Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Nutrition And Needs For Pets Essay - 2421 Words
Nutrition Role and Needs for Pets Most communities in the United States do not have an exact data on the numbers of pet owned in each household, but the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), estimate that 144 to176 million pets are owned in the United States.1 There are various requirements and needs to consider when bringing a pet home, for instance, if the house is pet-friendly, the time it takes to train your pet, spaying and neutering, cleaning, taking them to the vet, and importantly and one the most neglected is their nutrition. Nutrition plays a key role in the prevention of many chronic diseases, improving the quality of life, and increasing life expectative of our pets. Therefore, it is important for owners to understand the role and needs of nutrition for their pets. The most common nutrition disorder in companion pets encounters by veterinarians is obesity.2-3 Obesity is estimated to affect approximately 25% to 44% of dogs and cats in Western countries.2 Obesity is defined as an accumulation and the excess of adipose tissue in the body, and it develops when energy intake exceeds daily energy expenditure as well as environmental and social factors.1 Genetic factors such as breed and physiologic factors such as neutering have been associated with increasing the risk of obesity.2-3 Neutered or spaying has the highest prevalence of overweight and obesity compare to intact pets that had the lowest prevalence of overweight and obesity by a difference of 10%.4Show MoreRelatedIams understands people who love pets827 Words  | 4 Pagestheir need is high, thus, they will actively seek to satisfy that need. This will result in the consumer deciding to buy the product. Iams need to successfully leverage the consumer’s needs which will in turn motivate consumers to buy their pet products. Example, Iams understand that many pet owners treat t heir pets as family members and want to provide their pets with high quality products. Thus, in order to motivate consumers to buy their products, Iams has focused primarily on pet nutrition to makeRead MorePersuasive Essay About Pet Food1632 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen happening in the pet food industry for centuries. The pet food industry has been fooling us for years. The pet food industry is something that is overlooked on and due to this, the industry is not as tightly regulated than it should be. The pet food industry needs to be more strictly regulated because what we are feeding to our pets now are doing more harm than good. The leniency of the FDA towards pet food is leading to the slow, unknowingly, deterioration of our pets. Further research is nowRead MorePet Food As A Multibillion Dollar Industry1572 Words  | 7 Pagesmore. Since many Americans own dogs or cats it bodes well for the growth of various pet foods in the past decades. In 2013 American’s spent 21.5 7 billion dollars on just pet food (CBS News, 2014, para. 3). Pet owners choose the food they feed their companion animal for a variety of reasons which may include affordability, the nutritional value, if the animal has allergens, the age, and more. Considering that pet food is a multibillion-dollar industry there are a multitude of brands, types, and numerousRead MoreAvail low priced and high quality Pet Food Products and Accessories. About Us We, Leepet, carry a600 Words  | 3 Pagesand high quality Pet Food Products and Accessories. About Us We, Leepet, carry a huge collection of pet food and supplies that are keeping almost all pets active, healthy and happy. We are specialize in providing best nutrition to dogs and cats with our superior range that comprises Pet Food, Kobbobs, Chopsticks, Bones, Biscuits, etc. The customers will also find Other Essential Accessories in our stores such as Soap, Shampoo, Bowl, etc. Basically, all the supplies needed for pet is available inRead MoreAnimal Food Products For The United States1735 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States, which means that between 37-47 percent of all American households have canine companions. Many of pet owners consider their dogs members of their families and treat them accordingly. Therefore, dog owners choose carefully from a large selection of pet foods avaliable on. However, it is not always easy to recognize harmful ingredients in the food packages. With that many pets in the U.S some well-known companies that manufacture food for our four-legged companion s use cheap and harmfulRead MoreLesson 7 Review Questions On Nutrition852 Words  | 4 Pagesyour pet’s diet? A substance or ingredient that is nutritive. It is something that helps with metabolism and must be taken from the environment. There have been two organizations that have been determined to help develop the right amount for your pet. They are known as the National Research Council and Association of American Feed Control. Additionally, there