Friday, November 29, 2019
Realism And Theatre Essays - Films, Drama, 19th-century Theatre
Realism And Theatre Realism is the movement toward representing reality as it is, in art. Realistic drama is an attempt to portray life on stage, a movement away from the conventional melodramas and sentimental comedies of the 1700s. It is expressed in theatre through the use of symbolism, character development, stage setting and storyline and is exemplified in plays such as Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House and Anton Chekhov's The Three Sisters. The arrival of realism was indeed good for theatre as it promoted greater audience involvement and raised awareness of contemporary social and moral issues. It also provided and continues to provide a medium through which playwrights can express their views about societal values, attitudes and morals. A Doll's House is the tragedy of a Norwegian housewife who is compelled to challenge law, society and her husband's value system. It can be clearly recognized as a realistic problem drama, for it is a case where the individual is in opposition to a hostile society. Ibsen's sympathy with the feminine cause has been praised and criticized; as he requires the audience to judge the words and actions of the characters in order to reassess the values of society. The characters in A Doll's House are quite complex and contradictory, no longer stereotypes. In Act II, Nora expresses her repulsion about a fancy dress worn to please Torvald (her husband): "I wish I'd torn it to pieces"; she attempts to restore it and resign herself to her situation right after: "I'll ask Mrs Linde to help". In Act III, Torvald ignores his wife's plea for forgiveness in order to make a moral judgement: "You've killed my happiness.You've destroyed my future". "I can never trust you again." Later on in the same act, he contradicts himself: "I'll change. I can change-"; much after Nora confronts him: "Sit here, Torvald. We have to come to terms". "...There's a lot to say". Here, Ibsen shows us he has worked in depth with the psychology of the characters, giving them a sense of complexity and realism. Playgoers therefore recognize the revelation of characters through memory. Thus drama became an experience closely impinging on the conscience of the audience. Ibsen was also unique for his use of symbolism to assist realism on stage. Symbolic significance is presented through the detail of design, props and actions of the characters. For example, in Act III, Nora goes offstage to get changed; "I'm changing. No more fancy dress". It is a symbolic representation of her personal change, one where she has come to the realization that she has been living the life of a doll, confined to the roles of a "featherbrain", "plaything", "dove", "skylark" and "songbird". Thus, symbolism enhanced realism, and its effect can be seen as positive in the sense that it stirred conscious awareness of values. The stage settings of A Doll's House are an integral part of the theatrical design, and not mere d?cor to be overlooked. The setting in Act II; "...the Christmas tree stands stripped of its decorations and with its candles burnt to stumps" is symbolic of the lack of happiness in Nora's life at that moment. Also the change of setting in Act III; "The tables and chairs have been moved centre" foreshadows a character change that will take place in Nora. The many references to doors also have significance beyond the stage directions. The play begins with the opening of the door and finishes with the "slamming" of the door. Nora enters the doll's house with the values of society and departs from it, symbolizing her rejection of them. All these intricacies of play settings and characters depict realism on stage. Ultimately, it has been good for theatre because it presents the playwright's ideas in interesting and original ways. Realism, as expressed through symbolism, also draws the attention of the audience, thus stimulating moral thought, and stirring reaction. Realism is also defined as art-imitating life (source). This is a fitting account of Anton Chekhov's plays, for they tend to show the stagnant, helpless quality of Russian society in the late C19th. Quite evident in The Three Sisters, when Tuzenbakh illustrates realism; "The suffering we see around us these days - and there's plenty of it - is at least a sign that society has reached a certain moral level." Hence, while the portrayal of life here seemed 'gloomy and pessimestic', it was still good for theatre in that it presented issues which audiences could identify with. It was also more intellectual theatre when the playwright could express their views, compared with the conventional
Monday, November 25, 2019
Beauty and the Beast essay
Beauty and the Beast essay Beauty and the Beast essay Beauty and the Beast essayThe scene depicts the miraculous environment surrounding Belle when the dishes prepare a lavish dinner for her. From the beginning of the scene the presence of miracle is obvious as the candle is depicted in the light following downward from the ceiling. Miraculously all the dishes jump, flow and sing preparing the dinner for Belle. Belle is apparently admired and fascinated since she has not expected such a miracle, which though is the characteristic of Disney animation films. The miracle makes Disney films attractive to children as the target audience but, on the other hand, such miracle is so strong that attracts even the adult audience.At the same time, the scene is accompanied by a song â€Å"Be Our Guest†which is the ultimate manifestation of the hospitality. In such a way, the scene contributes to the formation of the positive attitude of the audience and shows how the main character of the film is absorbed by the atmosphere of hospitality. Th erefore, the scene shows that the main character turns out to be in a miraculous place, where she is surrounded by friendly dishes and all the environment, where Belle is, seems to welcome her. Such a combination of the miracle and the hospitality is very attractive for the audience. Thus, the scene conveys the traditional Disney spirit associated with the miracle that was always attractive for the audience and what the audience expects from Disney films. In such a way, the short scene is rich in thematic messages that the film conveys to the audience, while its miraculous style is the distinct feature of Disney’s films.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Kinetic Energy in Mobile and Device Charging Essay
Kinetic Energy in Mobile and Device Charging - Essay Example This paper illustrates that a household device is crucial in the absence of electricity. It keeps or converts kinetic energy into power, which it uses to charge the devices. The manufacture of the instrument is such that it can charge with the same speed as standard chargers. Ten thousand steps in a day maintain the equipment for close to three hours. It costs approximately $85, and it comes with an application that records the calories burnt and power it has generated. The company has reached its target of 100000 and after 28 days, it has received over 116000 pledges. It has a fast market growth, and it has no major competitors of the same kind. The small innovations typically make up for more than 80% of the development of the company. These events do not lead to the growth that the company hopes to get in the end. R-W-W directs the project to answer six important questions, which are, does the product have a real market? Does the company produce a genuine product? Can the comm odity compete with other products? Will the organization compete with others? Is the product return profitable at a particular risk? Is it logic to launch the product? Establishing if the market exists is an important factor in its growth. The new technology has a real market because it has passed the qualities of the market. The charger has been able to shape the quality of the market because of its quality. Apple and Samsung are the main producers of smartphones in the world. The phones they produce do not come with a portable charger. It means the charger will have a ready market for the charger. The need for the portable kinetic charger is growth due to a diversity of products. Individuals will choose the charger over other because of one or more features it possesses. The charger would improve on the existing charging solutions in the industry. The market has been there for a long time and it indicates that the portable kinetic charger will, compete with other corporations. The high use of mobile phones and other devices has become a community norm. The new technology will compete with other chargers, which are in the market.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
E-Commerce and Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
