscious. Weakness Their does not seems to any weakness except the ignoring of the US market. The future seems to be very bright as it has the capacity and resources to grow and lead the market. 4. Scottish and Newcastle (UK) Strengths It is the 4th largest in Europe and 4 major established brand in the Europe. It looks in to the future and has tried to shares into the other bewaring companies. Weakness The company is not a big one and has tried to stretch it self into other breweries. The over reliance on the 4 brands has stopped them of innovation with new brands of beer. The future in European market seems to be well underway successfully but the entrance in the Asian market might be very risky as some of the major companies are well established in that market. APPENDICES Appendix 1 Macro-environment analysis Factor | Issues | Effects on Industry | Rulings | Economic | * The economic downturn * Increased unemployment * Uncertain financial times * Job insecurity of the customers * Global recession * Expansion of Euro * Tariffs and taxes * The increasing oil price * Labour cost | Controversial, as it may or may not increase the demand for beer. Could mean less money to spend on of going out for drinks at pubs and bars. People tend to save money as times are uncertainIt could possibly bring a very positive effect on the brewery business as the expansion will increased market boundaries with more customers to target. The expansion might be good on one hand, but on the other it will increase the Tariffs on the product as it has to go through many state borders. The taxation law varies from on EU country to the others, it will affect the profitability in short and long terms. The inevitable increasing oil price will need to be passed on the customer eventually. The labour market will demand an increase in their pay in the future, which will have to be included in the beer price. | +/-__++/-+/-__Final rulingsNeutral | Political/Legal| * Expansion of EU * Greater concern from politicians about effects of alcohol * Stronger legislation around drink-driving * Legislation on the pollutions * Marketing campaigns around effects of binge-drinking * Competition policy Licensing controls| It will increase the customer approaches as the boundaries will be diminished, creating open borders will encourage competition among the business within EU. The negative affects of alcohol will make the politician to take drastic action as to limit the use alcohol to reduce certain effects of it. The well known effects of alcohol, will put pressure on the customers to decrease the amount of consumption at pubs. Tighter legislation on the pollutions will put pressure to be environmentally clean industry. Health sector and public outcry will force the government to make stricter law for the use of beer. It may not be as an issue as the EU is very flexible with the licensing. | +____+Final rulingNegative | Technological| * Efficient production systems * GPS for tracking transportation Logistics and supply chain management * Product enhancements Bottling and packaging alternatives * Mini home Brewing | With use of robot in the production and assembly line will become efficient and effective also decreases the overheads Will monitor and make sure the product gets on time with the efficient routs to the customs and suppliers. It may incur some cost to the industry. The packaging and bottling cost will decrees with the use of alternative packaging such as plastics and papers. The compact mini home brewery will have minimal effect on the market as some of the customer will produce their own beer at home. | +++ +Final Ruling Positive | Environmental | * Climate change Variable * Seasonality of weather * Natural disasters * GM products * Pollution * Water scarcity * Energy costs| The increased outcry will affect the industry as the climate change will affect the production of crop by the farmers. The unpredictable weather with variation in rain pattern will put doubts the crops. The changing climate has made the nature unpredictable as Europe is getting colder every year and barley cannot be grown in a cold environment. The GM product will be beneficial to the industry as it will assist to produce the specific kind of crop, resistant to the pesticide and herbicides with maximum yield. As a result of the production, the industry will produce different kinds of wastes or pollutions. Beer brewing requires good quality water and it good quality water will be scares in the future. The energy cost will increase most of the source of energies are extracted from scares natural resources. | ___+_ _ _Final RulingNegative | Socio-Culture| * Ageing population * Feminine buying power * Increased multiculturalism * Peer pressure * Stress-relieving * Binge drinking * concerns about obesity * Alcohol related health issues * Under-age drinking| The EU population is getting old, it will not make much of difference on the industry as the younger binge drinker will replace them. Female are coming in the market with money to spend and adopting the beer tastes. EU’s population has increased significantly by multicultural, Islamic community, who does not drink beer. With the youth, the peer pressure makes them to act alike and promotes binge drinking culture. The current economic down turn has resulted into job losses, which has resulted into high level of stress. excessive beer is used as stress-relieving. Obesity is not accepted socially and considered to be unhealthy. Beer may be blamed to be one of the causes and it would affect the industry in future. The modern research has found strong reasons on the side effects of the alcohol and continued to do so. It will affect the business in long term. One of the unacceptable issues will be the underage drinking; however it may not be an issue when supervised. | ++ _++__+/-Final ruling Positive | International| * Shift in geo-political power to Asia * Increased awareness and global consumption of alcohol * Alternative religious aspects on alcohol * Falling tariffs * Global alliances * Globalization| Increased political power means increased income, which means more demand for the beer in the Asian market. New findings and Research increase the global awareness, most of them awareness appears to be advising to decrease the consumption of the beer. The increasing religious influences globally means less beer consumption as most of the religions discourages the use of alcohols such as Islamic religion with more than followers. The globalization has promoted the free trade among the states, which results in falling tariffs. The global alliances of the companies will help to increase their power in the market and act like a monopolistic. The globalization opens new markets and drops the tariffs, but it may result badly for the EU as the cheap Asian beer might pour in the market. | +__+++Final ruling Positive | Appendix 2 Details of Industry Analysis Factor| Issue Analysis| Rating of the Threat| Threat of New Entrants | Market Type:Monopolistic, with many number of brewer, Entry conditions: Relatively easy, with limited resource required on small level production. Product Differentiation: It is one of the key factors in this industry, the new comer will be required to create different and an acceptable taste for the customers, who already has matured tastes and brand loyalty with available brands in the market. Switching Cost: The switching cost for the buyers is very low as the product price is very low and trying another brand does not cost as much. Brand Loyalty: Most of the customer have a very strong brand loyalty and it will be very had to break that cycle in the market. EU well known brand such as Heineken, Inbev, Baltika, and Coopers. Logistics requirements:The new comer will have to establish a chain of logistics and supply from suppliers and to the brewery to the customers. Capital requirement:a very low capital is needed to enter in the market at a local level, however as on the international level the capital requirements will be medium to high. Globalization:Due to the globalization and open market, non EU players with cheap labor cost could enter in the EU and penetrate the market with cheap brands. Islamic countries:The market will not be allowed to enter in some of the Islamic countries as the consumption of alcohol is prohibited. | LowHigh LowHighLowMedium Medium Medium Low | Bargaining Power of Supplier| Master Brewer: The human capital of master brewer has the power of switching the company and move to another one of even changing jobs. Barley suppliers: The barley suppliers does not have much of choice to sell the crop to the brewery as the alternative use of the barley are very limited. Presents of substitute input:There is no other substitute for barley to be used in the making of the beer, so the supplier could have power in this regards. Due to a very high number of suppliers in the market, this power eliminates itself. Threats of forward integration:The supplier could possibly enter in the market as the entrances are too easy. In this case the suppliers will have huge impact on the industry. Switching cost of supplier: The numbers of suppliers are enormous as the buyers could easily switch suppliers in the market. It gives less power to the suppliers. | High Medium Medium Low Low | Bargaining Power of Buyers| Presents