are requirements and guidelines for one to follow that ensure the right amount is being given. The best requirement is known as adequate intakeRead MoreEssay On Dog1127 Words  | 5 PagesAre Your Dogs Nutritional Needs Being Met? According to Gallup, (-- removed HTML --) 44 percent (-- removed HTML --) of American households contain at least one dog. These loyal, four-legged pets may be mans best friend, but are we taking proper care of them? For example, have you ever stopped to consider the ingredients in their food? Humans who regularly ingest poor quality ingredients are much (-- removed HTML --) more susceptible to health issues (-- removed HTML --) such as diabetesRead MoreBecoming a Veterinarian1071 Words  | 5 Pagesto want to become a veterinarian. A veterinarian â€Å"is a person who is trained to give medical care and treatment to animals: an animal doctor†(Merriam-Webster). I can find no better career path for me then helping animals that are injured/in need of medical attention. If you weren’t aware, there are five main veterinarian jobs; livestock, companion, exotic, mixed, and lab animals. My interest lies only between two of the five jobs: livestock and companion. Knowing the differencesRead MoreCase Analysis : Shawn Buckley And Rudy Poe ( Partner ) Open Justfoodfordogs ( Jffd )1155 Words  | 5 Pagesfor the two founders focused on the need to promote the desired pet nutrition as the core of the marketing tool, thus, the platform to position the firm as a dog nutrition expert. From this perspective, the institution focused on the establishment of the brand as the source for the learning through the integration of the library of information to the consumers through quick tips, articles, and videos (Rapier 3). The information sought to highlight the dog nutrition, serving sizes, diet transition, ingredientRead MoreNestle s Objectives Of Nutrition Health And Wellness, And The Industry Reference For Financial Performance Essay935 Words  | 4 Pagesbe the leader in Nutrition Health and Wellness, and the industry reference for financial performance, trusted by all stakeholders 3. Strategies †¢ Creating Shared Value – Identify what the consumers want and how they want them. Use innovative and sustainable ways to deliver them. Keep consumers excited about the brands by releasing new products and renewing old products. Enhance the quality of consumers’ lives with tasty, healthy choice. Respond to specific nutritional needs and pioneer ways
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Concept of Personal Identity - 707 Words
Personal Identity in philosophy refers to a person’s self-perception, ones belief about who they are and how they differ form others. Locke and Hume both share their ideas about Personal identity and although they might both drastically differ they are still both puzzling. Locke’s theory on personal identity has to do with what make a person the same person over time, and to Locke remaining the same person doesn’t necessarily mean remaining the same physically. â€Å"For, since consciousness always accompanies thinking, and it is that which makes every one to be what he calls self, and thereby distinguishes himself from all other thinking things, in this alone consists personal identity†(53). He believes that personal identity and consciousness go hand in hand, he thinks personal identity is conceived through ones awareness of current thoughts and actions. You are who you are because of your thoughts and memories. Locke believes that the only accommodation that should be encountered in order for a person to still have their identity is the awareness of past experiences. They must be able to remember there past experiences in order for them to preserve their identity. Locke discusses the possibility of two forms having the same cons ciousness. He claims that these two forms, because they have the same memories, experiences, and consciousness must be the same person. Locke’s is trying to tell us that a person can indeed inhabit two different men. An objection to Locke’s viewShow MoreRelatedThe Concept Of A Personal Identity1366 Words  | 6 PagesThe concept of a personal identity develops as we grow. In this way, our identity shifts and changes because as we grow, we change. This evolution brings up the question of what makes up our personal identity. Is our identity qualitative in the sense that if we look the same as we did yesterday, we are the same? That theory has some overt problems in that twins, for example, may look identical, but they are not in fact the same person. Personal identity can be considered numerical in that we areRead MoreThe Concept Of Personal Identity1183 Words  | 5 PagesIdentity is very complex, everyone has a different definition and a different idea of what identity is. When one talks about personal identity they are usually talking about how they identify themselves and how they feel as a person. Madan Sarup (1996) talks about identity by using the example of a passport. A