E-Commerce and Information Technology - Essay Example IT implementation, therefore, requires evaluation measures that are effective in order to be successful in implementing the new technologies intended for the organization. Theories have been evolving in recent years that are able to give guidance to an organization in implementing innovations. Technology Acceptance Model Technology acceptance model theory specifies the casual relationship present in system design features, the behaviour of usage and how the toll is easy for usage. TAM predicts the acceptability of a specific tool and any modifications that should be put in place for the tool, to be acceptable by the end users. For an information to be accepted the users will analyse its usefulness and how easy it will be for them to use it. Behaviour intention affects the usage of information systems including the perception of how it is going to be utilised. An individual’s attitude and the impact the tool to be used has on the performance greatly affects the usage of a syste m. It is true to say that if an individual does not welcome the use of information system in the workplace but has perceptions that it will improve work performance; the individual will eventually use the information systems at the end of it all. With TAM, there is a link between what an employee at the work place perceives and the usefulness of the tool to be implemented. The extent to which technology will be used in an organization is mainly caused by technology diffusion;1 moreover, an employee’s ease of use attitude at the workplace will be influenced by a self-efficacy mechanism and his instrumentality. The behaviour and intentions a person creates towards a system will influence the person’s perception about the said system. In some cases, an individual may form a behavioural intention of a system and not necessarily have an attitude towards it. This creates a strong relation between a system that is the self-reported usage and has a perceived usefulness and it affects an individual’s intention. On the contrary, perceived ease of use has a significant effect on the behaviour intention of and individual and it later subsides over a period. Behaviour intention of a person towards a system, therefore, is greatly influenced by its perceived usefulness and the perception of ease of use. DHL Express Finland, in a case study carried out by Kuula and Annu, adopted an IntraShip application in order to improve on their B2B customers who make orders at DHL.2 The orders that were made to DHL gave the customers a number one experience. Shipping orders, being an important part of a company’s daily operations, made the consumers have a high level of usability and the experience they had been varied within a period of 6 months to 7 years. Majority of the users had been using the applications for a period not more than two years and later changed to other service providers other than DHL Express. The customers were satisfied with the changed situation at DHL Express, and it was problematic, but it is also smooth using IntraShip application. The main issue with the customers was the fact that there were issues relating to the ability to learn of IntraShip, and this was regarding facilitating conditions such as training. Even though, the application had certain features that were harder to learn, most customers thought the application was simple and in a matter of time, they would get used to it. Having internet and technology
Monday, November 18, 2019
First semmester in the university Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
First semmester in the university - Essay Example In the past, I had incomplete notes and often went out with my friends before studying. Now, I always take down notes during class discussions, join study groups, and do advance reading whenever I can. In addition, I also rely on my learning style to retain what I am studying. I have learned that I am a visual-auditory person. I learned from the web site that as a visual-auditory learner, I learn best by reading and listening. Thus, whenever I study for a quiz, I ask someone to pair up with me and read the notes to me. This way, I can listen to the terms and definitions I need to memorize. Likewise, I also use my mobile phone recorder to record my voice while reviewing for exams. I found this very effective especially for memorization tests. The second thing that makes this semester better is the fact that I have made some nice friends. My friends serve as my motivators and study group. Whenever I feel like not attending to classes due to colds, my friends are there to encourage me to attend. They are positive influences in my studies, and in return, I do the same kind of motivation and inspiration to them. We also conduct out-of-class sharing and discussions to analyze issues and concepts discussed in class. So far, everything is going well and we are enjoying each others’ company. The third thing that keeps me on track is the fact that I have made friends with other students internationally. I recently found some friends through social networking sites, thus whenever I have time, I communicate with them online and we exchange ideas on various topics about life. Along with the good start are some things I need to improve on in the next semester. These include getting subjects I want and having the freedom to choose my schedule. I was a bit late during the enrollment, hence I had limited choices relating to class schedule. I promise to enroll earlier next time to get the subjects I want. Moreover, I believe I need to study
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Factors Determinant Tax Revenue In Malaysia
The Factors Determinant Tax Revenue In Malaysia INTRODUCTION Malaysia is a federation of 13 States and the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan. The Federal Constitution contains special provisions regarding sources of revenue that are assigned to the Federal and the State governments. Those that are assigned to the State governments include revenue fom land, forest, mining, entertainment, water supply, bank interests, returns from investments, fines including forfeitures (other than imposed by Federal Courts) and fees for licences and permits (but not licences relating to motor vehicles and registration of businesses). All other revenues, not specifically assigned to the states, are Federal Government revenues. Taxation become crucial economic tools to govern economics for any country, especially to developing countries like Malaysia. With the rapid trend toward globalization and internationalization, the pattern of tax revenues and economic growth accross countries has become a significant concern to economists. Recently, Malaysia has also performed well and shows the similar growth pattern in economy. Therefore, fund collected from taxation used by the government to provide facilities for its population and for the development of the nation. Other than that income tax is one of the surest way to make sure the Government fund is available for spending. Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has play their main role as an agent of Malaysian Government and to provide services in administering, assessing, collecting, and enforcing payment of income tax and other revenue as may be agreed between Government andd the Board. For many years, the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has presumed that its activities promote better tax collection starting from Official Assessment System (OAS) until Self Assessment System (SAS). Malaysia Federal Government revenues are broadly classified as tax revenues, non-tax revenues and non-revenue receipts. Tax revenues include both Direct and Indirect Taxes. Direct taxes are collected by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) and includes taxes such as income tax on individuals and corporations, petroleum income tax, stamp duty and real property gains tax. While for indirect taxes the responsibility of collection is taken by the Royal Customs and Excise Department. Indirect taxes include import duties, export duties, excise duties, sales tax, service tax and last but not least; goods and services tax (GST) that replace sales tax and service tax. Non-tax revenues of Malaysian Government consists of fees for issue of licences and permits, fees for specific services, proceeds from sale of government assets, rental of government property, bank interests, returns from Government investments (including gains from sales of investments) fines and forfeitures. The non-revenue receipts consist mainly of repayments and reimbursements such as refunds of overpayments in previous years and repayment of loans from the Federal Governments Consolidated Fund (Revenue Account) received from other Federal Government Agencies and State Governments. The trend of tax collection in Malaysia is inconsistent, changing upward and downward depending