of substitute: A buyer does have power in the market as the product will needs to be purchased within a short time as use of barley in other products are very limited and it cannot be stored for a long time. Impotents of volume to buyers:The high volume of purchase decreases the power of supplier and increases the power of buyers. Buyers concentration: There are less buyers compared to the number of suppliers in the market for the use of barley, which means more power for the buyers to bargain with the suppliers. | High Low Low | Power of Substitutes | Strong substitutes : There are a very large number of substitute available in the market for the end user, such as Water, milk, soft drinks, wine, tea, coffee, energy drinks, and traditional cultural drinks. Most of the entire alternative has less or no side effects at all in the human body, which makes them all time favorite and increased in their demand for the future. | High | Appendix 3 Four Brewing Companies in EU Company| Strength| Weakness| Future outlook| Heiniken( The Netherlands)| * Biggest brewery in EU * 2006 sales 8bn pound * 5 % sales in Asia * 17% in US * Family business * Uses local business to sell their products | * More attention into EU and forget the ever growing Asian market * Very tight controlled due to family business in nature| Positive in EU, but negative in the Asian and US market. Over all in a good health. | Grolsch (The Netherland)| * One of the oldest * Medium size * Has alliances with US * Innovative with products * Licensed to export 50% of their products overseas * Has specialized brewery for experiment | * Centralizes brewery, uses only one brewery for the production| Looks good compared to its size and exports 50%. The innovation and experimental beer might capture market in the future. | InBev (Belgium/Brazil)| * Merger of two companies * The largest brewery in the world * Market power * Second largest in Chinese market * Looks for innovations * Environmentally conscious | | Very good and bright future due to the innovations, size, market power, environmentally awareness. | Scottish and Newcastle (UK)| * 4th largest in EU * 4 major established brands * Has global approach by purchasing shares in other brewing company. | * Over stretched company due to its size. * Lack of innovation with new tastes. | The future seems to be in doubt as company is entering to Asian market where the biggest brewery are well established brands. | REFERNCES Hubbard, G Rice, J Beamish, P 2008, Strategic Management: Thinking, Analysis, Action, 3rd edn. , Pearson Prentice Hall, French Forest, NSW, Austra
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Chinese Negotiation Vs American Negotiation
Chinese Negotiation Vs American Negotiation This is an intercultural assignment for the subject Intercultural Sales Negotiation.. I am a student of the minor Latin American Business Studies. In the minor Latin American Business Studies that I am following, we got the assignment to study the Guanxi case and to do some research into the Chinese and US culture related to negotiation meetings. The last part of this assignment will be that I have to prepare a role of an American party in a negotiation standing between Electrowide and Motosuzhou. In this assignment you can expect the following subjects: there will be a short description of different cultures in the world. Next subject will be an intercultural research about the Chinese and US cultures and in which these various cultures will influence negotiation attitudes and positions. After this there will be a preparation about the Guanxi case. This preparation includes: BATNA, ideals, fallbacks, needs/priorities, assumptions and strategies/tactics. In this preparation there will be also quoted explicitly when and in what way the research has affected the preparation. Intercultural research between American and Chinese people doing negotiation The world has a lot of people. The people who are living in different parts of the world are not all the same. They belong to a certain culture. A culture includes the customs and traditions of a certain nation from a certain country. This includes the set of values, nutrition, diet, clothing, religion, music and dance. We can divide the world in several main cultures like: North American, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin American, Middle East/ African and Asian culture. During negotiation around the world you have to know the differences between all these different cultures. Doing some research before going into a negotiation is very important. This is important because there could appear some misunderstandings because of the differences in culture. If you work in a global commercial environment it is useful to have some knowledge of the impact of these cultural differences. This is one of the keys to international business success during negotiation. Regarding to these differences of culture, we now going to zoom in into the Chinese culture and the American culture doing negotiation with each other. We are going to look in what way the various cultures of American and Chinese people will influence negotiation attitudes and positions. Chinese way of negotiation: If we look at the way Chinese business people negotiate, they are very different in comparison with other countries. They are very different in terms on how they approach a business negotiation. For Chinese business people a negotiation is more like an exchange of information. A getting to know you process. They consider it as a formal discussion. They are willing to negotiate for a long time to get to know each other and to create a long time partnership. The reason willing to negotiate for a long time is to get as much as information out of you. If they manage to get enough information out of you, they can adjust their arguments on what you are saying. They can also use all those information that you are telling them against you eventually. China is a society of high-context. This means that in this kind of society you do not have to say or write to much to make clear what you are meaning. For the Chinese business people it is not only verbal communication, but also a lot of non-verbal communication to express yourself. You only have to make a little part of your message explicit, because most of the information is already implicit in the environment or in the assumed prior knowledge of the person. The Chinese business people do not like the direct word no. They will find it very rude and disrespectful. It is better to avoid to say the word no to the Chinese party. It is difficult to avoid to say no, but there are several ways to say no indirectly. Little example: In the Western culture they would say: No, we cannot do that and in the Chinese culture would say: That may be difficult for us to do so. So it is really important that you think very clearly how you going to disagree to a Chinese party. An option is to shift you responsibility for your decisions to something else in the negotiation. If you do say no to a Chinese person you will lose face (mianzi in Chinese). This means that you are losing your good reputation and social standing compared to you Chinese business associate. This could be not good for the business negotiation. Chinese people are very good in saying no indirectly. The style of the Chinese business people of saying no is to apply objections to disagree with a proposal. Chinese are very collectively set. Functioning/thinking as a group and having a good relationship between parties has a big importance in the Chinese society. Relationship is called in Chinese: Guanxi. During negotiation this is very important for the Chinese business people to create with the other party. If you manage to have a good Guanxi with the other it is much easier to negotiate and to reach your goals. During the negotiation with your Chinese associate you have find out if you are talking with the right person who makes the final decisions. The fact is that it is very common in the Chinese way of negotiating that the person who makes the final decisions is not the person who is sitting in front of you but someone else. These people are intermediaries. This is because there is a hierargy in the Chinese society. This means they have limited authority in making final decisions. If you know it is not the right person in front of you who makes the final decisions, you can expect that they first have to discuss it with their companions before making the final deal. Chinese people appreciate if their foreign party speaks their language. As a foreign party this will improve your status compared to the Chinese party. Chinese people love to negotiate for a long time to make you impatient and exhausted to get the best deal possible out of it. They want you to feel like you need them more then they need you. At last Chinese culture is based on a survival of the fittest culture. They will say to the other party that they want the best deal for both, but the truth is that they doesnt mean that seriously. They want to have a win-lose deal. Win-win is mostly not an option. American way of negotiation: If we look at the way American business people negotiate, they are totally the opposite in doing negotiation then the Chinese business people. Americans want to negotiate to reach their goal, to make the best deal