passpo rt may include a photograph of the person as well as other details including nationality, a persons full name and date-of-birth. While a passport is a form of identity it does not expressRead MoreJohn Locke s Argument For Personal Identity Essay1547 Words  | 7 Pagespurpose of this essay is to define what Personal Identity is by analyzing John Locke’s argument for Personal Identity. John Locke’s argument for Personal Identity will be examined, in order to establish a better understanding of whether or not the argument for personal identity could be embraced. In order to do so, the essay will i) State and explain Locke’s argument that we are not substances or mere souls and ii) State and explain Locke’s concept of personal identity and its relations to what he callsRead MoreThe Importance Of The Personal Development For Citizenship Education1220 Words  | 5 PagesThe Importance of the Personal Development Purpose to Citizenship Education I believe there is an immense responsibility on a Social Studies teacher to develop good and responsible students who value their identity and citizenship. The Alberta Social Studies curriculum emphasizes that, â€Å"the dynamic relationship between citizenship and identity forms the basis for skills and learning outcomes in the program of studies†(Alberta Education 2005, p. 3). How a teacher chooses to explore the relationshipRead MoreThe Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx854 Words  | 3 Pagesmust incorporate certain concepts in order to better understand his condition. In this essay I will explore concepts such as empathy, self responsibility and personal identity as identified in Identity and Agency: Conceptual Lessons for the Psychiatric Ethics of Patient Care as well as the concepts of detached and affective blame brought forth by Hannah Pickard in Responsibility Without Blame: Philosophical Reflections on Clinical Practice. Through exploration of these concepts I will show how they applyRead MoreThe Philosophical Question Of Personal Identity1683 Words  | 7 PagesPHIL 2300: Beginning Philosophy 07 December 2015 Who am I, and How Do I know Myself? How the Philosophers Explain this Question of Personal Identity The philosophical question of personal identity is double faced. In this essay I am going to explain those two aspects, which are: first, what unifies my mental events at any given time, in other words what makes my mental events all mine, and secondly, what unifies the mental events over time, in other words, what makes me the same person as yesterdayRead MoreSelf Identity By Anthony Giddens1653 Words  | 7 Pagessignificant concepts created by Anthony Giddens. The author bases his ideas of self-identification upon influence of the modern world and changes created by the process of globalization (Giddens, 1991). The main argument is strong. However the study seeks some further explanations of the role of identity in the social life of individuals. This essay will investigate issue of self-identity in the modern world according to Antony Giddens’s ideas. Firstly, it will be considered how the concept of self-identityRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Rich s Diving Into The Wreck 1258 Words  | 6 Pageshearing stories about a wrecked ship, decided to dive down to the fabled ship alone to see it for themselves and found it. However, reading between the lines, one may also feel that the poem is more than just an adventure for the narrator, but rather a personal journey as well. At the beginning of the poem, the narrator describes hearing about the wreck and preparing to visit it alone, descending the ladder and entering the water below. However, the narrator seems to feel apprehensive and a bit fearfulRead MorePersonal Identity - Memory Theory vs Body Theory vs Soul Theory1634 Words  | 7 PagesPersonal Identity REFERENCE: Perry, Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality. . Thesis . Identity refers to â€Å"a relation that everything has to itself and to no other thing†, and our perception of personal identity is the knowledge that we are ourselves, and who we have been – basically, that I am the same person I was last week, last year, etc. Leibniz’s Law states that if one thing (A) is identical to another (B) at one given point in time, they share the exact same properties, makingRead MoreSocial Constructionism, Identity and the Concept of Deviance Essay1409 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Constructionism, Identity and the Concept of Deviance Social constructionist use the term social construction to imply that our understanding of the world in which we live is constructed from the social interactions we have on a daily basis. In reference to identity, social constructionist theory (SCT) proposes that we as social beings actively construct our identities using social tools as the means in which to construct our identities, the foremost one being language. This particular
Saturday, December 14, 2019
FIR Filter Design Free Essays
