Friday, January 24, 2020
The Unreality of MTVs The Real World Essay -- Media Television MTV Re
The Unreality of MTV's The Real World      â€Å"This is the true story, of seven strangers, picked to live in a house, and have their lives taped, to find out what happens when people stop being polite, and start getting real†(MTV). This marks the beginning of MTV’s reality show, The Real World. The show takes 7 strangers, puts them in a trendy luxurious home, taping them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for about 4 months. The cameras capture petty arguments, late night hook ups, and pure laziness. How could this not be real? There are not many people that can live in an expensive home while laying around all day, and partying all night with little work involved. The Real World is a display of 18-24 year olds, typecasted to have their most extreme stereotypical qualities blown out of proportion for the world to see.      The Real World gives the viewer a false outlook on life. Sure there are a select few that have the opportunity to live lavishly with little to no responsibilities, but that is a small percentage. The show depicts the cast lounging around in their up scale home all day, then going out to amazing night clubs drinking enormous amounts of alcohol through out the night. Many of the cast members wake up in the afternoon hours only to repeat this process. In reality the world does not work like this. Many people have to work one to three jobs just to get by leaving no room for lounging and bar hopping.      The show is geared towards teens and college students, filling their heads with false outlooks on life. Not only does it depict laziness, it is a good display of immoral behavior.â€Å"Advertising and movies send kids the message that smoking and drinking make a person sexy or cool and that everyone does it†(AAP). In almost every episode there are hook ups, or confessions of wanting to sleep with a roommate. The show puts all 18-24 year olds in the â€Å"party†category, even though not everyone is like that. Stereotypically, young adults are supposed to be lazy, party animals unsure about their future. I feel there are many more young adults taking the academic route, trying to make a good future for themselves.     The majority of The Real World cast members are put into a mold. The producers will not admit doing this, but the cast members turn into characters throughout the show. If you look at past seasons there is always the gay person, ethn... How real can you get when you are not even seeing their whole stay. Many of the episodes are different scenes just blended together, you could be watching a scene from the first two weeks of their stay along with one from the last two weeks of their stay and not even know it.      The Real World is not a good learning tool unless you are wanting to know how to stereotype people. This show will fill your head false preconceptions of a group of individuals. There are already enough discriminatory problems in the world today, why make it worse? If you want to know how to be lazy all day and party all night, watch The Real World. If you want to fill your head with false hopes and dreams of living in luxury with out working a real job, watch The Real World. Do you want your children thinking it is ok to party or hook up with random people? The Real World needs to start putting real people on their shows and stop creating characters based on how society views a group of people. Works Cited Berkowitz, Carol. American Academy of Pediatrics: Dedicated to the Health of all Children.      American Academy of Pediatrics. 8 Dec. 2004 MTV Networks. The Real World. 8 Dec. 2004
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Media and Foreign Policy
POLITICAL SCIENCES| MEDIA AND FOREIGN POLICY| SUBMITTED TO | MR. IJAZ BUTT| SUBMITTED BY| AYESHA SADDIQUE (01)| SADIA ABBAS (29) MISHA ZAIDI (12) INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES PUBJAB UNIVERSITY LAHORE | B. S (HONS. ) 3RD SEMESTER (MORNING) FOREIGN POLICY AND MEDIA DEFINITION OF FOREIGN POLICY Foreign Policy can be defined as â€Å"Relations between sovereign states. It is a reflection of domestic politics and an interaction among sovereign states.It indicates the principles and preferences on which a country wants to establish relations with another country. †WHY IT IS NECESSORY FOR A COUNTERY? No country today can think of a life independent of other nations. Every country has to develop relations with other countries so as to meet its requirements in economical, industrial and technological fields. It is thus necessary for every country to formulate a sound foreign policy. Foreign policy is necessary for a country to * Promote sovereignty & national interest Cope up th e problems of environment, Terrorism and many others. * Solve the issues of poverty, underemployment, and Unemployment * Strengthen territorial & security integrity of country * Get International resources for countries domestic socio- economic context such as trading. DETERMINANTS OF THE FOREIGN POLICY The following