out of it and at the end to make a contract right away. Americans are very individual minded. For them counts the fewer the people the less confusion the quicker of making a deal. Time is money for them so they want to get the negotiation done in a hurry. This behavior is a big disadvantage for the Chinese people who want to make to negotiation as long as possible. The use the situation of the Americans willing to do everything as quick as possible. Americans are very straight to the point. They just want to reach their goals and do not look at the whole of the topic. If they would do that more they maybe could get more out of the deal. Americans do not like to negotiate. They are very informal when doing negotiations. Because Americans are very individualistic they have full authority during negotiations. They want to lead the negotiation and they want to make the final decisions. They are not an intermediary. They make a lot of proposals and they like to talk a lot. Unlike China, America is a low context society. They are a society which uses a lot of verbal communication. This makes it very hard for Americans to understand the Chinese, because it isnt always the words, it is the meaning behind the words which are important. Conclusion It is good for an American to understand how the culture of the Chinese business people works. Because if you dont, it would be difficult to get the best deal out of the negotiation. As an American it is important that you can adapt the behaviors of the Chinese. Be flexible. If you can try to speak their language this will improve your position compared to the Chinese. Do not be impatient, because the Chinese will use this against you. Find the right person to talk to, because if you are talking to an intermediary you know that he/she isnt the person who makes the final decisions. Try to minimize your nos to be not disrespectful and rude. Try to put your no in a indirect way. Be careful with giving too much information. Chinese are active listeners. They want to make you talk. Try to get an exchange of information. When you negotiate with your Chinese partner the most important thing you need to do is to established the relationship/partnership (Guanxi). The Guanxi in Jeopardy case Now that I have done the research about the Chinese and the American culture, I am now going to look how these differences in culture apply to the  ´Guanxi in Jeopardy ´ case. Description of the situation Our company Electrowide We are a multibillion dollar ($5B) manufacturer company called Electro wide located in the United States. We are a company which manufactures a broad range of automotive electronics products. Looking at the todays ever increasing competitive automotive electronics and becoming more proactive in this kind of market, we are undergoing a massive structural reformation. The purpose of this reformation is that the companys various product line departments have more autonomy. So that eventually each department will be responsible for its own profit and loss statements. One of our key strategic objectives is to become a big rival in the market of Asia. We are looking for an Asian associate to help manufacture and sell engine management systems that run emission-control, fuel nozzle, and ignition systems for Chinese-made vehicles. In the first place the output would be sold to the Chinese market with future plans to export later. We believe, as the company Electrowide, that the partnership with the Chinese associate will play a important role not only in the promotion of Electrowide business growth, but also in providing product development expertise in the region. The Chinese company Motosuzhou Motosuzhou is an enterprise of the Beijing municipal government. This small company has a top-heavy hierarchy with a representative director overseeing daily operations and various supervisors in charge of functional units. This means decision making is top-down. The company runs its own operations free from government intervention. Its labor force is consists mainly of rural employees. The companys strength is in achieving economies of scale in assembly-line manufacturing of engine control subassemblies. The competition in the local market is beginning to grow. Motosuzhous reason to do business with a foreign company is to develop a long-lasting relationship that will work in harmony with local government policies. Also acquire technology through transfer by importing equipment and designs and adapt them to the automotive industry in China. They do not want to fail in the eyes of the government or the community. The role We as the company Electrowide are interested in Motosuzhou because of the Chinese companys technical proficiency in its design of automotive subsystems. Obtaining this kind of knowledge would give Motosuzhou a competitive advantage in the industry. Motosuzhou would also rely on Electrowide because of financing most of the cost incurred in establishing the joint venture. The objective of Electrowide is to establish a joint venture with Motosuzhou of China to conduct manufacturing operations in China. Batna (best alternative to negotiating on agreement) Before we start to negotiate with Motosuzhou we need a steady BATNA (Best alternative to a negotiation agreement). Our BATNA is very important, because we cannot make a wise decision about whether to accept the negotiated agreement unless we know what our alternative is. Having a good BATNA increases our negotiating power to make a good deal out of it. So if the negotiation is not working we always can fall back on our BATNA. But the main point of our BATNA is to make us in a steady and strong position related to the other party Motosuzhou. Regarding to our study of the situation we have determined that we have a moderate BATNA compared to the Motosuzhou. We assume that we have a moderate BATNA considering the fact that China is becoming worlds number one economy. It is predicted that by the year of 2025, Chinas economy will be by far the largest economy in the world. Throughout all the years, China always has been a independent country. They would prefer not to get any help from abroad. They want to solve their own problems and deal with their own situations. This could also be the reason for Motosuzhou to choose to do business by themselves and try to improve their own situation without any help of Electrowide. If this would occur our BATNA would be as follow: we will have a look on certain other strong economic developed countries to do business with. If we look at Japan we also could do business with them or else we could do business with Brasil which is becoming quickly a strong economic country. Ideals Regarding to the ideals, we would like Motosuzhou to sign a contract for the joint venture. One of the ideals is that Motosuzhou will help us to manufacture and sell engine management systems that run emission-control, fuel nozzle, and ignition systems for Chinese-made vehicles. The output of this production would be sold to the Chinese market. After that we would like to export this output as soon as possible abroad. Another ideal would be that both parties Electrowide and Motosuzhou finance each 50% of the investments incurred in establishing the joint venture. This would be a good offer, because the joint venture will eventually have advantages for both parties. Fallbacks Regarding to the fallbacks, our fallback will be that Motosuzhou is not willing to sign the contract to start the joint venture. That they do not agree with the terms and conditions that we have set. This will mean that we have to find other business people to negotiate about starting a joint venture. Another fallback will be that Electrowide would finance most of the cost incurred in establishing the joint venture instead of the 50%-50% division what we had set as an ideal. Needs/Priorities Deciding our priorities will allow us to be more efficient, since not all issues tend to be equally important. In the first place we need to keep in mind that we are doing business with a different culture. We know that they could look at certain issues differently than us. This is why a good culture research is extremely important. This is our main priority to look at before doing business. Because we are in their country and we have to respect their rules and values. To have a good position compared to the Chinese associate our priority is to study their priorities they want to see from a foreign company. This means that we have to be respectful, honest and trustful towards our Chinese associates. We have to be patient and not willing to do a quick deal, because it is also good for us to search out all the issues that will emerge starting a joint venture. We have to look for a long-lasting relationship to have a good position and to have a good chance of reaching our contract with them. It is also pre if I could speak their language or anyone else of my team. So that they can see that I am really trying to get to know their culture and that I am interested in them. The second priority is to reach an agreement for having a joint venture in the future with Motosuzhou. By understanding their culture and willing to have a long-lasting partnership it would be easier for us to come to a agreement. We have to take the time to get to know each other. The final priority would be that