The objective of this project is to use three different design methods to design a low-pass filter that meets specifications given, and then compare these three different methods through different parameters. In this project, seven filters should be designed using Matlab. And we compare them on worst case gain, largest tap weight coefficient, maximal passband and stopband error, magnitude frequency response, impulse response, group delay and zeros/poles location. We will write a custom essay sample on FIR Filter Design or any similar topic only for you Order Now Finally, use these filters to do filtering, and then compare their responses to the predicted one. Discussion of Results: Part 1: Window Method (a) Use fir1 function to synthesize an FIR that meets specifications using a boxcar window. Worst gain = 1.8372 Largest tap weight coefficient = 0.3694 Maximal passband error = 0.1678 Maximal stopband error = 0.0795 (b) Use Hann window to synthesize an FIR that meets specifications. Worst gain = 1.4154 Largest tap weight coefficient = 0.3496 Maximal passband error = 0.0052 Maximal stopband error = 0.2385 **Filter #1 is the unwindowed design, and Filter #2 is the windowed design. From the comparison above, we can see that the unwindowed design has a more critical passband and stopband edge, but the windowed one has a smaller maximal passband error as we expected. Also, the windowed one has a larger attenuation on stopband than the unwindowed one. The group delay responses of two designs are the same. (c) Use Kaiser window to synthesize an FIR that meets specifications Worst gain = 1.6900 Largest tap weight coefficient = 0.3500 N = 21 (which is in 20 in matlab) Maximal passband error = 0.0706 Maximal stopband error = 0.0852 ** Filter #1 is the unwindowed design, and Filter #2 is the kaiser design. From the comparison above, we can see that both designs have critical passband and stopband edges, but the kaiser one has a smaller maximal passband error as we expected. Also, the kaiser one has a smaller attenuation on stopband compare with the unwindowed one. The group delay responses of two designs are different, the Kaiser one only has 20th order, so the group delay is 10, not 11 as the unwindowed one. (d)The zeros of the three windowed designs ** Filter #1 is the â€Å"boxcar†design, and Filter #2 is the Hann design, Filter #3 is the Kaiser design. From figure above, we can see that Hann design has a zero far from unit circle, which is corresponding to the slower attenuation compared to the other two designs. The zeros of â€Å"boxcar†design are similar to the Kaiser design. Part 2: LMS Method (a) Using Matlab’s firls function to meet the original design specification. Worst gain = 1.5990 Largest tap weight coefficient = 0.3477 Maximal passband error = 0.0403 Maximal stopband error = 0.1137 ** Filter #1 is the 2(a) design, and Filter #2 is the â€Å"boxcar†design. From the comparison above, we can see that the â€Å"boxcar†design has a more critical passband and stopband edge, but the LMS one has a smaller maximal passband error as we expected. Also, the LMS one has a larger attenuation on stopband than the â€Å"boxcar†one. The group delay responses of two designs are the same. (b) Using Matlab’s fircls1 function to meet the original design specification. Worst gain = 1.6771 Largest tap weight coefficient = 0.3464 Maximal passband error = 0.0516 Maximal stopband error = 0.0782 ** Filter #1 is the 2(a) design, and Filter #2 is the 2(b) design. From the comparison above, we can see that the 2(b) design has a more critical passband and stopband edge, but the 2(a) one has a smaller maximal passband error. Also, the 2(a) one has a larger attenuation on stopband than the 2(b) one. The group delay responses of two designs are the same. (c)The zeros of the two LMS designs ** Filter #1 is the 2(a) design, and Filter #2 is the 2(b) design. From figure above, we can see that 2(b) design has a zero far from unit circle, which is corresponding to the slower attenuation compared to the other design. The zeros around the unit circle are similar to each other. Part 3: Equiripple Method (a) Using Matlab’s firgr function to meet the original design specification (uniform error weight) Worst gain = 1.6646 Largest tap weight coefficient = 0.3500 Maximal passband error = 0.0538 Maximal stopband error = 0.0538 ** Filter #1 is the 3(a) design, and Filter #2 is the â€Å"boxcar†design. From the comparison above, we can see that the â€Å"boxcar†design has a more critical passband and stopband edge, but the 3(a) one has a smaller maximal passband error. Also, the â€Å"boxcar†one has a larger attenuation on stopband than the 3(a) one. The group delay responses of two designs are the same. (b) Using Matlab’s firpm function to meet the original design specification Worst gain = 1.6639 Largest tap weight coefficient = 0.3476 Maximal passband error = 0.0638 Maximal stopband error = 0.0594 ** Filter #1 is the 3(a) design, and Filter #2 is the 3(b) design. From the