upon economic conditions. However, over a 30 period, most years show an increasing incremental in total collection. The exceptions are when there is an abnormal economic condition such as financial crisis, war or increase in world oil prices. During the early stages of its development which is in year 1960, Malaysia similar with most developing countries relied heavily on indirect taxes accounted for 76.7% (Kasipillai, 2006). However as the economy developed and with the tax reform less reliance was placed on indirect tax which starting from year 1999 the major contribution to government revenue is come from direct tax (69%). In 2008 the collection of direct tax represents 52% of the Government total revenue (Economic Planning Unit, Ministry of Finance and Bank Negara Malaysia). It is believed that the encouraging growth in Gross Gomestic Product (GDP) in 2009 stood at 23% contribute positively to the national revenue collection (9MP). After brief introduction the remainder of this paper is structured as follow. Chapter 2 provide some sort of literature review regarding all the variables included in this research. Chapter 3 consist of research methodology and design, data collection, theoretical framework, hypothesis statement, and data analysis. Chapter 4 provides data description and result analysis and finally in section 5 gives conclusion and summary of the study. BACKGROUND OF STUDY Tax is the main sources of income for government. Tax is defined as a fee charged (levied) by a government on a product, income, or activity. If tax is levied directly on personal or corporate income, then it is direct tax. If tax is levied on the price of a good or services, then it is called an indirect tax. Malaysia is a very tax friendly country compared than the others. Income tax comparaly low and many taxes which are raised in other countries, do not exist in Malaysia. All earnings of companies and individuals acccumulated in, derived from or remitted to Malaysia are liable to tax. Government will used this tax revenues to fund all spending made by government in order to achieve an economic growth and also to promote a sound of economy. Government will present their budget in Parliament around September each year. Determination of budget is based on estimation of government revenue and spending. An increase in government revenue will increase the allocation for government spending. The tax rate is one of the components in government budget. The government will decide whether to increase or decrease the tax rate or to remain unchage based on the goals of government in each budget every year. Definition Of Terms Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. It is also define as an economic measurement that monitors the overall income and output of a country. It is a way to interpret the overall prosperity of the economy. It is culculated on an annual basis with quarterly updates. The data produced by GDP is interpreted in number of ways. Some use it to measure the productivity of the country, in that it shows how much product was produced and sold. Others use it to measure the general health of the economy and the standard of living of those living in it. Inflation Rate Inflation rate is a measure of inflation, the rate of increase of a price index. It is the percentage rate of change in price level of time. The rate of decrease in the purchasing power of money is approximately equal. The used of inflation rate is to culculate the real interest rate, as well as real increases in wages. When interest rate are high, fewer people and businesses can afford to borrow and it will usually slows the economy down. Unemployment The definition of unemployment is an economic condition marked by the fact that individuals actively seeking jobs remain unhired. Unemployment is an important measure of the economys strength. A high unemployment rate generally indicates an economy in recession with few job opportunities, while a low unemployment rate points to an economy running at or near full throttle. Openness The meaning of openness has become similar to the notion of free-trade, that is a trade system where all trade distortions are eliminated. Openness also means the extent to which an economy is open to trade, and sometimes also to inflows and outflows of international investment. The openness here means trade openness that consist of imports and exports from a large percentage of GDP. PROBLEM STATEMENT Malaysia is facing budget deficit every year since government expenditure exceed government revenue. If the governments budget are not sufficient, some of the macroeconomic factors cant be achieved. Government cannot reduce unemployment and inflation rate and also cannot increase the economic growth and promote currency stability if they cannot reach a sufficient budget to cover all the expenditure. Tax is the main component of government revenue that will use to finance all the government expenditure to stabilize the economy. The expenditure here means the used of governments revenue for the development and operational expenditure that will bring an economic growth. This study is undertaken to discover factors determinant of tax revenue which are independent variables namely Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation rate, unemployment and openness (trade) on dependent variable which is tax revenue. It tries to grasp those variables volatility impact on tax revenue in a given economic environment and horizon. Besides, this study was brought up to strenghten tho prove of previous similar study. However, due to the changing environmentof the economy, past researchers cannot be deem a suitable for current application. There is a need to revise the findings from the previous researchers, so it is consistent with current economic situation. The horizon of the research will cover from 1995 to the ending 2009. From this, all the indpendent variables are important towards dependent variable. Therefore the problem statement for this study is which variables that have strongly positive significant relationship towards tax revenue? RESEARCH QUESTION In order to realize the factors determining tax revenue, this question must be taken into consideration. The question is: What is the relationship between GDP and tax revenue? What is the relationship between Inflation rate and tax revenue? What is the relationship between Unemployment and tax revenue? What is the relationship between Openness and tax revenue? This question must be taken into consideration because the questions will answer the overall study and to make sure whether the problem lies within this factor or the others factor. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY General objectives The general objective of this study is to identify the factors determine tax revenue in Malaysia from year 1990 to 2009 which is 20 years. Specific objectives To know what are the factors that will increase or reduce the total tax revenue collected by government. To determine whether growth in GDP significantly affect tax revenue collected by government. To determine whether inflation in Malaysia significantly affect tax revenue collected by government. To determine whether unemployment in Malaysia significantly affect tax revenue collected by government. To determine whether the degree of openness in Malaysia significantly affect total tax revenue collected by the government. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY This research study can help the researcher to determine the most significant independent variables to the dependent variable. From this study, it can help the relevant parties to know which variables can give influence to the tax revenue collected government. The findings from this research can provide the information to the other researcher for future research that is similar or related with this study. SCOPE OF STUDY The scope of study is as follow: This study focus on factors determining tax revenue collected by government. The data will be collected from 1990 to 2009 which is twenty years in yearly. Four variables are choosen which are GDP, inflation rate, unemployment, and openness. Software that used as a regression tool is Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 16.0. LIMITATIONS OF STUDY Cost Cost also becomes one of the limitations in doing this research because the researcher needs to bear all the cost and expenses in completing this research without getting any sponsorship. The cost that incurred such as stationeries expenses, photocopying, printing, transportation expenses and others are fully support by the researcher. Choice of Variables Choice of variables is the other limitation of the study. There have many variables that are determinants tax revenue and the researcher need to choose the exact variables so that it is suitable with the dependent variable. The variables that