both parties Electrowide and Motosuzhou finance each 50% of the investments incurred in establishing the joint venture. This would be a good offer, because the joint venture will eventually have advantages for both parties. Assumptions During my research I have investigate how the Chinese culture will influence the negotiation attitudes and positions. I assume that during this negotiation about the joint venture, they will set up a cool attitude and that will be very introvert and formal. They want to see what we have to say and what we have to offer. They want to see if we are a company who will offer them opportunities for expanding their business on the Chinese market and not only trying to make the best deal for ourselves. We assume that they first want to get to know us better. They will look if we are potential for them to create a long term relationship with. They would also trying to get as much as possible out of the deal. They will put us on a test, by coming with exaggerated offers to look how far they are able to go with us. We assume that the negotiation could last a long time. This will be one of their tactics knowing that Americans do not like to have a long negotiation. They will use a lot of silent moments because they know Americans will be uncomfortable with that. They know that if they negotiate as long as possible the American will give up and easily agree with a certain proposal. They will try to use our impatient against ourselves. We also assume that they are going to look for a good relationship (Guanxi). We assume that building a good relationship will take a lot of time. This means that we have to accept that for making a good deal. Strategies and tactics Given our moderate BATNA, a bargaining approach will be used during the negotiation. This will be the only approach we can use, because of our moderate position to negotiate against the other party and because of the differences in culture. During the research we have found out that they are growing in their bargaining stance. In order to negotiate we will trade options with each other. We will use the tactic of giving and taking. It will be a back and forth during the negotiation. With the right approach of bargaining we could make some arranges which will give eventually a win-win situation for both parties. We want to have a contract to build the joint venture and if we have an agreement they want us to finance most of the cost incurred in establishing the joint venture. This means that we have to look for the possibilities and this will explain our bargaining approach. We have to keep in mind that we do not have yet a good relationship with the Chinese. We should not demand to mu ch of the other party. In the future we can look for other opportunities, but first it is important to build a good relationship. It is good for an American to understand how the culture of the Chinese business people works. Because if you dont, it would be difficult to get the best deal out of the negotiation. As an American it is important that you can adapt the behaviors of the Chinese. Be flexible. If you can try to speak their language this will improve your position compared to the Chinese. Do not be impatient, because the Chinese will use this against you. Find the right person to talk to, because if you are talking to an intermediary you know that he/she isnt the person who makes the final decisions. Try to minimize your nos to be not disrespectful and rude. Try to put your no in a indirect way. Be careful with giving too much information. Chinese are active listeners. They want to make you talk. Try to get an exchange of information (bargaining). When you negotiate with you r Chinese partner the most important thing you need to do is to established the relationship/partnership (Guanxi). Furthermore, a lot of body language as eye contact will be used. Finally, active listening will be very important also used to confirm understanding.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Automobile :: essays research papers
History After the steam engine was invented in the early 17th century, various attempts were made to apply this source of power to self-propelled road vehicles. Early efforts were unsuccessful, except for those that produced interesting toys such as the machine developed about 1680 by the English scientist Sir Isaac Newton, wich was propelled by the back pressure of a jet of steam directed to the rear. The first successful self-propelled road vehicle was a steam automobile invented in 1770 by the French engineer Nicolas Joseph Cugnot. It was designed to transport artillery, and it ran on three wheels. The British inventor William Symington in 1786 built a working model of a so-called steam carriage. The 19th century The first automobile to carry passengers was built by the British inventor Richard Trevitchick in 1801. In December of that year, Trevitchick conducted a successful road test of his vehicle, wich carry several passengers, on an open road near his native town, Illogan. His success was due to the greater efficiency and smaller size of his power unit, wich was the first to have the piston moved by steam at high pressure. In the United States, the inventor Oliver Evans obtained the first patent on a steam carriage in 1789. In 1803, he built a self-propelled steam dredge, wich is regarded as the first self-propelled vehicle to operate over American roads. In France and Germany, meanwhile, attention turned to the development of the internal-combustion engine. By 1980, more than 300 million cars and 85 million trucks and buses were operating throughout the world, forming an indispensable transportation network. Germany’s Volkswagen sent its first shipments of autos, popularly known as Beetles, to the Unites States in the early 1950s and eventually became a major force in the U.S. auto industry. The first Japanese imports to the United States was 16 compact pickups arrived in 1956. Ten years later, Japanese vehicle imports reached 65000 units. By 1980, the Japanese claimed 2.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Geography of the Philippines essay Essay
Geography Geography and climate have always had very potent effects on culture. Geography, or the study of relationships between people and locations on Earth, very often shapes the way people live and interact with each other. Climate, or the prevailing weather patterns over time of a region, also has drastic effects on society and cultures, and these statements are especially true in the South East Asian nation of the Philippines. The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago, or chain of islands, located off the south-eastern coast of Asia. Consisting of over 7,000 volcanic islands with a total land area of nearly 300,000 square kilometers (approximately the size of Arizona), islands of the Philippines are predominantly mountainous except for densely populated coastal plains on larger islands. The country is located over the Philippine Trench, a plate tectonic boundary which forms part of the Ring of Fire (see Map #2). The Ring of Fire, a region closely associated with volcanic and earthquake activity, lends a heavy influence to volcanic activity on the islands of the Philippines (one such example is Mount Pinatubo, a very active volcano on the island of Luzon. See Map #1 for location of Luzon). The geography allows for some cultural diffusion, Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity all reached the islands by the mid 117th century although there are still places that are extremely isolated to the point of having no electricity7 at all and primitive methods of life. The climate of the Republic of the Philippines is a warm and moist one. Affected by a northeast monsoon from November to April and a southwest monsoon from May to October, warm winds and moderate rainfall dominate the climate patterns of the nation. Approximately nineteen percent of Filipino land is arable, the second most in the region of South East Asia. As shown in the â€Å"Arable Land†chart, the only country near the Philippines with more farmland is Thailand with over thirty percent arable land. The warm weather and moist monsoons allow for growth of the nation’s main crops: sugar, and rice. Although only 19% of the land is farmable there is plenty forest and permanent crop space for exporting cash crops and lumber, as is shown in â€Å"Philippine Land Usage†pie chart. Forty-six percent of the archipelago is covered with forests for loggers to cut and sell at reasonable rates to give the economy a boost. Social Issues The Philippines have seen a steady increase in population over the last 40 years. Since 1960, when the population was over 27 million (see â€Å"Philippines Population Over Time†bar line chart), the nation has seen a steady increase of about 10 million citizens per year. In 2001, the population rose to over 82.8 million, an increase of over 20 million people in just over ten years, probably because of an increase in the abundance of jobs in the area of labor and services. Since labor costs were cut in 1992 due to a sluggish economy the population skyrocketed because people could now find jobs in factories and markets because of a foreign interest in hiring cheap laborers. Over 95% of the Filipino population are of Malay decent, while the other five percent is mainly