are the determinants of the foreign policy of Pakistan:- Administrative Troika Administrative Troika comprises the President of Pakistan, The Prime Minister rand Chief of Army Staff. It plays very important role in formulating foreign policyIt can approve or disapprove the foreign policy of Pakistan President Or can make any change in it. However, it is very difficult to deviate from the previous foreign commitments made by Troika. Chief of prime Army staff minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs The ministry can play very important role in formulating the foreign policy. It comprises the specialists and experts of foreign policy and the bureaucrats of high lev el. They prepare foreign policy, keeping in view the basic objectives and principles of the policy.They formulate the policy, plans and programs regarding the priorities of foreign policy, and fully cooperate with Troika for its preparation. In accordance with new constitutional amendment, the Troika has been replaced by the National Security Council. Intelligence Agencies Pakistan’s intelligence agencies also play very effective role in the formulation of foreign policy by providing full information about the objectives of other countries foreign policies. Keeping in view these in formations, Pakistan formulates its foreign policy. Political Parties and Pressure Groups Related essay: â€Å"Disadvantages of Foreign Workers in Malaysia†The political parties and pressure groups have deep impacts on the formulation of foreign policy. The political parties include the priorities of foreign policy in their manifestoes, and after their success in the election, they force the government to change the priorities of foreign policy according to the changing scenario in the light of their view points. Likewise the pressure groups can also influence the foreign policy. Parliament The Ministry of Foreign Affairs usually prepares the foreign policy according to the directions of executive and puts it before the Parliament for approval.After discussion and debate the parliament gives approval to it or suggests some FOREIGN POLICY AND ROLE OF MEDIA: Recent events in world have intensified speculations about the role of traditional mass media as well as communication technologies in shaping political events and cultures across the world†¦ Media do not necessarily influence policymakers directly, but may work through public opinion by shaping what people know and believe about foreign politics. Public opinion, embodied in predominant political views or in election results, can have considerable influence on policymakers that need approval from the electorate.Influence of media on foreign policy Accelerant to positive action * Political decision-making process in the light of a new or ongoing issue * Speeds the parliamentary process and deployment process of an already mandated issue Impediment to positive action * Where coverage of an incident will degrade public will and support for an ongoing operation or diplomatic initiative * Slows the parliamentary process and deployment process of an already mandated issue * As a threat to operational and national security Agenda Setting Agency Raises an unknown issue to a position where it produces political pressure for action According to the researchers: Mody represents a strongly n ormative perspective, arguing that an informed citizenry is necessary, although not sufficient, for preventing conflict and humanitarian crises. In her argument, media influence foreign policy by putting issues on the public agenda and by framing them in a way that catches the attention – and sympathy – of a large audience, which then demands action from their elected representatives.Philip Seib from the University of Southern California discusses â€Å"new†media, in particular satellite television and the Internet. Seib posits that the media are indeed able to change the status quo of foreign policy by shaping international and domestic public opinion. Seib’s main idea is the â€Å"virtual state:†disperse communities achieve an unprecedented cohesion that puts them on the political map internationally. Satellite media and the Internet foster â€Å"virtual sovereignty†by cultivating a shared identity among disperse members of ethnic or re ligious communities.This is relevant for foreign policy because virtual states can affect the stability of traditional states and regions. Media can also alleviate tensions and conflict by providing new perspectives to an unprecedentedly large audience. Seib recommends that, if policymakers want to take advantage of the media’s power to create communities, cooperation is a better approach than competition, and international media, such as Voice of America and Deutsche Welle, become relevant tools of foreign politics.PAKISTAN FOREIGN POLICY: Pakistan is the second largest Muslim country in terms of percentage of population (after Indonesia), and its status as a declared nuclear power, being the only Islamic nation to have that status, plays a part in its international role. Pakistan has a fierce independent