are choosen in this study are GDP, inflation rate, unemployment, and openness. Data Collection Data collection is one of the limitation of the study. The data covered a period of twenty years which is from 1990 to 2009 in yearly. Besides that, there have difficulties while choosing the exact journal and literature review that are strongly support all the variables. Accuracy of Data Accuracy also become a limitation of the study. Researcher used secondary sources in conducting this stdudy to collect data. The secondary sources such as annual reports, books, article, journal that the researcher found from internet and library. So, the accuracy of data depend from all the secondary sources that found in various materials. It means that, the researcher trying to maintain the originality and quality of the journal but the data needed depend on the materials. CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEWS The amount of literature that directly deals with an analysis of factors that determine tax revenue collected by government in Malaysia is fairly limited. Minea and Villieu (2009), in their research show theoretically that a tighter monetary policy should induce the government to improve institutional quality in order to limit the erosion of tax revenue. The model developed by them exhibits two interesting results. First, by finding an inverse relationship between the level of effort and the inflation target, the authors show that the lower the inflation target is, the higher the governments effort in enhancing the quality of its institutions will be. In other words, by setting a lower inflation target, the supra-authority encourages the fiscal authority to intensify its effort to implement a more efficient tax-collecting administration in order to recoup the loss of seigniorage revenue due to a tighter monetary policy. Effectively, a decrease in the inflation target reduces the interval in which governments effort is minimal and increases the interval in which the effort in improving institutional quality is maximal. To conclude, it i s important to note that the incentive of the government to improve the collection of tax revenue could be nonetheless diminished by a significant decrease of inflation rate. Huang and Wei (2006) extended the model developed by modifying the principal-agent setup and by incorporating an indicator of financial development and social welfare function. They conclude that, conditionally to the cost of institutional reforms, pursue a low inflation target encourages the government to increase the performance of its tax collection system. Therefore the adoption of Inflation Targeting in emerging countries is expected to exert a positive effect on tax revenue collection. Indeed, empirical literature has provided evidence that tax revenue is negatively affected by inflation, the so-called Olivera-Tanzi effect (Tanzi, 1992). This inverse relationship is usually explained by the fact that the real value of tax revenue is erode by inflation, since it exists for some tax categories a time-lag between the date of imposition and the effective collection of these taxes. Therefore, by theoretically maintaining inflation at low levels, and therefore by increasing the real value of tax revenue, Inflation Targeting may attenuate the governments tax collection effort. Lucotte (2010), used a methodology suggested by Dehejia and Wahba (1999) which consists of dropping treated observations whose the propensity score is higher than the maximum or smaller than the minimum in the control group. The result shows that the estimated average treatment effect on treated (ATT) are all found to be positive and statistically significant. This suggests that, on average, Inflation Targeting has a quantitatively large and statistically significant impact on increasing public revenue in emerging market economies. This result largely support their hypothesis that the adoption of Inflation Targeting may encourage the government to improve the collection of tax revenue. Clausing (2007), analyze the impact of the size and the profitability of the corporate sector on revenues from corporate tax. The result of her regression analysis confirm that the share of the value added of the corporate sector, profit level GDP per capita and GDP growth have a positive impact on revenues from corporate tax, whereas the unemployment level has a negative impact. Kubatova and Rihova (years of study are not stated), found that all of their examined factors (GDP growth, inflation and unemployment) were statistically significant. Along with the growth of GDP comes the growth of revenues from corporate tax. Inflation also has a similar effect. Conversely, higher unemployment leads to a decrease of the revenues from corporate tax. Qazi (2010), in his paper attempts to search the determinants of tax buoyancy of 25 developing countries. He found that growth in import and manufacturing sectors have positive and significant impact on tax buoyancy which shows with the increase in growth of import sector tax revenue collection increases through import duties, tariff, sales tax on import stage and withholding income tax at import stage. Saeed, Ahmad and Akhtar (2010), have studied the impact of corruption index on the tax revenues over 27 developing countries and use annual data for the 2002 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2006 periods found that GDP per capita is positive but it is significance at 12 percent level. The coefficient of the ratio of exports and imports (openness) to GDP is positive but not significance at even 10 percent level. CHAPTER THREE 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN RESEARCH DESIGN 3.1.1 Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to determine the factors determinant tax revenue in Malaysia namely Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation rate, unemployment and openness. 3.1.2 Research Interference Most of the data used in this study are obtained from the secondary sources from various resources that have been analyzed. The data are collected from an internet resources. Accuracy and Data Reliability Multiple regression analysis and a correlation research design are selected as the method of this study in order to investigate the variables that are associated with the problem. Two random variables are positively correlated if high values of one are likely to be associated with high values of the other and negatively correlated if high values of one are likely to be associated with low values of the other known as correlation. A statistical method used with one dependent variable and more than one independent variable known as multiple regression analysis. Thus, the accuracy and the data reliability of the data may partly depend on the published materials. 3.1.3 Study Setting Secondary data from various resources have been analyzed. Research here is a field study where it is non contrive setting with minimial interference. 3.2 DATA COLLECTION In completing this study, data is the most important thing needed. From the data collected, the researcher can make analysis and interpret the output to find out the result. Secondary Data It refer to the data collected by someone for some other purposes. The sources include census reports, organizational records, surveys and annual reports. This secondary data used by the researcher to gain the idea and information to develop the literature review and complete this study. Internet and website Google Search The major sources that the researcher choose to find and gather journal that related with this study. This website are useful to the reasercher because help the researcher to gain the information about this study. Library Research The researcher find the journal and books through the library reserach. Some of the information from journals and published materials can be used as references to the researcher to get a better picture of the situation. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK INDEPENDENT VARIABLES GDP Tax Revenue Inflation Rate DEPENDENT VARIABLE Unemployment Openness Figure 1.0: Theoretical Framework Based on the figure 1.0 above, it shows the relationship between the dependent variable which is Tax Revenue and the independent variables that includes Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate, Unemployment and Openness (trade). All these independent variables will be test to determine the relationship among these independent variables and dependent variables. 3.3.1 Priory Relationship 1. GDP and Tax Revenue : if GDP increase, the total tax revenue collected by government will also increase. This two variable have a positive relationship. 2. Inflation Rate and Tax Revenue : if an inflation rate increase, the total tax revenue collected by government will decrease. This two variable have a negative relationship. 