people of Chinese ethnicity, as is shown in the â€Å"Ethnic Demographic†pie chart. The dominant religion is Roman Catholicism, followed by Protestant and Islam (see Religious Demographic†chart). All of the popular philosophies in the Philippines came as a result of cultural diffusion from other areas, there is a very small minority that practice native beliefs to the region. The Philippines have a stable educational system, with free schooling for children ages 7-12 years and one of the highest literacy rates of all the nations in South East Asia. According to the chart titled â€Å"Literacy†, the Philippines have a rate of literacy (94.6% among people over 15 years of age) challenged only by those of Thailand and Vietnam. Schooling is also mandatory for all children who are citizens of the Philippines. Medical technology is another strongpoint in the Philippine society. Aids deaths are the lowest among neighboring countries shown in the â€Å"Aids Deaths†chart, with under 2000 aids deaths to date. This shows advancements in medicine and modernized facilities for people to be treated. There is one hospital bed available for every 860 people, and a physician for every 849 people. These ratios are very good for the region, neighboring countries are no where near that equipped for the care of ill people. Political Issues The Republic of the Philippines is, as stated, a republic. The â€Å"Head of State†is an elected president. The country is divided into 73 provinces under one Union, as illustrated in â€Å"Map #3†, though only the 55 largest provinces are shown since the others are not visible to the map’s scale. The national capital is Manila on the island of Luzon. There are approximately 150,000 active defense troops stationed in the country for various purposes. The only government-recognized official languages are Filipino and English. A universal law of suffrage grants anyone 18 years of age or older the right to vote on elected officials and any other deeds requiring a majority vote from the public. The government is stable and reliable to citizens, with a sturdy court system based on Spanish and American concepts and an executive branch that enforces laws efficiently. Economy The Filipino economy is based strongly on services and labor, as is shown in the chart for â€Å"Philippine GDP Sector Composition†. The sectors for agriculture and industry are both less than the services sector, showing that the economy relies heavily on services. Labor in the country is cheap , and rates are low for foreign businesses wishing to hire out production of goods. The agricultural division of the economy has a strong influence, also. The chief cash crops are rice and sugar, both of which are grown on coastal plains on most of the islands in the archipelago. Farmland is restricted to the deep coastal plains because of the generally mountainous terrain the islands have from their volcanic origins. Two warm and wet monsoons fertilize soil and help crops grow in the fertile flatlands near the coast. Main minerals mined in the region are cobalt, copper, and iron ore, all of which are exported at fair rates. Industry is doing well in the Philippines, the main industry for the country is textiles and since labor is cheap and there is a good mineral supply, machinery is not scarce. A great deal of pharmaceuticals are also produced in the Philippines. Transportation is thriving in the Philippines. The Republic of the Philippines has more Airports than any neighboring nation, as is shown in â€Å"Number of Airports†graph. With almost 300 national airports, they have more than doubled the amount of any neighboring South East Asian country. Transport by air and sea is heavily relied upon, since the country has so many water borders. With over 36,289 km of coastline among its 7,000 islands, the archipelago of the Philippines heavily relies on boats and planes to move about, domestically or when migrating to other countries. Summary of Status The Republic of the Philippines is a stable country built on a solid government and fair economy. Faith in the governing body is high, and the system of law enforcement and regulations are sturdily based on American and Spanish systems. Geography allows for growth of crops and an evenly dispersed population. Aside from extemporaneous volcanic activity and some tsunami action because of its location on the Ring of Fire, climatic conditions are beneficial to most because of the positive effects on farming and fertilizing soil. Socially, the differences in culture between regions and islands can be great, but for the most part the nation is made up of people with Christian Malay heritage, though many other ethnic groups exist in the nation. Medical and educational systems are both very stable and advanced, with low death-at-birth- rates and abundant hospital space, along with a mandatory and free school system for children. All things considered, the Philippines are doing better than most South East Asian nations that neighbor the archipelago. With a well-balanced scale of politics, economy, and society, capped off with a mainly beneficial geographic setting, the Republic of the Philippines is doing better than most South East Asian nations in transportation technology, medical practice, arable and farmed land, forestry, and countless other areas of the country’s array of economic and social areas. With good population growth and even better projected growth, the Philippines should endure years of moderate prosperity in the future based on everything mentioned above.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Reconstruction Essays - Reconstruction Era, Free Essays, Term Papers
Reconstruction Essays - Reconstruction Era, Free Essays, Term Papers Reconstruction John Paul Figaro History Professor Gary Reconstruction Paper Reconstruction policies proved to be the seeds of failure in American race relations in the 19th century. Reconstruction demanded the Negroes freedom, their civil rights, the opportunity for economic freedom, education and the right to vote. This idea of Negro equality was the most controversial aspect of radical reconstruction, and violence was one of the means used to undermine Reconstruction. Racism and violence have proved to be interrelated factors in American society. In the words of W.E.B. Du Bois The slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery. The Southern whites ideology expressed certain propositions about the black man in society. The abolition of slavery ended the institution but not the system of beliefs, assumptions, and values they held concerning the Negro. Within the context of this white supremacist ideology, racism flourished. The black man was viewed as being part of a caste system where they were relegated to the bottom of the social classes with no legal status. In the movie The Birth of A Nation the director, D.W. Griffith, interprets the social reality and justifying policies of the Southern white in the 19th century. The tone of the movie infers that blacks are inherently inferior and are incapable of appreciating the freedom given to them. We are introduced to images of the contented slave working complacently in the field, to the freedman who has been corrupted by the Scallywags and Carpetbaggers, to the comic Negro in his clownish clothes, dancing and performing and to the vicious Negro renegade who attacks a white woman. The contrast between the Negro and the Southern white is established not only by characterization but also by southern attitudes and mannerisms. Griffith is re-creating the southern ideal of what it meant to be part of a higher civilization with values and an outlook that shaped the souths history. He pictures the well-dressed southern gentleman and lady, with their genteel manners and refined airs, as having the innate ability to appreciate the cotton flower in contrast to the downtrodden Negro worker in his shabby attire. There are other racist images throughout the movie as we view a changed south, that now has Negro judges and juries and white defendants. We are shown stat e assemblies in which the black men have control and authority but they are portrayed as drunken, shoeless, ignorant buffoons. It is here that we come to understand that new laws will be created to ensure the advancement and equality of the black race. It is suggested that the black man would dare to pass laws that allow intermarriage between whites and blacks. We learn that the Southern girl, Elsie, is outraged when Silas Lynch, a mulatto, dares to propose marriage. Silas Lynch becomes a symbol of his mulatto race. To underscore such absurdity, her father, a black sympathizer, becomes angered when he learns of the proposal thus emphasizing the hypocrisy of the northern views. Racism is again reinforced when Cameron meets Lynch for the first time and Cameron refuses to shake Lynchs hand because Lynch dares to consider himself an equal. There is also a confrontation on the street when a black man refuses to step aside for the white men to pass. Even the old Colonel is arrested and paraded before his former slaves who spit and taunt him. All these images project a South humiliated and degraded by Reconstruction. The Southerner feels degradation over the new order and the new rebellion of the South begins. Within the context of the South, beaten in war, where murder, disorganization and military rule is the new order, violence becomes the answer. Violence was the direct result of the Souths racist attitude and it was an integral part of the Southern landscape. Sympathy is elicited for the Southern white when Piedmont, South Carolina is under attack by a band of Negro militia and northern whites. We see the Negro raiding and burning homes, shooting whites and destroying the town without any just cause. Self-preservation becomes the key to saving themselves and violence becomes the means to their salvation. At the center of the resort to violence was a secret organization which served as a kind of guerrilla force to restore white supremacy. It was known as the Ku Klux Klan or The Invisible Empire of the South. A