comparison above, we can see that the 3(b) design has a more critical passband and stopband edge. And the stopband error is 0.0488 (which is consistent with 0.0538*(1-20%)=0.04304), the passband error is 0.0639 (which is consistent with 0.0538/(1-20%)=0.06725). The group delay responses of two designs are the same. (c) The zeros of the two equiripple designs ** Filter #1 is the 3(a) design, and Filter #2 is the 3(b) design. From figure above, we can see that 3(a) design has a zero far from unit circle, which is corresponding to the slower attenuation compared to the other design (almost no attenuation on the figure shown ). There is only one zero stays outside the unit circle for 3(b) design, which is the minimum phase design. Part 4: Testing (a)Table the features for the 7 designed FIRs: Features Filter #1 Filter #2 Filter #3 Filter #4 Filter #5 Filter #6 Filter #7 Maximum gain 1.8372 1.4154 1.6900 1.5990 1.6771 1.6646 1.6639 Maximum passband linear 0.1678 0.0052 0.0706 0.0403 0.0516 0.0538 0.0638 Maximum passband error(dB) -15.5052 -45.7568 -23.0266 -27.8855 -25.7472 -25.3838 -23.9007 Maximum stopband linear 0.0795 0.2385 0.0852 0.1137 0.0782 0.0538 0.0594 Maximum stopband error(dB) -21.9886 -12.4495 -21.3913 -18.8858 -22.1339 -25.3838 -24.5274 Group delay 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 Largest tap weight coefficient 0.3694 0.3496 0.3500 0.3477 0.3464 0.3500 0.3476 (b) From the figure followed, we can figure out that the group delay is 22-11=11 samples regardless of the input frequency. (c) Compare the original, mirror, and complement FIR’s impulse, magnitude frequency, and group delay response **Filter #1 is the original filter, Filter #2 is the mirror filter, and Filter #3 is the complement filter. (d) Maximal output is 1.8372, which equals to the worst gain prediction of this filter. Part 5: Run-time Architecture (a) N = 8, M=1; N = 12, M=1; N = 16, M=1; Round off error N=8 N=12 N=16 From the comparison above, we can see clearly that as the value of N increases, the round-off error decreases. Bits of precision is N-1-1=N-2 (b) Choose two 12-bit address space which has memory cycle time of 12 ns, so the maximum run-time filter speed is 1/ (12ns/cycle*16 bits) =1/ (192 ns/filter cycle) =5.21*106 filter cycles/sec Part 6: Experimentation (a) The maximal of the output time-series is 1.1341. It is reasonable, because it is smaller than the worst case gain which is 1.8372. So this agrees with the predicted filter response. (b) The â€Å"chirp†function makes a short, high-pitched sound, and it sounds four times, which is corresponding to the 4*fs. When all the .wav files are played, we can hear obviously that the frequency of output sound is much lower than the frequency of input sound, which means that the filter did filter high-frequency components out. From the figure above, we can see the high-frequency components are gone, which agrees with the predicted filter response, a low-pass filter. Summary: Through this project, the detailed processes of designing a filter by three different methods have been understood. And we know more about all the parameters which would affect properties of the filters, and how to use different methods to design them and make best trade-off between each other. How to cite FIR Filter Design, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
eCommerce Questions free essay sample
The judge ordered that the agreement be terminated and denied both companies’ claims for monetary damages. Amazon. com appealed the ruling. In 2009, an appellate court affirmed the lower court ruling but reversed the ruling on damages, which had awarded Toys R Us $93 million plus interest. In June 2009, the two companies finally agreed in an out of court settlement that Amazon. com would pay damages of $51 million. Use your favorite search engine and the links in the Online Companion for Case C1 to review the courts’ findings and rulings. Prepare a report of about 200 words in which you summarize each company’s arguments and the rationale given by the judges for their decisions. Conclude the report by stating what you believe the outcome of the dispute should have been and why. 2. Outline the advantages and disadvantages that Amazon. com would have considered before it made the agreement with Toys R Us to limit competing toy sales. We will write a custom essay sample on eCommerce Questions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In about 200 words, summarize these advantages and disadvantages, then evaluate Amazon. com’s decision to enter such an agreement. 3. In about 200 words, outline specific recommendations you would have made to Amazon. com in 2004 for negotiating a settlement with Toys R Us that would have benefited both companies and avoided litigation. 