3. Unemployment and Tax Revenue : if unemployment increase, the total tax revenue collected by government will decrease. This two variable have a negative relationship. 4. Openness and Tax Revenue : if the degree of openness increase, the total tax revenue collected by government will also increase. This two variable have a positive relationship. HYPOTHESIS STATEMENT The purpose of the hypothesis statement is to illustrates which of the hypothesis is most affect the dependent variable. The hypothesis are: H0 : GDP is not statistically significant to affect tax revenue in Malaysia H1 : GDP is statistically significant to affect tax revenue in Malaysia. H0 : Inflation is not statistically significant to affect tax revenue in Malaysia H1 : Inflation is indeed statistically significant to affect tax revenue in Malaysia. H0 : Unemployment is not statistically significant to affect tax revenue in Malaysia. H1 : Unemployment is indeed statistically significant to affect tax Revenue in Malaysia. H0 : Openness is not statistically significant to affect tax revenue in Malaysia. H1 : Openness is indeed statistically significant to affect tax revenue in Malaysia. DATA ANALYSIS In this study, the data analysis need to be explained clearly. The data also consists of independent variable and dependent variable which is GDP, inflation rate, unemployment and openness . Pearson coefficient of correlation is used to the extent of relationship among different variables. All the data has been analyzed by using Statistical package Science for Social (SPSS) program. The data will be examine by: Beta analysia (Coefficient) To find out the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. Does the relationship exist or not. Coefficient of Determination (R-squared) To know how well the independent variables explain the variation of the dependent variable in the regression. T-Statistic Identify significant relationship of each independent variable with the dependent variable F-Statistic Testing the significance of the overall independent variables with the dependent variable Standard Error of Estimation (See) The objective is to identify whether a particular variableis significant at a certain level of confidence. Multiple Regression Analysis TR = f ( GDP, Inf, Un, Op )This technique will focus on a relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variable. The regression analysis help the researcher to understand how the typical value of the dependent variable changes when any one of the independent variable is varied, while the other independent variables are held fixed. TR = a + b1 GDP + b2 Inf + b3 Un + b4 Op + Ɇº Where: TR = Tax Revenue GDP = Gross Domestic Product Inf = Inflation Rate Un = Unemployment Op = Openness The dependent variable in the above equation is tax revenue while the independent variables are GDP, inflation rate, unemployment and openness. Beta Analysis (Coefficient) Beta analysis is a measurement used in order to find out the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable does exist or not. Therefore, if the result is positive that means the independent variables can explain the changes in the dependent variable. Coefficient of Determination (R ²) The coefficient of determination is a statistic that will give information the goodness of fit of model. It is a statistical measure of how well the regression line approximates the real data points. Is a descriptive measure between zero and one, indicating how good one term is at predicting another. The value of coefficient of determination is shown below: Range of R ² Strength of relationship No relationship with dependent variable 0.1 to 0.5 Weak relationship between independent variables and dependent variable 0.6 to 0.9 Dependent variable is strongly explained by independent variables 1 Dependent variable ia perfectly explained by Independent variables T-Statistic T-statistic is used to determine whether the significance between the dependent variable and the independent variables exists or not. If the computed T-stat is greater than book T-value, the independent variable is statistically significant or vice-versa. In order to get book T-value, the degree of freedom should be culculated at a 95% confidence interval. The degree of freedom can be calculated as follow: Degree of freedom = n à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" k à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1 Where: k = Number of Independent Variable n = Number of Observation The results for T-statistic: Accept H1, reject H0 If the computed t-statistic is greater than the book T-value at a 95% confidence interval. Reject H1, accept H0 If the computed t-statistic is lower than the book T-value at a 95% confidence interval. F-Statistic F-test is an overall test of the null hypothesis that group means on the dependent variable do not differ. It is used when comparing statistical models that have been fit to a data set, in order to identify the model that best fit the popultaion from which the data were sampled. F-test mainly arise when the models have been fit to the data using least squares. In order to get book F-value, it should be culculated at a 5% significant level. Formula for book F-value is as follow: Book F-value = FÃŽÂ ± (k à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1, n à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" k) Where: ÃŽÂ ± = Significant level (5%) k = Number of Independent Variable n = Number of Observation k à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1 = Numerator n à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" k = Denominator The result for F-Statistics: Accept H1, reject H0 If the computed F-Statistic is greater than the book F-value at 5% significant level. Reject H1, accept H0 If the computed F-Statistic is lower than the book F-value at 5% significant level. 3.5.6 Standard Error of Estimation (See) It is a measure of the dispersion of tthe data points from the regression line. Its objective is to identify whether a particular variable is significant at a certain level of confidence. Standard error can be measured in two ways: Using T-stat See = b t-stat Degree of freedom Df = n à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" k à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1 It is also useful in determining the range in which the dependent variable will point to a specified probability. CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 DATA DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS This chapter focuses on the data description and result analysis. All the data collected in this study were processed using Microsoft Office Excel and the SPSS program. Microsoft Office Excel was used to describe the performance of dependent variable and independent variables. SPSS program was used to analyze the data from the correlation and regression analysis. The method was used to analyze the data was Multiple Regression Correlation Analysis. A multiple regression analysis involves more than one independent variable. The process of evaluating is the same with simple regression, but in order to derive the estimated regression, a computer is employed due to the complex nature of data and time required. The presentation of findings is made to examine the relationship among independent variables (GDP, inflation, unemployment and openness) and dependent variable (tax revenue). This study used Multiple Regression Method Analysis which is the interpretation of Regression Analysis includes Beta Analysis (Coefficient), Coefficient of determination (R-Squared), T-statistics and F-statistics. 4.1 DATA DESCRIPTION Dependent Variable Figure 1 Independent Variables Figure 2 Gross Domestic Product is the value at current prices of the total annual output of final goods and services produced in a country. .. Figure 3 Inflation rate is the percentage annual increase in the general price level, commonly measured by the consumer price index (CPI) or some comparable price index. . Figure 4 Unemployment rate is Figure 5 Openness is 4.2 INTERPRETATION OF DATA AND FINDINGS 4.2.1 Research Analysis From the data obtained, it shows the result of regression output as stated in Table 1 as follows: Table 1 Variables Constant GDP Inflation Unemployment Openness Beta Analysis -144980.369 13.481 1657.557 5860.522 -572.845 T-statistics 8.284 5.562 3.435 2.643 7.017 R-squared : 0.990 F-statistics : 358.696 Standard error of estimation : 6122.50419 4.2.2 Regression Equation From the result obtained, we can derive the regression linear function as follows: General function: TR = f ( GDP, Inf, Un, Op ) Multiple Regression Equation: TR = a + b1 GDP + b2 Inf + b3 Un + b4 Op + Ɇº TR = à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 144980.369 + 13.481 GDP + 1657.557 Inf + 5860.522 Un à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 572.845 Op + Ɇº 4.3 RESULT OF FINDINGS 4.4.1 Beta Analysis (Coefficient) Beta analysis is a measurement used in order to find out whether a relationship exists between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Table 2: The result of beta analysis Variables Beta Analysis GDP 13.481 Inflation 1657.557 Unemployment 5860.522 Openness -572.845 Beta analysis for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) From the results obtained, it shows that when GDP increase by 1 unit, tax revenue will increase by 13.481 units. The increase in GDP will raised the total tax revenue collected by government. It shows that this two variable have a positive relationship and consistent with the economic theory. This is because .. Beta analysis for Inflation From the results obtained, it shows that an increase of 1 unit in inflation can