Monday, October 21, 2019
Media Vocabulary for English Learners
Media Vocabulary for English Learners Media plays an important role is everyone’s life. The vocabulary related to media is rich and extremely varied. Essentially, there are two main types of media-related vocabulary: vocabulary related to printed word and vocabulary related to the spoken word as used in broadcasts either on radio, TV or through the internet. Study the vocabulary below and then take the gap fill quiz to check your understanding of some of the terms. Use these tips on learning vocabulary to help you remember the words on this list. You’ll find answers at the bottom of the article. Types of Printed Media JournalMagazineNewspaperTabloid Types of News ArticleEditorialColumnReviewBreaking newsNews bulletin Newspaper / Magazine Sections InternationalPoliticsBusinessOpinionTechnologyScienceHealthSportsArtsStyleFoodTravel Types of Advertising CommercialNative AdvertisementAdSpotAdvertainmentBillboardSponsored People in Print ColumnistCopy editorEditorJournalistEditorialistCopy-editorPaparazzi People on Television AnnouncerAnchor(person / man / woman)ReporterWeather(person / man / woman)Sports / Weather reporterAssignment reporter People Consuming Media ConsumersTarget audienceDemographic Media Type TVCablePublic TelevisionRadioOnlinePrint Other Related Words and Phrases Public service announcementPrime timeEmbeddedBy-lineScoop Media Quiz Use each word or phrase once to fill in the gaps. editorials, by-line, scoops, prime time, public service announcement, embedded reporters, paparazzi sponsors, copy editor, target audience, anchormen and anchorwomen, journals, tabloids, public TV, cable TV, billboard There’s no doubt that the media plays a huge role in everyone’s lives these days. From driving down the freeway and seeing a _____________ to looking at photos of celebrities taken by the _________ in the _________ at your local supermarket, everyone is someone’s ______________ for advertising. One way to avoid advertising is by watching ___________. However, there are also ____________ for these TV stations. If you watch ____________ during ____________, you’ll be bombarded with ads.Some media isn’t so bad. For example, you can subscribe to a quarterly academic ______________. The articles are reviewed by a _____________, so the writing is excellent. In newspapers, check the _____________ on articles, so you can follow the authors online. Another idea is to read _____________ to get important opinions on trending news. Some TV stations also have great news coverage, including _______________ that visit war zones to cover the news on the scene. You can get an overview of the day’s news by listening to the ___________ cover the stories of the day. Some TV channels get a ___________ if they’re the only on reporting on a story. Finally, you can also depend on TV stations to provide ___________________ in case of an emergency. Media Quiz Answers There’s no doubt that the media plays a huge role in everyone’s lives these days. From driving down the freeway and seeing a billboard to looking at photos of celebrities taken by the papparazzi in the tabloids at your local supermarket, everyone is someone’s target audience for advertising. One way to avoid advertising is by watching public TV. However, there are also sponsors for these TV stations. If you watch cable TV during primetime, you’ll be bombarded with ads.Some media isn’t so bad. For example, you can subscribe to a quarterly academic journals. The articles are reviewed by a copy editor so the writing is excellent. In newspapers, check the by-line on articles, so you can follow the authors online. Another idea is to read editorials to get important opinions on trending news. Some TV stations also have great news coverage, including embedded reporters that visit war zones to cover the news on the scene. You can get an overview of the d ay’s news by listening to the anchormen and anchorwomen cover the stories of the day. Some TV channels get a scoop if they’re the only on reporting on a story. Finally, you can also depend on TV stations to provide public service announcements in case of an emergency.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Analysing Changes Needed To Reduce Domestic Violence Social Work Essays
Analysing Changes Needed To Reduce Domestic Violence Social Work Essays Analysing Changes Needed To Reduce Domestic Violence Social Work Essay Analysing Changes Needed To Reduce Domestic Violence Social Work Essay The purpose of this assignment is to foreground the job of domestic force in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. Domestic force is any incident of endangering behavior, force or maltreatment ( psychological, physical, sexual, fiscal or emotional ) between spouses or household members, irrespective of gender or gender ( Hester and Westmarland, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to the British Crime Survey ( 2009 ) there were 293,000 incidents of domestic force in 2008/2009 in the UK. ( Cited by The National Health Service { NHS } , 2009 ) . As domestic force is likely to be under-reported, the true figure for incidents of domestic force is likely much higher. Although both work forces and adult females can be affected, 77 % of those who experience domestic force are adult females. Domestic force is increasing each twelvemonth and alterations need to be addressed shortly in the borough of Barking and Dagenham. This assignment will place why alterations are needed to cut down victims of domestic force in the borough of Barking and Dagenham. The borough has one of the highest rates of domestic force across London with 4,506 incidents reported to the Police in 2009/10. Tackling and cut downing domestic force is one of the cardinal precedences for the Community Safety Partnership and the Council. Domestic force histories for 22 % of notifiable offenses in Barking and Dagenham, and hence poses a serious concern for a alteration ( Barking and Dagenham Domestic Violence Forum, 2009a ) In Barking and Dagenham intoxicant abuse besides impacts on domestic force figures and it is of import that the borough set up schemes that will turn to the injury caused by intoxicant to both culprits and victims of domestic force. Domestic force demands to be addressed because it can hold an tremendous consequence on people A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s mental wellness. It is now good accepted that maltreatment ( both in childhood and in big life ) is frequently one of the chief factor in the development of depression, anxiousness and other mental wellness upsets, and may take to kip perturbations, self-harm, self-destruction and attempted self-destruction, eating upsets and substance abuse ( Golding J 1999, Humphreys et al 2003 ) . Children who live with domestic force are at increased hazard of behavioral jobs and emotional injury, and mental wellness troubles in big life. There should be different attacks in this borough in order to forestall farther exploitation of domestic force. These attacks should affect multi-agency coaction and information-sharing between the constabulary, instruction and wellness attention professionals and societal services. The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham has a Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference ( MARAC ) which meets on a monthly footing. It addresses the demands of high hazard victims and it besides measures the domestic force repetition exploitation rate. Current public presentation in 2009/2010 is 24 % against an one-year mark of 28 % . This shows that there is much to be done in order to make the one-year mark. ( Barking and Dagenham Domestic Violence Forum, 2009b ) Domestic force affects all societal groups, including rich and hapless, heterosexual, bisexual, transsexual or homosexual people and even kids. Hegarty and Taft ( 2001 ) suggested that adult females will unwrap information about maltreatment more readily if wellness professionals inquire them to. It is of import, hence, that wellness professionals create a private environment where it is safe to speak about force. Work force are besides abused by female spouses. However, domestic force against males is non ever acknowledged ( Lewis and Sarantakos, 2001 ) and small is known about the Numberss of work forces who are abused or treated violently by their spouses. Many of the effects of maltreatment are the same for work forces as for adult females. They are likely to experience profoundly ashamed, frightened, see a loss of self-worth and assurance, feel