foreign policy, especially when it comes to issues such as development of nuclear weapons, construction of nuclear reactors, foreign military purchases and o ther issues that are vital to its national interests.Pakistan has a strategic geo-political location at the corridor of world major maritime oil supply lines, and has close proximity to the resource and oil rich central Asian countries. Pakistan is an important member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a major non-NATO ally of the war against terrorism, and has a highly disciplined military, which is the world's eighth-largest standing military force. Basic Goals of Pakistan's Foreign Policy * Maintenance of territorial integrity. Maintenance of its political independence. * Acceleration of social and economic development. * Strengthening its place on the globe. * Keeping cordial and friendly relations with all countries. ROLE OF MEDIA IN PAKISTAN FOREIGN POLICY Pakistan has developed a vibrant and free-wheeling media in the last decade . Yet Pakistani journalists continue to face pressure both from the authorities and militant groups when reporting on terrorism and its impact on the country and this effect its foreign policy.Senior Journalist, Zahid Husain spoke on ‘Pakistani media and its impact on foreign policy. ’ He was of the view that Pakistani media is much more candid, opaque and vocal regarding foreign policy. One of the major problems of print media, he said, is its division in English and Urdu. English newspapers cover issues related to foreign and security policy while there are hardly any such issues available in Urdu newspapers. This dichotomy is an underlying reason of our conflicts over various issues and inability to reach consensus.What should be the role of Pakistani media * Play role from watch dog to defender * Awake the people in a right way * Provide authentic and sincere information to people * Impartially shape public opinion CONCLUSION: So all of this proves that Pakistan media is just playing the role of watch dog in the formation of Pakistan’s foreign policy. it needs to much mor e mature. in order to make a perfect policy Pakistan media have to play its real role of awaking the people. Above discussion posit that the media shape foreign policy by shaping public opinion.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Organizational Behavior - 1653 Words
| Management of Innovation: TransAct Insurance Corporation Case Study | Prepared for: MGT1000-Term Assignment Submitted: 28 September 2011 Prepared by: 1. Introduction: TransAct Insurance Corporation Case Study â€Å"Change is the only constant said Heraclitus, Greek philosopher†(Change Management Training, 2011). This is main challenge that every business faces when they become aware of the need for improvement. TransAct Insurance Corporation (TIC) provides automobile insurance throughout United States of America. Last year a new president was brought in by TIC S Board of Directors to improve the company’s competitiveness and customer service. After spending several months assessing the†¦show more content†¦Many models of change by countless experts on change management. One that showed signs of success over others has these steps in mind. The model helps organization start the change process. They feel nervous as to where to start and the commitment of it. This approach strays away from the traditional approach found in many textbooks, however it fits Jim Leon’s situation. The first step is of the change model, is to create urgency. Everyone in the organiza tion needs to know that it is important and seriously needed for change and innovation. At least seventy five percent the management needs to buy into the need for change. Most of the time and energy is spent creating urgency within the organization before moving on to step number two. Tips for management are too not panic and try to create urgency to fast. If they do, it will create many problems for them (Change Management Training, 2011). Jim Leon’s first action was to assess the situation. He quickly found out that it was held in an authoritarian manner and that motivation among the employees was very low. Among the complaints were high isolation of the members of the organization and that they had high workloads. He found these matters to be most urgent and called for action. Step two is about forming a powerful coalition. It is important to gain support to implement change. Coalition or teams of influential people are needed for change. The leader needs to buildShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Citizenship Behavior4841 Words  | 20 PagesTable of contents: Page # 1. Literature Review 1 1.1. What are Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) 1 1.2. OCB and its link with Organization 3 1.3. How OCB’s are exhibited by employees 4 1.4. Importance of OCB 5 1.5. Effect of OCB on employees 6 2. Introduction to Organization 6 2.1. Allied Bank Limited 7 2.2. Meezan Bank Limited 7 2.3. First Women’s Bank 7 2.4. MCB 7 3. 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