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Death Of A Salesman :: essays research papers
                                                  Death is such a contradicting situation. It is always a sad event, but in some perspectives it may or may not be a joyous event. Not to say that death should be celebrated, just to point out that life may have been a more dramatic experience.      For my first novel in G.T. I read Death of a Salesman, a play written by Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller was born in 1915, in New York City. His parents were well To do until the depression. He attended college where he won three drama prizes. Death of a Salesman was his their Broadway play.      The play Death of A Salesman was an extremely confusing play, it was a dialogue between a family of people. There were numerous flashbacks used to illustrate things that happened in the past. The overall purposeof the flashbacks was to describe the situation that Willy Loman, the main character, was dillusional. I feel that in this the characters of this book are well described. The author describes Willy was an average man with a somewhat normal life. His wife Linda is loving and like any woman she sticks by her man. Happy and Biff are Willy and Linda’s sons. The play takes place when Biff and Happy come to visit their parentsfor a couple of days.      The play is reality that most books and movies do not display. It shows an average american family struggling to get by. In the play it is apparent that the characters have strong dreams and aspirations. It is also obvious that they have not yet succeeded in accomplishing them. Quite a few events happen that prove, no matter how hard someone tries, in society things change and it is hard to reach full potential.      The authors of the play puts more reality into the central theme of the play. People get old and begin to do odd things such as talk to people that are not there or people that only exists in their minds. Throughout the play Willy would have conversations with people that he believed were there, but they really were not. Willy strived to be the best and if he was not successful, then things were not good enough. He was ashamed that his money supply was not sufficentenough to support his family. The theme changed throughout the course of the book. I believe the point that he was trying to emphasize was to never give up and all the barriers in the way will be broken.      This play has taught me the lesson that life is how one individual person decides to
Monday, November 11, 2019
One Act Play
There is a card table, folding chairs, newspapers, trade magazines. TERESA is sitting on a folding chair at the desk , talking to JAKE, who is consulting THE JOB FINDER'S GUIDE and taking notes in a notebook from his briefcase. DEBBIE enters, looks around. TERESA I wear an extra sweater and a hat. That's what my mother did when she was a girl, during the Depression. The kitchen stove was their heat. (notices DEBBIE) Can we be of help, dear? DEBBIE Group's supposed to be at 10:30, isn't it? TERESA Yes, but– DEBBIE I'll wait. ( DEBBIE sits, takes out newspaper, begins reading. ) TERESA (to JAKE) How is Janet doing?JAKE Better. Takes her a couple weeks to bounce back from chemotherapy. But she's up and around, now. Cleaning out the kitchen drawers. TERESA And your boy? JAKE I told Park School I was going to have to pull Jason out of there. (sits) They came up with a scholarship. TERESA (pats JAKE's shoulder) Well, now. That's good news. JAKE Is it? Jason's grades are dropping. He 's out too late, comes back with bullshit –sorry. You'd think that being out of work I'd have time to ride herd on him, but with hustling a job and taking care of Janet–. TERESA A boy that age can be a real pill. Especially at a time of crisis.JAKE You're telling me this is normal? TERESA I saw it my boys. There's stress, and a boy feels he ought to be pitching in to help. But there isn't much he can do, really, is there? JAKE He can at least not add to our worries! TERESA That's true, but at his age– . Probably the guilt is driving him wild. JAKE School's Jason's job. Seems to me it's that simple. DEBBIE Maybe your kid's just not the kind who can block out the real world. JAKE (rises, turns to DEBBIE) Seems to me a person can at least try! (pause. DEBBIE hides behind newspaper) TERESA ( brings JAKE back) It was a real shame about that position in Nashua.JAKE Yeah. I thought they'd–. But–. You know –I could never mention this to Janet, it'd kill her but I wonder. Can a personnel office find out about cancer? Go though medical files? TERESA Doctors' records are confidential. DEBBIE (lowers paper) Ha! Sure. And Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. (pause) Sorry. S'none of my business. JAKE Maybe it's my age. I'm fit, but  do you think I should get a hairpiece? DEBBIE (laughs, loud. JAKE and TERESA look at her. She holds up the comic page) Dilbert. (they turn back) MERRIK (enters ) Good morning. JAKE (goes to Merrik) Hey, look, it's Merrik back!How's it going, big guy? MERRIK (shaking hands) Good. It's going good, praise the Lord. JAKE I thought you had a job. MERRIK I did. I mean, I do. Just taking longer than we figured. JAKE Georgia, wasn't it? MERRIK Right. Georgia for training, and then traveling between the territories. TERESA But your wife's career–. MERRIK Secretarial stuff. A woman can do that anywhere. DEBBIE Anywhere there's a job. MERRIK There's secretarial in Georgia. Alice says,  "At $5. 15 an hour? †But money goes farther down there. No oil bills, housing's less than half. †¦ JAKE I'd say, sell while you can!This market is so overpriced– MERRIK Alice says the company will fold: a job that can be done cheap in Georgia will be done even cheaper in Pakistan or Prague. JAKE Well, if you do put your house on the market, give me first shot at the listing, will you? (KIM enters, stands silently) MERRIK You're still part time at real estate? JAKE Me and everybody else who's run out their unemployment. KIM Is this Bright Horizons? DEBBIE That's what they call it. KIM I had trouble finding– TERESA Don't worry, you're not late. DEBBIE You are, but the Counselor's later. MERRIK What's going on? crosses to phone) When I called, the overnight message was still on the answering machine. (fusses w/ machine) TERESA Oh, dear. KIM What does that mean? TERESA People have had to give up their phones, sometimes, or they may even be homeless. Being able to use this answering service makes them– JAKE Seem normal. TERESA Employable. Able to return calls. MERRIK â€Å"Executive Offices†, it says. After ten, and nobody's here? ( DEBBIE laughs) TERESA Can we reset it? JAKE How hard can it be? Half the unemployed people here used to be in high tech. TERESA If you can't change the message, at least turn it off.DEBBIE (unplugs machine) Off with the bullshit! (to MERRIK) Your Georgia job  Did you get it through this office? MERRIK Not really- DEBBIE (goes back to her chair and paper) Now, how did I guess that? KIM How did you get it? MERRIK I heard about it from my cousin, a friend of his– DEBBIE My Dad ‘ s cousin got him work in construction, once. In Jersey. He'd only get home about every third weekend. Meant he and Mom never had time to work things out. All they did was fight. TERESA That sounds so like my mother's stories of the Depression. When my grandfather went looking for odd jobs, weeks at a time †¦..MERRIK The job's like auditing, but there's a sales aspect, too. First our team has to convince the company that we can save them money. JAKE Sales ability! Now, that doesn't surprise me, Merrik. I can see that in you. MERRIK You think so? I can do it, I have the– . JAKE 90% of any job is sales. KIM Is that really true? I'm terrible. Couldn't even sell girl scout cookies. JAKE Got to market your personality as well as your skills. MERRIK As soon as interest rates rise, real estate will be in the toilet– JAKE Depends on what market. I mean, it's not the class of people who can afford a couple million bucks who are hurting, is it?But those sales take time, those