isolated, guilty and confused about the state of affairs ( Leonard, 2003 ) . The function of wellness professionals A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢ proactive intercession in the early designation of domestic force instances is important for victims and their kids. A survey found that 80 % of adult females in a violent relationship had sought aid from the wellness service at least one time Department of Health ( DH, 2000 ) . Similarly one of the most of import demands of victims flying force is entree to safe, procure lasting lodging, and the function of lodging professionals can help in the initial phases of designation of the issue. Awareness of domestic force through public instruction demands to be raised. Research shows that in the first case, most domestic force victims turn to households and friends for support ( Humphreys, 2000 ) . Increasing the consciousness of domestic force amongst the general populace is hence an of import portion of increasing support for victims. Public information demands to be readily available in different linguistic communications, and be culturally relevant to black and cultural minority communities within the borough of Barking and Dagenham. In order to efficaciously raise consciousness amongst cardinal professionals, domestic force and good pattern preparation must be compulsory. Such preparation must, nevertheless, be supported by the development of clear policies and processs within organisations that set clear criterions of pattern and answerability. Healthcare professionals are the first-line response for many people who experience domestic force ( Du Plat-Jones, 2006 ) . Therefore consciousness should be raised about the issue in pattern and there should be in-depth preparation for wellness professionals with in the borough. Staffs require appropriate preparation and supervising to increase consciousness and cognition of how to recognize and cover with domestic force. Prosecuting with kids and immature people at the earliest chance is important to forestall future domestic force. It is besides of import to supply those populating with domestic force of which kids form the largest group with information and support to better their safety and seek aid. Equally good as safeguarding and advancing the safety of kids, schools need to include domestic force in their course of study scheduling. Domestic force is a cardinal issue in the borough of Barking and Dagenham and in UK as a whole, because it affects the wellness and public assistance of work forces, adult females and kids. It is non restricted to any one group in society. It is of import to educate the populace about the rhythm of force and the serious and durable consequence this has on kids and besides to admit that domestic force against work forces is an increasing wellness issue. All wellness professionals should go actively involved in interrupting the silence environing force, so that they can supply an appropriate and effectual service. There is much work underway to turn to this issue with in the borough in footings of victims and culprits. Whilst good advancement is being made within the borough of barking and Dagenham, there is still important work to be done.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Discuss the major events of world war two Essay
Discuss the major events of world war two - Essay Example Among these are the attack on Pearl Harbor that began America’s involvement with Japan in such famous events as the Battle of Midway and the Battle of Coral Sea and the alliance that developed between America and the Western European nations as they engaged with Germany in battles such as the D-Day battle at Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. The major events of World War II, such as those just listed, came to an end with the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan following Germany’s defeat, finally and decisively ending the last global war of the 20th century. On the morning of December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked America’s Pacific Fleet based at Pearl Harbor in Oahu, Hawaii. The two-wave assaults came at 7:53 and 8:55 AM. It ended by 10 AM and by 1 PM, the planes had rejoined the Japanese carriers and were headed on their way home to Japan. In the wake of the chaos that followed the attack, 2,403 American servicemen were dead, 188 planes were destroyed and eight battleships were either heavily damaged or completely destroyed (â€Å"Attack at Pearl Harbor†, 1997). The U.S. immediately began fighting on both European and Pacific fronts fully supported by the American public. The day after the Pearl Harbor attack, President Roosevelt made his famous ‘a day that lives in infamy’ speech to Congress that requested this body declare war against Japan. Congress quickly agreed to that request then declared war on Germany and Italy on December 11 (Holt, 2006). The Pacific War was the largest naval conflict in history. At the start of 1942, the United States was decidedly outmatched by the Japanese. As a way to raise the morale of the troops, Army Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle was sent to guide 16 bombers to raid Tokyo, and three other Japanese cities in April 1942. The bombing raid was not intended to nor did it inflict much physical damage to Japan, but the psychological damage of the attack was significant as the Japanese thought this
Friday, October 18, 2019
Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Homeland Security - Essay Example This paper will analyze the issues relating to Homeland Security and analyze its response to security issues. The agency’s mission statement has various security objectives that govern its operations. They include: protecting the cyberspace, enforcing the US immigration policies, controlling the US borders, and enhancing security through terrorism prevention (Proctor & Waleford 2009). The main objective, however, for Homeland Security should be the prevention of terrorism. Terrorism involves the intentional and calculated use of threats to instill fear among people in order to gain political or religious strategic advantages. In a bid to control terrorism, the department also prevents unauthorized access or trade of nuclear and radiological materials. The history of terrorism is imperative to altering the governance systems of countries. Terrorist organizations exist in civilized nations in which they conduct their operations without reservations. Through the Homeland Security Advisory System introduced by the president, this department disseminates terrorism information to the relev ant authorities in the event of possible terrorist attacks. The authorities then use this information with the help of the Homeland Security to establish the level of terrorism threat. According to the Homeland Security, there are five levels of threat. They include; low risk, general risk, significant risk, high risk, and imminent risk of terrorist attack. However, most of these threats are from individuals and domestic groups that act independently. This nature of terrorism explains why cyber terrorism has become rampant in the current years. In the current world, cyber terrorism has increased in scale due to the technological advancement of the modern era. The threats aimed at the US nationals from the hackers have become paramount in the recent years. The department should focus most of its
Consumer Behaviour in Action Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Consumer Behaviour in Action - Coursework Example Need recognition results from imbalance between actual and desired states as a result of a stimulus that motivates the individual to make buying decision (Lamb et al. 2011). Stimulus may be internal such as hunger or external such as an advert. Need may arise if current product malfunctions, runs out or discovery of a more superior product. This prompts the buyer to start the decision process by gathering necessary information. However, if a product is available which satisfies the need, there is no need for information search. Information may be internal or external and depends on whether the buyer is highly involved with the product or not. The level of involvement depends on previous experience, interest, perceived risk, and situation (Lamb et al. 2011). Routine purchases and low-cost goods are low-involvement; therefore, do not require a lot of information. The buyer may even skip searching for information and make purchases. If buyer has previous product experience but is unfamiliar with current brand, he/she may search for little information hence low-involvement. However, if perceived risk is high, the buyer is highly involved thus extensive information is sought (Blythe, 2008). For example, a routine product like hotdog does not require more information while an expensive car or home is a high-involvement product requiring more information. Information can be from: personal sources like family, co-workers, friends; commercial such as advertising, salespeople, displays; public such as newspaper, TV, consumer organisations or experiential such as using the product. Information sought regards price, quality, compatibility, capability, among other attributes. Once buyer gets information, he/she carries out evaluation to determine the right choice among alternatives.