4. In 2009, Amazon. com purchased Zappos, a highly successful shoe retailer that was started in 1999. Many industry observers believe that the design and layout of the Zappos Web site has been an important element in the company’s success. Visit the Zappos site and compare its layout and operation to the Amazon. com site. Determine whether Amazon. om should fold Zappos into its Web site or keep it operating in its current form. State and justify your position in the form of a memo to Amazon. com top management of about 300 words. CASE STUDY 2 1. Use the links in the Online Companion for this chapter, your favorite search engine, and resources in your library to learn more about Covad and identify some of its current competitors. Choose two of the competitors you have identifi ed and, in about 400 words, present a comparison of their VoIP service offerings with those of Covad. 2. Use your favorite search engine and resources in your library to learn more about Covad’s wireless Internet access business and its current competitors in that market. Choose two of the competitors you have identified and, in about 400 words, present a comparison of their business wireless Internet access offerings with those of Covad. CASE STUDY 3 1. Prepare a report in which you analyze the marketing channel conflicts and cannibalization issues that Lonely Planet faces as it is currently operating. Suggest solutions that might reduce the revenue losses or operational frictions that result from these issues. . Prepare a list of new products or services that Lonely Planet might introduce to take advantage of Internet technologies (including wireless technologies for mobile devices) and address customers’ concerns about the timeliness and currency of information in the printed travel guides. Briefly describe any problems that Lonely Planet will face as it introduces thes e new products. 3. Many loyal Lonely Planet customers carry their travel guides (which can be several hundred pages thick) with them as they travel around the world. In many cases, these customers do not use large portions of the travel guides. Also, Internet access can be a problem for many of these customers while they are traveling. Describe a product (or products) that might address this customer concern and also yield additional revenue for Lonely Planet. Your answer here could build on ideas that you developed in your solution to part Oxfam chose not to use online banner ads this campaign. In about 100 words, explain the advantages and disadvantages that Oxfam would have experienced by using banner ads to achieve the objectives of this campaign. 2. Oxfam used only its existing e-mail list for this campaign; it did not purchase (or borrow from other charitable organizations) any additional e-mail addresses. Evaluate this decision. In about 300 words explain the advantages and disadvantages of acquiring other e-mail addresses for a campaign of this nature. 3. For this campaign, Oxfam chose to use e-mails that contained HTML, audio, and video elements rather than using plain-text e-mails. In about 100 words, describe the advantages and disadvantages of using formats other than plain-text in this type of e-mail campaign. Be sure to identify any specific trade-offs that Oxfam faced in deciding not to use plain-text e-mail. 4. Oxfam used HTML in the first e-mail, video in the second, and audio in the third. Evaluate the use of different e-mail formats for this type of message and consider the sequencing of the formats that Oxfam used in this campaign. In about 300 words, summarize the considerations that would affect a decision to use a particular sequence of e-mail formats in a campaign such as this and evaluate the sequence that Oxfam used. 5. A manager at Oxfam might be tempted to conclude that the sequence of formats used in the e-mail messages was related to the increase in donations over the six weeks of the campaign. In about 100 words, present at least two reasons why this would be an incorrect conclusion. CASE STUDY 5 1. Become familiar with RFID technology and its potential uses in Harley-Davidson’s supply chain using the information presented in this chapter and information you obtain through the Online Companion links, your favorite search engine, and your library. In about 400 words, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages for Harley-Davidson of replacing its bar codes and scanners technology with RFID. 2. Compare and contrast the issues that Wal-Mart and other large retailers faced when they tried to implement RFID in their supply chains with those that Harley-Davidson will likely face as it moves into RFID implementations with its suppliers and customers. 3. Develop and present a timetable for the adoption of RFID technology with specific recommendations on where Harley-Davidson should first implement it. For example, RFID tags could be installed in motorcycles as they leave final assembly, in various parts before they are shipped from suppliers, or in subassemblies as they are created at various Harley-Davidson manufacturing operations. Justify the time delays you propose in the adoption of RFID at each stage of the supply chain.
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