people are choosey– MERRIK The Georgia job, I don't get paid until the adjustments come in. It can take 6 months, 9 months– I tell my wife, have faith– TERESA If you can be sure– MERRIK My kids are all the time after me, they want stay here where their friends are, but I tell them have faith. The church down there's strong, s'got real spirit. They'd make new friends– KIM My brother was sent South for basic training. He said the people treated him like dirt. DEBBIE (reading, exclaims aloud) Jesus Christ! MERRIK Young lady! DEBBIE Sorry. I didn't mean  this story, did you see it?Unemployed postal worker in St. Louis, shot up his boss and three carriers and a cop. At his house, he'd already killed his wife and kids. MERRIK Let me see. (takes newspaper) TERESA I heard about that. On the radio. JAKE There were a rash of these things 10, 12 years ago. DEBBIE During the last round of lay offs. MERRIK The Post Office must be hiring straight out of the loony bin. TERESA Veterans get extra points on the exam, so there may be a lot who are trained in firearms. MERRIK Combat flash back, you think? JAKE Post traumatic. DEBBIE Postal traumatic. MERRIK Well, they'd better weed out the crazies, and fast.DEBBIE Oh, the crazies are being weeded out. Along w ith the alcoholic, lazy, and the ones who can't put in enough overtime. MERRIK About time! DEBBIE Good thing they didn't start weeding till my uncle Adam took the pension. He'd have been mad crazy enough to get down his shotgun. course, he drank, some, and he was certainly slow. But neither rain nor snow– MERRIK Four days, for a letter from my wife! If the mail went private– DEBBIE There'd be no mail on Saturday, carriers would be green carders getting $5. 15 an hour– KIM And no veteran's preference points? MERRIK What's your point?KIM My brother enlisted to get training for a good job. TERESA â€Å"Be all you can be†? KIM I've thought about enlisting too. But Buddy lost the fingers off his right hand: what's he going to do when he gets out? He can't go back to meat cutting. MERRIK Don't expect the VA. They're shutting down, one by one. TERESA This office could find him something, dear. Helen's a lifesaver. DEBBIE Something â€Å"Executive†? TERESA Education. Retraining. This is a really good program, at least for young people. Oldsters like me, nobody wants to hire us whatever we can do. KIM They'd better find Buddy something. Cause he's so angry, he might–MERRIK So it's OK to shoot people? If you lose your job? DEBBIE No, it's not OK. But I understand it. Don't you? At least a story like this one makes more sense to me than the crap that's in the business section: DOW up; GE announces more layoffs; the Technology Council wants more â€Å"flexibility†in the visa program, to meet the overseas competition Do they really think all these computer whizzes who used to make a hundred thou a year are going to go quietly into burger-flipping? KIM What else can they do? DEBBIE How many Luddites does it take to unscrew all the light bulbs? JAKE God knows there's a lot of frustration.MERRIK (to KIM) God knows, that's a true saying. If we cleanse our hearts, and trust Him, He answers our prayers. JAKE I've had bosses it wo uldn't break my heart to see bleed. But shoot his own kids? MERRIK Now, that makes sense, in a certain cock-eyed way. If a father's desperate enough to kill, but he loves his kids, how could he leave those kids to face it? I'm not saying he's thinking right, but– ! TERESA I wish Helen would get here. With two new clients– DEBBIE I'm not new. This is lay off number 5. Or maybe 25, depending on how you count it. TERESA Temp jobs? I don't think those count. KIM They'd count for me!I can't find anything at all. TERESA Substituting, temping, you know from the start it's not going to last. JAKE Nothing lasts, these days. You got to plan ahead. Train or re-train. KIM Sure, train. But for what? DEBBIE Train, they told me. So now I'm in debt up to my ears for what it cost me to learn programming. JAKE Programming used to be hot. DEBBIE And now it's not. JAKE Still. In a downturn, that's the recommendation. Retrain, add new skills to your resume. DEBBIE Keep paying tuition. Dang le that â€Å"good job†carrot, the old donkey keeps plodding along. TERESA Education is a person's best investment.DEBBIE Oh? Where's it got you, lady? You just here to write a book? TERESA I never seemed to be in the right place at the right time. If I hadn't left teaching to raise my boys, I'd be retired on a pension by now. But as a substitute, I– DEBBIE I started out in the tool shop, with my dad. $12. 50 an hour, 18 for overtime. After the 3rd layoff I took the Expert Advice. Went to college. Got my 2 year certificate. Officially qualified to do scut work for some creep in a suit at seven fifty an hour. Seven fifty! With which I'm supposed to buy all this fashion shit and â€Å"look professional†for Chrissake!But even in drag, all I could get was temp work. So then it's back to school for Programming†¦. KIM I can't even get part time Walmart! I thought anybody could get that. TERESA As soon as Helen gets here she'll help you. She has a comprehensive list: openings, training programs, subsidies, scholarships†¦.. (phone rings) JAKE Should we answer it? DEBBIE Well, they can't leave a message, we unplugged the machine. MERRIK (answers) Executive offices. KIM (to TERESA) I hope you're right. This feels like it may be my last chance. DEBBIE Everybody's last chance. JAKE You're young, you're healthy.It's not the end of the world. MERRIK Yeah. I'll tell people. (hangs up) This office is closed. TERESA Oh, my dear God. Are you sure? This office? KIM Should we go to some other one? MERRIK Nobody knows. They've all been laid off, here. Budget's gone, the governor vetoed the restoration. JAKE That was Helen? TERESA But what will we do? MERRIK Leave, she says. And lock the door behind us. THE END home | bio | resume | blog | contact GL Horton monologues | one-act plays | full-length plays reviews | essays | links | videos Made on an by . â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢ €â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Jimmys Childhood and The Consequences †Psychology Essay
Jimmys Childhood and The Consequences – Psychology Essay Free Online Research Papers Jimmys Childhood and The Consequences Psychology Essay According to psycho-analytical theory, ones early experiences are crucial to how we cope with adult life. Death, betrayal, lack of love and all the other facts that he was exposed to as a child, played an important role in the process of shaping his adult personality. There are two persons who are responsible for what he bacame – his parents. The pain and isolation Jimmy experienced as he saw his father die, are no doubt vital to his present state of mind. One of the most important fears of Jimmys come from this experience. The pain of betrayal is the one that grows in him for all these years, even though his father died many years ago and he keeps no contact of his mother. But the fear is present. And the problem with that is he really exaggerates sometimes. He must have suffered very much watching his father dying with noone around him except his son, because his wife was ashamed of ideology that Jimmys father gave life for. As a wife she should have been loyal, supporting, but not a person who cares for her husband out of obligation.Jimmy is afraid that Alison would leave him when he would be in the phase of needing help. Here is not the main concern whether they love each other or not, its just about their loyalty (especially Alisons) toward each other. There is a part from the book that supports this statement – when Alison tells Jimmy she is going to church and Jimmys reaction that follows. He feels that Helena and Alison are joining up against him and takes this as a betrayal. And another betrayal take spart in the book Even her father blames Alison for writing to her family when knowing how they feel about Jimmy. It was a betrayal. And not only the loyalty is important. Jimmy also hates apathy of people and I found some kind of association with his fathers dying again. In one of his monologues he tells that he was the only who really cared about his father – who really loved him. He was the only one that had to fight his tears in front of father – all the others were apathetic. He never found his mom really concerned about her husband and Jimmy probably realized that their relationship wasnt based on love. His mothers lack of love also played an important role in shaping his adult personality and causing his great difficulty in accepting and getting along with women. He is not mature even though he is well educated middle-class man. He simply isnt capable of love. One of the reasons for marriage with Alison was the battle that he fought with Alisons parents (again the most important role in this war took a woman). And since he won the battle he doesnt know how to go on because his expectations of marriage are kind of not real. Another problem is that Jimmy takes love as possession and maybe thats because love is such an important value for him – he suffered the lack of maternal love and he wants to keep sbs love as a treasure. He is extremely jealous of Cliff and Helena, believing love is competition (â€Å"You’re determined to win her, aren’t you?