Conference paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Conference - Research Paper Example The discussion of this paper focuses on the different cultural perspectives and how this influences the personal and social interactions of the students and scientists’ perceptions. Personal interaction is the manner in which individuals interact with each other in a group or a community through communication. The language of people to a great extend determines how an individual interact with each other. There is high power vested on personal relations, with communication playing a vital role in unifying the members of a particular group (Eby & Allen, 2012). Communication plays an important role in ensuring a smooth running of events in a group or community. Language as a form of communication unites the people speaking the common language. Differences in communication and language could be a source of conflict. It is believed that language classifies people into different social and is responsible for people’s ethnicity and social grouping. Social interaction is the way in which two or more people who are mutually oriented interact with each other through acts, actions, or practices (Argyle, 2007). The behaviour of these people affects each of the parties’ subjective experiences or intentions. Parties involved in this form of relationship should be aware of one another and put each other into consideration. Such a relationship requires the parties to behave towards each other, portraying the mutual consent of the existence and presence of the other person. Trust is essential to the success of the social interaction, and secret spying on the other party without their consent is likely to bring issues into the relationship. The behaviour of the parties influences the success of social interaction. According to Nganga & â€Å"University of Wyoming†(2006), people need to be aware of their cultural influences as they relate to one another in the society. Students of different backgrounds and cultures sharing the same learning facilities need to
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Application questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Application questions - Essay Example I used the experience to make new friends, learn all about their culture, language, and environment. More importantly, living in Togo humbled me as a human being. You might said that I had an epiphany while I was there. This was how it unfolded: It was one more day with surge of Sub Saharan heat, when Simon, one of the orphans, brought me noodles with a sprinkle of chicken pieces, saying that he earned some money and bought noodles with it. I asked, â€Å"Where is yours?†The boy replied, â€Å"I have more in the kitchen, don’t worry.†I was stupid to believe him. I ate everything at the speed of light and then brought the bowl to the kitchen to be washed. I saw Simon there and stopped to say thank you once again for the hearty snack. Then I saw what he was eating, a mere bowl of porridge. I never felt more ashamed of myself in my whole life. I should have known better. I should have known that being the stranger in town, they would give me the shirt off their backs in a show of hospitality. That was when I vowed to make a difference in their lives pf those living in the Third World countries as soon as I was able to. A. I worked in the regional public hospital as an assistant to the doctors, nurses, and other medical practitioners who needed an extra hand. Sometimes, I even found myself working in the ER. While I was there, I experienced the problems that their kind of hospital often encountered and I had a chance to speak to their patients, doctors, and nurses regarding their ill effective national health systems which did nothing to help their society prevent even the most common illnesses from becoming epidemics in their area. B. I will never forget the poverty that I witnessed in this hospital. Having come from a better off country, I was aghast to see that the African health care system was so destitute that they could not even provide the most basic medical supplies, equipment, and even slightly competent doctors
Islamic banking system study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Islamic banking system study - Essay Example Britain is a country with an important position in the global market; in accordance with a recent report – based on the data available on the British economy – the British economy is considered to be the ‘the seventh largest economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of $30,900 in 2005’ (Forex Market resources, 2010). The development of the British economy is monitored by the country’s government but also by the Bank of England which ‘was founded in 1694, nationalized in 1946, and gained independence in 1997; the Bank of England is the central bank of the U.K.’ (Forex Market resources, 2010). The banking market in Britain has a decisive role in the development of the country’s economy – a phenomenon common in all countries internationally. Recently, in 2004, the country’s existing banking system – which can be characterized as Western – has been alternated; the main feature of this change has been the establishment in Britain of the Islamic Bank of Britain, the first bank of this type established in a Western country; the change of the characteristics of the British banking market was completed with the introduction of another bank that is based on the Sharia law, the European Islamic Investment Bank. Current paper focuses on the examination of the key features of Islamic banking business in Britain; the country’s banking market has been examined and the major competitors of this market are presented; at the next level, the key operational characteristics and the performance of Islamic banks in Britain are identified and critically analyzed. Islamic banking is reviewing and evaluated as a common form of banking in modern Britain – taking into consideration the fact that Islamic banking products are available also by British banks – referring to those banks based on the Western mode of banking. It is concluded that Islamic banking in Britain has many chances to achieve a further growth but it is necessary that measures are taken
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Conference paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Conference - Research Paper Example The discussion of this paper focuses on the different cultural perspectives and how this influences the personal and social interactions of the students and scientists’ perceptions. Personal interaction is the manner in which individuals interact with each other in a group or a community through communication. The language of people to a great extend determines how an individual interact with each other. There is high power vested on personal relations, with communication playing a vital role in unifying the members of a particular group (Eby & Allen, 2012). Communication plays an important role in ensuring a smooth running of events in a group or community. Language as a form of communication unites the people speaking the common language. Differences in communication and language could be a source of conflict. It is believed that language classifies people into different social and is responsible for people’s ethnicity and social grouping. Social interaction is the way in which two or more people who are mutually oriented interact with each other through acts, actions, or practices (Argyle, 2007). The behaviour of these people affects each of the parties’ subjective experiences or intentions. Parties involved in this form of relationship should be aware of one another and put each other into consideration. Such a relationship requires the parties to behave towards each other, portraying the mutual consent of the existence and presence of the other person. Trust is essential to the success of the social interaction, and secret spying on the other party without their consent is likely to bring issues into the relationship. The behaviour of the parties influences the success of social interaction. According to Nganga & â€Å"University of Wyoming†(2006), people need to be aware of their cultural influences as they relate to one another in the society. Students of different backgrounds and cultures sharing the same learning facilities need to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Islamic banking system study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Islamic banking system study - Essay Example Britain is a country with an important position in the global market; in accordance with a recent report – based on the data available on the British economy – the British economy is considered to be the ‘the seventh largest economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of $30,900 in 2005’ (Forex Market resources, 2010). The development of the British economy is monitored by the country’s government but also by the Bank of England which ‘was founded in 1694, nationalized in 1946, and gained independence in 1997; the Bank of England is the central bank of the U.K.’ (Forex Market resources, 2010). The banking market in Britain has a decisive role in the development of the country’s economy – a phenomenon common in all countries internationally. Recently, in 2004, the country’s existing banking system – which can be characterized as Western – has been alternated; the main feature of this change has been the establishment in Britain of the Islamic Bank of Britain, the first bank of this type established in a Western country; the change of the characteristics of the British banking market was completed with the introduction of another bank that is based on the Sharia law, the European Islamic Investment Bank. Current paper focuses on the examination of the key features of Islamic banking business in Britain; the country’s banking market has been examined and the major competitors of this market are presented; at the next level, the key operational characteristics and the performance of Islamic banks in Britain are identified and critically analyzed. Islamic banking is reviewing and evaluated as a common form of banking in modern Britain – taking into consideration the fact that Islamic banking products are available also by British banks – referring to those banks based on the Western mode of banking. It is concluded that Islamic banking in Britain has many chances to achieve a further growth but it is necessary that measures are taken
Green Computing Research Essay Example for Free
Green Computing Research Essay The Green Computing research project is well underway and we have to select a research tool that will help with quality control. The choices are Cause and effect diagrams, control charts, Run charts, scatter diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts and flow charts. I am a huge fan of statistical analysis however; it is not one of the seven tools we have to work with. Therefore, I have chosen the Pareto Chart method to help with our quality control. A Pareto Chart will allow us to look at energy consumption over a period of time and break it down to what was the major factor leading to the increase or decrease. Therefore, we can evaluate changes made in hardware and processes and see which ones had the greatest or worst effect over that period. This will help to satisfy Ben and Ito’s concerns for the projects quality research and fulfill the company’s goal of reducing costs, increasing profit margin and at the same time becoming greener. This project should be fairly easy to map out. We will simply take a detailed analysis of the energy consumption of periods of time and then look to see what variables made different periods greater or less than others. The Pareto principle is sometimes referred to as the 80-20 rule (Schwalbe, 2011) where 80% of the problems are caused by 20% of the causes. This could also be considered inversely where 80% less energy consumption can be attributed to 20% better habits. This method can also easily be translated into a flowchart over time, allowing us to focus in on the energy consumption for processes, equipment and times of day. Once the problems or benefits are identified processes can be developed to act on them accordingly. The use of this method will help to break out the consumptions for the project team and leadership in a simple to follow diagram, that can be used in the decision making process. The Pareto tool works well when the processes can be easily categorized into benefits and detriments. Once the processes are categorized, then they can be prioritized. This is where the whole leadership team gets involved, to include the stakeholders. Then these prioritized categories can be made into a hierarchical structure with substance and value. This Pareto analysis chart is rather easy to produce in Microsoft Excel, which is a good thing because I am fairly competent with the process using MS Excel. We simply put in a table the consumption values during the determined period of study and then turn it into a chart and you have a visual of the consumption periods. We can then find the highest consumption periods and compare them to any changes or patterns differences from the lower periods. Then these values can be re-charted in another analysis chart to visually compare the major causes of energy consumption. In conclusion, the Pareto analysis will allow us to identify the major energy consumption issues or the major energy conservation savings factors and allow us to prioritize them in a hierarchical manner. Then the decision making process can begin to work to reduce the overall costs and save energy at the same time.
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