†). He also connects love with pain: â€Å"They all want to escape from the pain of being alive. And, most of all, love. /†¦/ It’s no good to fool yourself about love. /†¦/ And if you can’t bear the thought of messing up your nice, clean soul, you’d better give up the whole idea of life, and become a saint.†Jimmy as a nobody desperately needed someone to love him. He confirmed that with the words â€Å"I may be a lost cause, but I thought if you loved me, it needn’t matter.†However, he did not know how to give or accept love, which prevented him from being happy. As I already mentioned, Jimmy is immature. The problem is that Alison is immature too. The only thing that is functional in their marriage is their game of squirrels and bears. It’s a way of escaping from reality, freely playing without common sense and responsibility. And that is not love. It’s just unreasonable passion, without any obligations. Something that Jimmy does well. Research Papers on Jimmy's Childhood and The Consequences - Psychology EssayPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayWhere Wild and West MeetMind TravelThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseThree Concepts of Psychodynamic
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Best Of The Best Top Advice From 10 Marketing Experts
Best Of The Best Top Advice From 10 Marketing Experts Our favorite thing about hosting the Actionable Marketing Podcast is picking the brains of marketing heroes. So, we’re absolutely blown away by the amazing marketers we’ve gotten to learn from over the past two years. To our listeners, you’re the reason we do this. It’s all about bringing the best of the best to you. To celebrate the 100th episode of AMP, here are some of our favorite guests, takeaways, and thoughts from more than 60 hours of marketing gold! Some of the highlights of the show include: Janna Maron: No more frustration by banking content and scheduling it to auto publish; publish less, but at higher quality Michael Brenner: The most compelling way to guide everything you do as a marketer what’s in it for the customer, colleague, and company? Brian Clark: His biggest marketing mistake was the curse of knowledge a cognitive bias where you assume the audience knows certain things you know Noah Kagan: Helped Mint scale to its first 100,000 users in less than a year; what’s your goal and timeline? Andrea Fryrear: Marketers are asked to do new projects all the time, but prioritize and simplify backlog of projects to be successful; plan your work, work your plan Joanna Wiebe: Describes how to go deeper than Calls To Action and into Calls To Value; clearly articulate the ultra-specific value on the other side of a click Tim Soulo: You should write 2,000+ word articles to rank in search engines, but people don’t want to read they want answers to questions to solve problems Nir Eyal: Psychology of habit formation and how marketers can capitalize on it; every product you use is to modulate your mood and alleviate pain Jeff Goins: Four qualities in best-performing posts piece is well written, contains a compelling promise, keeps that promise, and wows reader with value Rand Fishkin: Remarkable customer research determines TRUE influencer status and who to partner with for co-promotion; share what audience values If you enjoy AMP, write a review on iTunes and send a screenshot of it to be entered into a drawing to win the 100th episode giveaway, which includes a $100 swag package, bundle of three marketing books, and $50 Amazon gift card! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Links: How To Create A Bank Of Content (And Plan Ahead) With Janna Maron From Smart Passive Income 3 Questions To Guide Your Marketing Program With Michael Brenner From Marketing Insider Group Copyblogger’s Best Advice On How To Scale To 8 Figures With Brian Clark From Copyblogger How To Grow From 0 to 1 Million Customers With Noah Kagan From SumoMe and OkDork How To Use Agile Project Management To Organize Your Marketing With Andrea Fryrear From AgileSherpas How To Use Conversion Psychology To Get Better Results With Joanna Wiebe From Copyhackers How To Get Your Content To Rank #1 On Google With Tim Soulo Of Ahrefs How To Use The Psychology Of Habit Formation To Be A Better Marketer With Best-Selling Author Nir Eyal How To Use A Scorecard To Create More Effective Content With Jeff Goins From Goins, Writer How To Do Remarkable Customer Research With Rand Fishkin From SparkToro Quotes: â€Å"Imagine no more frustration. No more fire drills. And tons of opportunity to plan ahead and shift future projects around easily.†Janna Maron â€Å"What’s in it for the customer, the colleague, and the company can really get you to a point where you’re going to end up not doing things that don’t work and serve your customers.†Michael Brenner â€Å"You have to find a way to stand out. Theres more than just the amount of value in the content. Theres your voice, the way you connect with the audience, all of that is important.†Brian Clark â€Å"Really limiting our work and focusing in is the only way we’re gonna get to the point of doing really good, high-quality work that’s focused on the audience.†Andrea Fryrear â€Å"It’s not about length it’s about delivering the value and persuading the people that you can solve their problem in as less words as possible.†Tim Soulo
Monday, November 4, 2019
Thesis Statement and Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Thesis Statement and Outline - Essay Example b) Killing is inhuman and all of us should get together to persuade our leaders to completely ban war. Instead of fighting amongst themselves, soldiers of different countries should get together to fight terrorism. c) Sometimes they are made slaves by the army of the other country. They are treated just like the way hostages are treated by terrorists. This is a heavy price they have to pay in order to be loyal to their countrymen. So war should be banned in order to stop crimes against humanity. Conclusion: It is a torture to live in this world where either through media or direct experience we witness several crimes against humanity regularly. Today children are growing in this atmosphere and getting transformed into adults with lesser feelings and sympathy. This is not their fault. Some of the crimes have become so common, that they have started looking normal, especially to the impressionable minds. Therefore to build a healthy society and to stop its members from becoming immune to the crimes against humanity let's pledge to turn this world into a better place or in other words lets pledge to stop crimes against humanity.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Contract of Service or Contract of Employment Research Paper
Contract of Service or Contract of Employment - Research Paper Example In another recent case namely Express and Echo Publications Ltd v. Tanton (1999), the Court of Appeal held that if a person is not required to work personally, he was not an employee. In yet another case of 2001, MacFarlane v Glasgow City Council (2001), the Employment Appeals Tribunal distinguished the above Tanton case. The Glasgow City Council had engaged gymnast trainers at the various centres of the council. If a trainer was unable to take a class, she could substitute herself by another gymnast who was on the approved list of coaches maintained by the council. The substitutes were paid by the council and not the gymnast trainer. In Tanton case, the substitute could be from outside and he was paid by the individual and not the employer. Thus he was not expected to turn up for work and could send a substitute for a lesser price and make a profit out of it. He himself became the master. In an earlier case of O’Kelly v Trusthouse Forte Plc (1983), regular casuals were held t o be not employees since there was no mutuality of obligation and they were only kept as standby. Although the court of Appeal tried to give a finding that they were employees, since they had no business of their own, that the employer had effective control over the casual workers, that there were discipline and grievance procedures, that they should take permission to take off from rostered duties, the fact that they were self-employed, revealed that there was no mutuality of obligation i.e the workers did not have the right to claim work if not offered nor they were under obligation to accept work if offered with work.
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